It shouldn't be quite that dramatic... but none the less... Tis true
A short story... IF you will
The first thing you must know leading into this epic drama is that I am a carnivore... Love me some meat... almost any will do, though i will not
eat baby animals... veal is out of the question, though i will eat lamb reluctantly... it seems my hypocrisy knows no bounds
In the past i've had no qualms with with how said meat is cooked... as long as its cooked... i don't eat rare meat. Yes.. i prefer that my food
will not attempt to jump off my plate and run down the hall... or even bite me back.
Many people prefer their steak rare for obvious reasons, its far more tender and juicy... but to each their own... i would rather my food not have a
heart beat.
Pan fry or BBQ... never mattered in the least... it always tasted good... i mean its steak right?
Last night i had me a beautiful T-bone steak... cooked to perfection, or at least thats what i thought... must have been on the BBQ for 20 mins or
so... apparently it was thicker and a lot less fatty then i thought.
SO i take it off the grill, and sit down to enjoy my meal... T-bone steak with boiled potatoes and fresh green beans
I slice into it and find that its still kickin... very red for my liking... Now i can deal with a bit of pink, but this was too much...
still tasted fantastic but im pretty sure it yelped when i stuck my fork in...
No problems... back on the BBQ it goes, except two seconds in, wouldn't you know i run out of propane...
so... me being perfectly brilliant... decided to toss it into the pan for a few minutes
Now in the past me and my mother have always bickered about pan fried steak Vs BBQ... she wouldn't ever touch a pan fried steak, while i never had
an issue with it... Apparently the old adage remains true... Mom always knows best
my first bite almost made me sick... WTF happened to my steak!!!
I would have rather eaten it in its previous half raw state then this piece of crap on my plate!
Good thing theres a dog next door, though somehow i'd bet the dog had to think twice before she chowed
Afterwords, thinking back i realised the fat in BBQ'd meat drips into the flames, while pan fried steak cooks in its own fat
Going forward... i will never touch a pan fried steak again
Holy crap that was so disgusting