posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Realist05
Were the Democrats sincerely moving to the middle on abortion, selecting a former overseer of abortion would have been the last thing to do.
Two points:
1. I'm not sure such a thing as a "middle" on abortion exists except in punditry speak. It's like being somewhat pregnant, either you are
or you aren't.
Ex: Cheney was against all abortions. All of them. Rape, incest, whatever man. You're having a baby! Congrats!!! He towed the RNC line. Whereas Kerry
was for 100% choice. Any choice, because it's either all legal or none of it is. He towed the DNC line.
The pretenders (ala Bush) may like you to think they are "in the middle" but logically that makes no sense. If the DNC wants to start talking about
how much they dislike abortions, while 100% supporting a woman's right to have one... then that's about as "middle" as you can expect to get.
2. Huh?
Wikipedia has a fairly lengthy and even unflattering entry on the life of Howard
Dean that doesn't give any indication he was ever an "abortionist" but I supposed it depends on your nuanced definition of "oversaw"
By that thinking then George Bush is the biggest abortonist in American history since his abstinece-only Presidency has overseen the sharpest rise in
abortions to date!