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China will take the NWO down...take it down to Chinatown

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posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 07:19 PM
China is kicking ar$e at the moment, they're basically the most powerful nation on Earth IMO, they certainly don't have to join a NWO as they're making enough ca$h as it is. Noone's gonna force them into anything, they'll just annihilate anyone who tries, and they have more to gain from letting the NWO kick in without them , then watching it die THEN taking the world over in their Chinese way, which I think I'd prefer than the NWO way, more to gain that way than joining NWO...I mean it's just not the way they (Chinese) do business. I read a thing about 6 months ago, sorry I can't find it anywhere, but it was something to do with China backstabbing the NWO after 30 years of planning, someone'll know no doubt what I'm talking about.

If NWO try blackmailing China over oil or trade, China could destroy them, assuming NWO don't have full on tag team with aliens, then force trade with any countries they wish. Go China, f**k NWO (NWO is real whether u think so or not, just watch the news there's a lil' bit of NWO nearly every night now) yeah, that's me.

[edit on 9-2-2005 by sevastra]

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 08:16 PM
so i'm the only one who feels this way then. ok i'll talk to myself.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 11:21 PM

China is kicking ar$e at the moment, they're basically the most powerful nation on Earth IMO,

No... not at all. Don't know where you took this idea from, but the US is still by far the most powerful nation in the world! it has over 60 military bases all over the planet, its military budget is at least 2 times bigger tahn all other countries of NATO put together, and has at least 10 times more nukes than any other country in the world. On the economical level, although the American dollar is beginning to lose a lot of value compared to the Euro, the total capital detained into American pockets )both governmental and private) is still bigger than any other country's.

Of course China rules... but it's gonna take many years for China to surpass the US on an economical level.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion

, and has at least 10 times more nukes than any other country in the world.

We dont have quite that many I think Russia still has more nuclear weapons then the US. But the US might have 10 times as many nukes as China as they are reported to only have something like 250 strategic nuclear weapons.

Though I have a feeling the number might be much higher.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 05:17 AM
The Straits Times from Singapore puts the number at 2000. Whether that is true or not i don't know,but Russia has 39000 nukes compared to the US's 25000,and the avg Russian nuke is 1.4 times more powerful.


posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 05:33 AM
Guys, America is GONE... its status of yesterday is gone... you are not the superpower anymore, yes you are very strong but your part in the show is almost over.

Has any empire lasted more than 200 years? Nope...

All empires die off from 50-200 years once they have played their part.

The Roman empire was used to force Christianity.

The British empire was used to force democracy and order.

The American empire is used to advance the final steps of the New World Order... the US only has to instigate World War 3 to detroy itself and that is the end.

You are already trillions in debt... you cannot possibly be the superpower you were yesterday.

Listen to Bill Clinton...

America maybe the supoerpower tofay but its not meant to last

- Bill Clinton - Former U.S President

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 07:02 AM
ok first thing first how is heck is this country kicking the ass of NWO?for the first thing people-china is the first capitalist country that really went on with out democracy in does a country which denies freedom to it's own people supposed to free the world from the clunches of the NWO?
tell me what is communist about this nation?the difference between the living standards in rural china and urban china is huge and let me ask u guys where does this country stand in human rights?have anyone heard about the massare of peasants by mao in millions?
does anyone notice that the FDI inflow to china is largely from the nations belonging to NWO esp. US?honk kong and the UK trade ties are at the record high for 2004.check out the link.maybe we'll know better about china and NWO after this.
china is the buzzword for everything these days but trust me china is not the rival of NWO like u guys look at it simply by looking at the foreign investment by the capitalists from the west.
US might be going down but their firms are finding ground in countries like china and NWO as a word might die but it will go on in another name.US-abu garib=china's democracy and free tibet's just an other name but samething will happen.maybe in a different place but still as a same evil.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 12:16 PM
Right, to be honest I forgot about Russia...

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by d3v

Has any empire lasted more than 200 years? Nope...

All empires die off from 50-200 years once they have played their part.

Were do you get your facts from?? The Roman empire lasted over a 1000 years.The Byzantine Empire, lasted for more than 1000 years ,The Egyptian empire lasted for thousands of years. The Kushan Empire lasted several hundred years.

Really were do you come up with this 200 year stuff d3v??

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 01:40 PM
The voice in his head? That's my guess.

At this moment in time, the NWO is pushing for it's 'agenda' although not one of us can know what this is. Unless you in turn are a member. (If so, I'll be your friend

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Odium
and then it will be water. In Africa, which is already beginning.

Wars for water in Africa
you do know they have worlds largest desert in Africa right.

I hope you meant Canada or some place with alot of fresh water

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 03:16 PM
i think he said it was beggining in africa, not that it will be soley there. the fact that it has the worlds largest desert is the reason for that. Personally I dont see how hard it is to make a bunch of water purifiers to supply the world with water, but i also dont see how hard it would be to exploit that either.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by NuTroll
. Personally I dont see how hard it is to make a bunch of water purifiers to supply the world with water, but i also dont see how hard it would be to exploit that either.

Yeah our planet is only 70% covered in water and its not like we dont have the tech to make desalination plants.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 07:53 PM
This is quite possibly the most misinformed thread i've seen. Empires lasting 200 years at the maximum? Comon'.. the internet is for researching not spreading ignornace. You think that the Egyptians could have completed the secrets of phi, mastered geometry and THEN built the great pyramids of giza in 200 years?!

As for America losing its supremacy. I don't see that as of right now, perhaps sometime in the near future.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 09:09 PM
American supremacy is not yet lost but you can see that it is slowly "dying".

EDIT: And other countries are getting stronger.

[edit on 11-2-2005 by CmptrN3rd5]

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 10:15 PM
Were do you get your facts from?? The Roman empire lasted over a 1000 years.The Byzantine Empire, lasted for more than 1000 years ,The Egyptian empire lasted for thousands of years. The Kushan Empire lasted several hundred years


Yeah I just can't see China going along with a New Order, they have no reason too. And as for them ONLY having 250 nukes, well yeah maybe but if China struck first at the NWO places, bases whatever they're called, with no warning just like a full on f**k u to the NWO, then what're the rest of the world gonna do? Like what can they do? Not bloody much...misinformed u might say but im looking to the future not the way things are right now.

Or something.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by sevastra

. And as for them ONLY having 250 nukes, well yeah maybe but if China struck first at the NWO places, bases whatever they're called, with no warning just like a full on f**k u to the NWO, then what're the rest of the world gonna do? Like what can they do? Not bloody much...
Or something

Well if the NWO is as powerful as you think (In control of the US and other countries) it can do a whole lot in the event China shoots a few nukes at them. For example they could see the nukes comming a few seconds after they are first launched and send a few thousands back to China.

They might not even have to have any nukes of their own or be in control of any. If one of these HQ is in the US and China sends some nukes to hit, forget it the US would wipe China in retalation of a percieved attack on the US.

a few thousand nukes and China's population goes from a billion to few thousand if they are lucky

[edit on 12-2-2005 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Originally posted by Odium
and then it will be water. In Africa, which is already beginning.

Wars for water in Africa
you do know they have worlds largest desert in Africa right.

I hope you meant Canada or some place with alot of fresh water

Egypt has told Ethiopia if it uses the Nile to 'irrigate' its land, that's an act of war.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 03:21 PM
America isn't as strong as you think. A few nukes from North Korea or China and they can forget it. Either one can ruin the NWO.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Asia Minor
America isn't as strong as you think. A few nukes from North Korea or China and they can forget it. Either one can ruin the NWO.

A few nukes would wipe out a few US cites not the US. Any such action by N Korea or China would destroy most of their country though as they had a few thousand nukes comming back their way.

Anyone that think any country can just shoot a few nukes at the US and not get it back ten fold is misinformed. When it comes WMDs America is stronger then you think.

[edit on 13-2-2005 by ShadowXIX]

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