posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 09:45 PM
Hello all,
I was sitting here watching the frothing mouths of both the Democratic and Republican parties attacking each other, and it got me thinking about
President Donald Trump. This is a man that had a very slim to no chance (based upon polling) to beat every party candidate to be elected President of
the United States.
Now, lets put aside the party politics between us all for a few minutes (one post at least) and hear me out. I have imagined a possible 2020 election
that may not go as some might think again. I think we can all agree on the following regarding President Trump:
- He is no politician
- He is someone that has built a career upon being the underdog and coming out on top (somehow)
- He has essentially ticked off the two majority political parties
- He has enough of a widespread voting base across the country to get electoral votes
- He is unpredictable and does not follow the "rules"
- He often speaks and acts without seemingly thinking
Given all of these traits, imagine if you will how he would fare if he decided to transition from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party for the
2020 election. Hold on.....hold on....hear me out.
He would likely still have the same voting base since those people would love to sabotage the Democratic party and their chances of having another
shot at the presidency.
He would not be welcome at all in the Democratic Party (publicly) but might garner support from the party if he can guarantee a victory for the party
by convincing a vast voting base to crossover.
If he took the Democratic nomination, he could give the Democrats a victory and simultaneously give the Republican Party a death blow.
Regardless, it would make for one interesting show and one historic election cycle.
But then, perhaps I need some sleep and am hallucinating right now.