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What God and why?

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posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

What god would a person choose and why that particular god

It's an interesting question.

I would probably choose "Heavenly Father".
It's hard to base my decision on the teachings as I think all religions have terrible moral teachings scattered amongst the good ones so my reasoning would be based on the followers.

Mormon's seem happier.

posted on Sep, 21 2017 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: spidermastermind

That isn't worshiping.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: daskakik

That is true, but those people behave as if they were worshiping those celebriies or footballists. It's almost the same, but they have their laws how to worship a motorist. It is simple, if someone doesn't worship God, they are going to worship Satan.

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: spidermastermind
That is true, but those people behave as if they were worshiping those celebriies or footballists.

Not really.

It's almost the same, but they have their laws how to worship a motorist. It is simple, if someone doesn't worship God, they are going to worship Satan.

No, you don't have to worship anything.

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: Krahzeef_Ukhar
I think all religions have terrible moral teachings scattered amongst the good ones

Jesus taught Selfless love, non-violence, humility, altruism, peacemaking, justice and knowledge. It was the flawless nature of His teachings that made me realize the authenticity of His life mission

posted on Sep, 23 2017 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Why was Jesus so smart compared to others? Millins of people worship this man today. Was he an elite person (like a king) those days? The Bible writes too little information about how he was living an everyday life. I think, the teachings written in anctient books are related to the lifestyle of successful people, and applies to people who were made rich by God. Those people have to say special thanks to God (often in hundreds of pages) . Other teachings written in today's books are not exactly related to Jesus, but everyone praises Jesus for the smartness of the best people today.

I just imagine, that those days people ate each other, and there were lots of illnesses. Did Jesus have a beard?

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
What does (do you think) christianity teach that causes offence
What control does chritianity have that is shouldnt
Why cant christians choose another deity if they wish, obviously they wont be christian but is anyone forced?

There is so much false information in society and so many people have no idea commenting on what they dont understand

Christians believe in a creator, who gave free will, and you have a right to excercise that free will, why say you dont

The problem, and it is a giant problem, is that Christ has been made into a deity, so if a person chose another deity it would be no different than Christianity.

The Truth is that Christ never advocated to worship a deity. With the help of the blasphemous book called the bible, myth and falsehoods have been infiltrated into the religion of Christianity by the Elite in order to misled the people of earth. I have not proven this in other religions, but it would not surprise me that all religions have been infiltrated in this manner.

The truth is that Christ never taught that he was born of a virgin, and the Truth is that His followers never taught that he was a magician with super powers. But that is what people believe. People will literally die over the belief that Christ manipulated the law of gravity and walked on water just like a magician.

We have the Greek documents that ended up in our hands, and we have the Hebrew documents that are not so easily obtainable anymore. The Greek documents make Christ out to be this miracle worker. No matter how much the Hebrew documents deny that Christ had super powers - people will reject it. This is because they believe in a Deity, not a Christ.

This is why Christ said many will know His name but will be rejected in the next world because they do not Know Him. Yes, the Hebrew documents and scriptures do deny that He was born of a virgin and was a deity. But nobody cares.

It is a psychological control. To cause a person to believe in a lie and be misled, spiritually. That was the goal, of those who hate humanity, the controllers of the world, those who want to rule the world. To make believers in the religion reject the teachings of Christ and doctrine of the Apostles without even knowing that they are doing so. A Christian today is truly a pagan without even knowing it, but in the next world they will know it, for sure it will be right in their face.

People have a right to be wrong. They can believe in what is wrong. And ultimately live for what is wrong. To act differently would be to pass judgement against a person which is taught not to do in Christianity, however it does not stop them from doing it. Basically what I am saying is that all of the Christians I have met recently are hypocrites, and they have absolutely no care at in the world that they are hypocrites. They care less. In the end is just shows how human beings can be scumbags. Egotistical greedy prideful arrogant stubborn hypocrites who want others to suffer because they are jealous of upright individuals who believe in those that told us the Truth, rather than to believe in the Elite liars who manufactured religion for their own benefits. It is a twisted world. The hungry are not fed. Those with more than enough to eat are given more food. We are like a paradox. That comes with reality, a total delusion. In order to escape this mess a person must practice the Christianity that was taught before the Romans and Greeks took over the religion and falsely advertised it as their own. In order to be "Right" one must turn from being the oppressor to being the oppressed. From being the liar into being the person lied to. And people do not want to give up that power. They would rather hate than to be hated on. They would rather take than to give. It is this philosophy that prevents people from seeing what is right - believing those persecuted rather than believing the persecutor. Believing those who have lost in history rather than the victors of history. It is just a screwed up mess of a world, a shameful mess of society.

For me, I would rather be oppressed than the oppressor. I would rather be lied to than the one in control of the lies. It is called giving up my ego so that I gain my soul. It is the direct opposite of a typical person in society. And it has a price: instead of being that rich guy in control of everything the tables turn, and you are victimized. The narrow path is not the easy path, but this is how to gain your spirit over losing your mind, when they think that they are gaining their mind, in reality they are losing their spirit.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: Krahzeef_Ukhar
It's an interesting question.

I would probably choose "Heavenly Father".
It's hard to base my decision on the teachings as I think all religions have terrible moral teachings scattered amongst the good ones so my reasoning would be based on the followers.

Mormon's seem happier.

Did you know that to call God the "Father" means that you are claiming the male image of God is more important or superior than the female image of God? Is that what God meant? For the male to be superior?

That is not what Christ taught. That is what the world taught. And the world is Against Christ. What I am saying does not mean to call God a He or a She. Again, people do not care enough to look back at the Hebrew scriptures, they just take the magical miracle worker that the Greeks gave to them without doing any fact checking. They give their whole life to believing in a miracle worker just because the near ancient Greeks and Romans said so. Well what did the Hebrews say? What did the very own Apostles say? People do not care enough to look!!!

The Aramaic and Hebrew rendering of what Christ said, was "Almighty Birthing One, the Parent of Life." It translates to Mother-Father, not just Father, or not just Mother.

But again. Nobody cares. All they care about is a miracle worker who walked on water. I am not mad, because I know their time is coming and that they will be put to shame.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Anything that is worshiped can be termed a god, inasmuch as the worshiper attributes to it might greater than his own and venerates it. A person can even let his belly be a god. (Ro 16:18; Php 3:18, 19) The Bible makes mention of many gods (Ps 86:8; 1Co 8:5, 6), but it shows that the gods of the nations are valueless gods.—Ps 96:5; see GODS AND GODDESSES.

Hebrew Terms. Among the Hebrew words that are translated “God” is ʼEl, probably meaning “Mighty One; Strong One.” (Ge 14:18) It is used with reference to Jehovah, to other gods, and to men. It is also used extensively in the makeup of proper names, such as Elisha (meaning “God Is Salvation”) and Michael (“Who Is Like God?”). In some places ʼEl appears with the definite article (ha·ʼElʹ, literally, “the God”) with reference to Jehovah, thereby distinguishing him from other gods.—Ge 46:3; 2Sa 22:31; see NW appendix, p. 1567.

At Isaiah 9:6 Jesus Christ is prophetically called ʼEl Gib·bohrʹ, “Mighty God” (not ʼEl Shad·daiʹ [God Almighty], which is applied to Jehovah at Genesis 17:1).

The Hebrew word ʼelo·himʹ (gods) appears to be from a root meaning “be strong.” ʼElo·himʹ is the plural of ʼelohʹah (god). Sometimes this plural refers to a number of gods (Ge 31:30, 32; 35:2), but more often it is used as a plural of majesty, dignity, or excellence. ʼElo·himʹ is used in the Scriptures with reference to Jehovah himself, to angels, to idol gods (singular and plural), and to men.

When applying to Jehovah, ʼElo·himʹ is used as a plural of majesty, dignity, or excellence. (Ge 1:1) ...
The title ʼElo·himʹ draws attention to Jehovah’s strength as the Creator. It appears 35 times by itself in the account of creation, and every time the verb describing what he said and did is in the singular number. (Ge 1:1–2:4)
At Psalm 8:5, the angels are also referred to as ʼelo·himʹ, as is confirmed by Paul’s quotation of the passage at Hebrews 2:6-8.
The True God Jehovah. The true God is not a nameless God. His name is Jehovah. (De 6:4; Ps 83:18) He is God by reason of his creatorship. (Ge 1:1; Re 4:11) The true God is real (Joh 7:28), a person (Ac 3:19; Heb 9:24), and not lifeless natural law operating without a living lawgiver, not blind force working through a series of accidents to develop one thing or another.
Proofs of the existence of “the living God.”

Source: God: Insight, Volume 1

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

Not sure why you think that has any bearing on what I posted.

Yes, people can worship anything but they don't have to.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: AlienVessel

originally posted by: Krahzeef_Ukhar
It's an interesting question.

I would probably choose "Heavenly Father".
It's hard to base my decision on the teachings as I think all religions have terrible moral teachings scattered amongst the good ones so my reasoning would be based on the followers.

Mormon's seem happier.

Did you know that to call God the "Father" means that you are claiming the male image of God is more important or superior than the female image of God? Is that what God meant? For the male to be superior?

That is not what Christ taught. That is what the world taught. And the world is Against Christ. What I am saying does not mean to call God a He or a She. Again, people do not care enough to look back at the Hebrew scriptures, they just take the magical miracle worker that the Greeks gave to them without doing any fact checking. They give their whole life to believing in a miracle worker just because the near ancient Greeks and Romans said so. Well what did the Hebrews say? What did the very own Apostles say? People do not care enough to look!!!

The Aramaic and Hebrew rendering of what Christ said, was "Almighty Birthing One, the Parent of Life." It translates to Mother-Father, not just Father, or not just Mother.

But again. Nobody cares. All they care about is a miracle worker who walked on water. I am not mad, because I know their time is coming and that they will be put to shame.

Settle cowboy
God was called Father whenthe Male was considered dominant in that culture. God has a feminine side as well, its clearly portrayed in the bible, just seems some ignorant people miss it.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: daskakik
Would it have helped if I had bolded "attributes to it might greater than his own and venerates it" after quoting the comment you were responding to? This part: "...those people behave as if they were worshiping those celebriies or footballists".... attributing to them might greater than their own and venerating them.

Venerate: "regard with great respect; revere." (quoting the google dictionary)

The rest of the comment was more related to the OP. Which God and why? I know it says "what God" in the title but I'm interpreting that to mean "which God and why?" It also touches on some wrong impressions that AlienVessel left behind in this thread for all to get confused about:

Some people are vessels indeed according to the bible. And the numbers we're talking about here are in the millions. There's also the concept of fighting Don Quijote Windmill Giants to appear or think of oneself as a (wise) chivalrous hero capable of defeating evil Giants that I don't really want to get into now.

2 John 9, 10

9 Everyone who pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God. The one who does remain in this teaching is the one who has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.

2 Timothy 2:14

14 Keep reminding them of these things, instructing* [Lit., “bearing thorough witness to.”] them before God not to fight about words, something of no usefulness at all because it harms* [Or “destroys; overturns.”] those listening.

Anyway, for those interested in this particular subject:

Just as assigning human features to God is not to be understood literally, use of the masculine gender to describe God should not be taken literally. Gender distinction is unique to physical creatures and is a linguistic device that reflects the limitations of human language to capture fully the essence of Almighty God, Jehovah.

Source: What Is the Nature of God? Awake!—2008

How Do God and Christ View Women? Awake!—2008
God’s View of Women​—Does He Really Care?
Does the Bible Discriminate Against Women? Awake!—2005
edit on 14-11-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: whereislogic
Would it have helped if I had bolded "attributes to it might greater than his own and venerates it" after quoting the comment you were responding to? This part: "...those people behave as if they were worshiping those celebriies or footballists".... attributing to them might greater than their own and venerating them.

Not really because my point was that that isn't always the case.

Now lets be clear. A person can admire someones ability in their field without thinking of them as more than just a person who is good at what they do. I'm sure a religious person can "regard with great respect; revere." someone who is good at what they do without holding them at the same level as their god.

The rest of the comment was more related to the OP.

Maybe the formatting was off but I didn't see any comment. Just a large quote.

posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

Settle cowboy
God was called Father whenthe Male was considered dominant in that culture. God has a feminine side as well, its clearly portrayed in the bible, just seems some ignorant people miss it.

Why are you another one in the ocean of ignorant masses?

God is still called Father today.

You just want to argue with people. No matter what it is, I am assuming the hatred in your prideful mind forces you to disagree, no matter what it is you are disagreeing about. It is really pathetic to me. People just need to be skeptical no matter what it is they are being skeptical about. There is some deep urge part of the arrogant ego which makes a person deny what the other person proposes. I think it is a selfish reaction of the ego, because if they did agree, it would mean that they are giving love to the other person that they are affirming to another that they are right, when the selfish ego demands to them no, I am the person that is right. I mean for you to deny that people call God the Father just based on our discussion is absolute proof to what I am saying that people just need to argue with someone because they are arrogant and prideful no matter what it is.

posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: AlienVessel

Did you know that to call God the "Father" means that you are claiming the male image of God is more important or superior than the female image of God? Is that what God meant? For the male to be superior?

Spirit was always designated as Male because it conceived the body or earth which is the female property. This is why the Spirit of God conceived the first human from the virgin earth, and the savior of the world was also conceived by a pure female virgin from the most high male Spirit. The Creator (male/groom) and the creation (female/bride) are inseparably united and this is realized in the bridal chamber.

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