posted on Sep, 8 2017 @ 05:32 PM
I don't want to write walls of text. I just want to get straight to the point of my experiences:
- I have military background in my family. Father did 20 yrs in the Navy, a few years in the court house, almost a decade in the Marine Corpse
reserve base as a civilian contractor, and currently works in government housing authority.
- My stepmother (now deceased, died from cancer) had an older brother that did 4 yrs in the Air Force, got a mathematics degree, then got a six figure
job with NASA. He had a red phone to the president and everything. One of the last things he said to her was "that there is definitely life out
- in 2011 my stepmother and I had a conversation about aliens. She said she believes in them and had sightings when she was younger (she saw flashes
of white light and saucers) but she stopped talking about it after a while because she didn't want her peers to think that she was crazy.
- Around the same time of having that conversation with my stepmother I also started seeing flashes of white light when I was in the backyard. I've
also seen a stream of orange fluid-like substance streak over my head in the same backyard as well. About 15 feet into the air.
- Once again, same place and same year I started having severe paranoia and was suspicious about my environment. There was a carving of an eye in the
peephole to the front door. I started having suspicions for the first time that there was underground tunnels. Everything culminated when I was in
the garage and felt like I was tear gassed or something. My eyes started tearing up really bad and was screaming. My dad called the ambulance and
afterwards was hospitalized.
- Fast forward to 2013. I tried enlisting in the Army. Back into 2010 I tried enlisting in the Marine Corps but didn't get far in the enlistment
process due to divulging disqualifying information. I thought I could lie this time around with the Army.
- Back to the enlistment process: recruiter originally wanted me to go into Intelligence (35M) but I wanted another job instead. My ASVAB scored
qualified me for Diver (12D). Recruiter states not too many people qualify for it so I tried it out. I had to sign a top security clearance for the
MOS but during my physical I scored a 2 on my eyesight (needed a 1). They reclassed me for 11X (Infantry) and for the next 3 months did DEP
- On the day of ship out everything came up on my background check (since I signed the top security clearance for Diver). Of course everyone found
out that I was lying through my teeth and everyone at the MEPS station puts me on blast.
- Army contractor is reviewing my file and yells out loud "He's a Vril!" Navy liasion officer yells "This is an insult!" , "He needs to be in
the navy!"
- I get an RE4 code, fraudulent enlistment, sent back home, and told to keep my mouth shut.
- Back home with my old friends and got back into old habits again (playing in the band, drinking, partying etc, everything I was trying to escape
from). Around the same time I started researching this "Vril" stuff the Army contractor talked about. I've also read some New Age material over
the last few years and was already aware of some of the conspiracy theories but never thought much about them.
- While playing in a band with my friends we started having paranormal experiences. One of my friends was traveling out of city for a job, took a
picture, found later there was a flying saucer in the photo he had taken. Shows it too everyone. People think it's fake or that it's an
- I've seen on more than one occasion a red star high up in the sky. Could be celestial related.
- I too have my UFO sightings for the first time. One was a triangular shaped UFO. Made no engine sound and flew in any direction it wanted on a
- The other UFO I saw was literally a ball of pure green light. I was laying outside near the river bank, staring at the stars, and out of nowhere
this huge ball of green light appears above my head and simply floats away into the distance. Same thing, made no engine sound and moved INFINAITELY
faster than any man-made aircraft that I've ever seen. In fact, this ball of green light literally disappeared out of nowhere.
- Another time while I was in jail (trust me, it was a petty offense) I was sitting on a bench in the intake cell and saw my styro foam cup fly at
least a foot straight into the air. It was anti-gravity. Even the other police officers knew something was up and was commenting about all the weird
events that happened in jail.
- This has happened more than once, and still occurs, but I have also seen flashes of white light that illuminates an entire room. People have also
commented on it.
- Steven Greer also did an experiment over the AM radio demonstrating this alien technology. It worked to my surprise. It made my body move back in
forth even though I wasn't doing it myself.
- These events get in the way of my every day living sometimes but I try to pretend nothing is happening. Police even thought I was involved in
special operations even though I never officially served.
This is my opinion on everything: aliens are quarantining us and benevolent ET's are trying to assist us in our development as well as solve our
eco-crisis. The problem however is that humans are still "primitive" and socially backwards. Humans are still too violent, prejudiced, war
mongering, hate filled, etc.
There is technology suppression for our own good. You want to know why we don't have Star Trek technology? Because it would be abused. No, your
floating cars wouldn't work out in reality like it does in the movies. It would be like opening pandora's box.
I still believe these ET's are trying to assist us in our development but we still have milestones that we need to reach. We also have to change our
modes of thinking. We have to be more positive, as cliche as that may sound, or we're doomed to repeat the same cycles of warfare, pestilence,
famine, materialism etc.
Humans can do this by changing their thoughts and behaviors, as well with education, but the problem with humans is that they're still too
ego-centered. They're caught up in superficiality, image, money, status etc which will always limit them.
The other problem with humans is FALSE SENSE OF HUMILITY. Even though people have the potential to turn society for the better the problem is that
people will FEIGN this sense of humanity and altruism in the pursuit for power and status.
There is much more I'd like to talk about but I don't want to type so much. I have to play dumb and go along with everything. Yes, it's called