a reply to:
I'm sorry, did you just say that there are too many people with high IQs in leadership positions in the world? Are you SURE about that?
Because that sounds like a damned strange thing to say. I mean, I could understand your saying that under Obama, but Trump makes Bush look like a
Mensa candidate. He has more words, but they are invariably the wrong ones. Bigly, would be one which comes to mind readily. Covfefe would be another,
entirely ridiculous example of the many ways in which Trump is a moron.
His B.S. in Economics? I would not bet my life savings that he earned that degree fair and square either. Hes a slacker, and a dullard, and you have
a problem with the smart folks? The man is not smart, or even a clever kind of stupid. He has all the low cunning one expects from a street thug, but
nothing more than that.
And as for the suggestion by the individual who wrote that Quroa piece, that one does not do the things he has done and maintain a low IQ, I would
like to suggest that perhaps, that individual has a slightly over inflated opinion of what "success" means for those who appear to have had it. In
truth, you can get the trappings of success, while being entirely poor at everything you do, as long as you can BS your way through, and that takes no
smarts what so ever. It just takes a talent for deception, which any low grade moron can pull off, especially if they are stupid enough to believe
their own nonsense.
I have no degree, and make bugger all money. But if you put me in a room with him and ask me to debate a point with him, I will promise you without a
shadow of a doubt, I would make him look a complete fool. While he will be using inappropriate terminology, getting his times, dates, and associations
between people and events completely wrong, I will be, without notes mind you, entirely on point, dissecting his utterances for the ego driven, poorly
thought out vomit that they are, while erecting an edifice of an argument so enormously fortified, that he will want to place his name on it
immediately and move the thing to the border with Mexico.
Now, you are CERTAINLY correct that he lacks emotional intelligence, there is no doubt of that what so ever. But it cannot be understated that his
money, his fame, his property, these things are NOT indicators of intelligence AT ALL! They are indicators of the fact that he successfully and
believably lies, which any animal minded, greedy, self serving sociopath can achieve perfectly well, with absolutely no need to be intellectually
advanced in any regard.