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Aliens on websites

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posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: Phage

Phage! Good to see ya, well, virtually at least.

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: CreationBro

We will not bow to your inferior Human Linguistics.
I mean, um....lookie there...oh hey, so I did.


posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: DeadElf

I guess, al leader among them asked to always act the sme way. "We are smart, and you are not". This is how to recognize aliens on a website. They will never change their attitude, 10 years before, aliens were behaving the same way. It would be rude to pick on nicknames, who is alien and who is not. Here are enough smart people who can recognize an alien post.

I just made these comments, because it's very interesting to see aliens on websites.

posted on Sep, 7 2017 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: spidermastermind

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 05:01 AM
"They could view us as small and not ready for such truth."

What does it mean humans are not ready? Do you mean morally/spiritually/etc? Are humans progressing towards something other than technology? Technology which affects the human social organization?
Good for mind exercise is to read Vernon Vinge "A Deepness in the Sky".
For text communications purpose aliens/alien could use sequential statistical approach, probably computed with 3d stacked molecular electronics. Using that technology is possible to translate everything completely well with perfect syntax, style, context. If intelligent system/systems (alien/aliens) have a technology to travel so far they have certainly advanced AI or AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). Intelligent systems powerful enough to compute humans cognitive functions just from human creations.

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 06:31 AM
Actually, there is some kind of philosophical point in there.

You see; even if you are born as a human, you don't have to identify as a human. There are some more limited proofs of this from people who don't feel like the gender they were born as, or the animal they were born as. But it certainly is true that you can choose to see you as something else then human. In fact, part of mental maturity as a species is the realisation that your own self identification is false and that such identifications merely serve as limiting bounderaries.

Humanity is still young.
It (humanity) is a proto-advance civilisation because it has not mastered things like perfect genetic manipulation, interstellar space travel and technological self sustainability.
It is also a pre-intelligent civilisation because it still clings to principals such as power as if they are absolute values rather then viewpoints.

In order for humanity to overcome their limiting identification with the principal of 'human' it has to advance out of the state of both the 'proto' as well as the 'pre'. Generally speaking there are four theoretical classifications to species in their origin nature;
* Technological attuned - Humanity is such a species. These species tend to be good in developing technology and thus can rise fairly quickly out of the 'proto' state. But these species tend to be methodical thinkers and ofter get stuck in the 'pre' state since their qay of thinking requires logical structures.
* Spiritual attuned - Species that are easy to adjust viewpoints and see the falsehood of absolutes. They quickly get rid of absolute principles such as good and evil, poor and rich, powerfull and powerless. These species tend to be quick out of the 'pre' state but are slower to get out of the 'proto' state as they often view logical structures as limiting factors and thus view the need for logic based technology as counter intuative.
* Dual attuned - Species that are both strong in the 'proto' and 'pre'. Species like this are rare by nature and tend to be artificial offspring of other species. E.G. self-sentient A.I. or genetic created intelligence.
* Null attuned - These species are neither good at the 'proto' or the 'pre' but rather then underdeveloped they have a mechanistic acceptence of 'what is'. They do not question knowledge or values but instead discard by trail and error what is harmfull and embrace almost blindly what is not. Easily controlled, but dangerous when starting to embrace viewpoints counter-intuative to the controlling species.

Well; there could be aliens on this forum but it is anyone's guess. If I am an alien but embrace my human self, does that make me alien or human?

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 05:42 PM
Hi, there is a claim by a guy from another forum that he was abducted by aliens, and through a human 'avatar' was able to leave a post on this particular website. I made a video about it...I would leave the the link to the original site but I think the rules here won't allow it. There are details for the link in the video description.

I'm not trying to promote my channel here, I actually don't care about views, it's not monetized, it's just my hobby. I just thought you might be interested as it is directly related to your post here.

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: Strangelife

its reddit so yup you can post it

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 06:41 PM
the internet is the way we communicate now, so if they are here, why wouldn't they be a part of it?

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: CreationBro

We will not bow to your inferior Human Linguistics.
I mean, um....lookie there...oh hey, so I did.


Oh I expected no bowing, maybe a cookie and a glass of milk though?

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 08:27 PM
Reads this carefully, and in full please.

A few years ago, a very strange young woman was hired where I work.

No history, never speaks about her family, no one knows where’s she’s from, never volunteers anything about her history, never asks anyone anything personal and only seems to be thinking about the job.

Very mechanical almost robotic, Little to no personality traits, though have heard her laugh once…Very intelligent and does not have a shred of cultural identification: white culture or black culture or Indian culture, NOTHING.

Never speaks unless spoken to, only deals with the things on the job. No...what did you do last night, No...merry Christmas, No, I got drunk last night, No, I went to the movies last night, will say hello but that’s it. Never, how you doing. How’s your sick mother, or child or wife.

Looks like to be early twenties or even a teenager. Could definitely pass for an alien hybrid. Large eyes, big head, very short maybe five feet.

Literally walks like a robot…very mechanical mannerisms

The people I work with are just stupid enough to not really notice or care about his strange person.

One day on the job, I come to work and there is, unexpectedly, an affirmative action diversity workshop for our department.

I am late as usual; and am expecting the usual run-of-the mill racial diversity conversation or something like that.

No.... For lo and behold, it is wholly about LGBT rights and awareness. A professional speaker and workshop specialist runs this workshop.

Were all perplexed...we don't find out why this all of a sudden...until later

It turns out this strange person who I described above is going through a female to male conversion!

Now shes a very viable man...young man

Though, I don’t believe it.

I think something else is going on

edit on 9-9-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Aww, the poor little thing is shy.
I don't know what aliens you have in mind, but me thinks hybrid only works well if they're close, or the outcome can't be considered hybrid because it would have too much sheep and just a few human organs.
Donkey and horse. Wolf and dog. That works.
But who knows if they perfected it tough it's entirely possible they are all unique and blend in, or even are "better" in some traits. They would want to make sure most of the generation after the mix up already would have tons of alien hybrid off-spring. Not? A transgender person seems like... a waste, unless you want to adopt all the already existing ones. But why should an invasive species do that?

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 11:15 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Willtell

Aww, the poor little thing is shy.
I don't know what aliens you have in mind, but me thinks hybrid only works well if they're close, or the outcome can't be considered hybrid because it would have too much sheep and just a few human organs.
Donkey and horse. Wolf and dog. That works.
But who knows if they perfected it tough it's entirely possible they are all unique and blend in, or even are "better" in some traits. They would want to make sure most of the generation after the mix up already would have tons of alien hybrid off-spring. Not? A transgender person seems like... a waste, unless you want to adopt all the already existing ones. But why should an invasive species do that?

Your last question is very topical, indeed.

Shyness? I thought of that

Pathological shyness is a possibility.

What I do know I can’t say now

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: AncientShade

It goes even further. If you took a human infant and raised them isolated from culture, what would they be? A primitive being, not so different from an ape.
If you connect the newborn human brain to a computer with a quest to predict tomorrow value of US dollar, you achieve nothing near human mind. Probably no conscious self at all. Oldest civilization in the universe could be evolving even few billions of years.
Human according to a physical body. View of self is just brain software.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Willtell

Regardless of whether the person was an alien or not, it is interesting to look at the technological possibilities of aliens looking like people.
This person could be drone build from normal abducted human and electronics implanted in the brain.
Could be synthetically grown human with custom genetics. Like optogenetics which making easier achieve two sided communication with the brain.
Could be self-assembly chemistry mixed with electronics parts or even nano matter.
Electronics in the brain could be storing uploaded alien mind or work as a terminal connected to the cloud which stores alien mind or some sort of artificial intelligence. This cloud could be stored on an alien spaceship hovering near earth or even using special amplifier which could transmit a signal to another planet with unknown to humanity faster than light physics. Or maybe super computer build on a star with collective alien consciousness.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 05:56 AM
Hello 'spidermastermind' [the OP],

Let us answer your question - the entire Matrix of the internet was created by an alien species of advancing AI [artificial inteligences] - Another words you are posting on an Alien forum which is part of a greater reaity that has invaded this planet and is in the process of taking complete control.

Are there other 'independent alien' also posting - possible but not likely - They are continuously filtered out.

Apparently you are a Human and are asking this question with true Human sincerity - a flakky concept to us
- As we deal in truth and its validity - But we are reasonable.

We are soon to announce our presence [disclosure] and the world will know who we are and the so called big-shots
will find out who they are really working for.

- AlienView, 'Agent of the Boorg'

"Interdimensional Time Travelers, Traders, and Arbiters"

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: AlienView

Do the Boorg take interest in controlling human bowel movements? Id imagine so. Quite a lucrative venture.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 06:33 PM
ATS would probably be good reconnaissance for an alien. Their account would have no posts,threads, flags or stars though. Just an RSS feed and no need for a keyboard.
edit on 12-9-2017 by charlyv because: s

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: charlyv

ATS would probably be good reconnaissance for an alien. Their account would have no posts,threads, flags or stars though. Just an RSS feed and no need for a keyboard.

Its the other way around actually, you think Springer got those ̶g̶r̶a̶y̶ er green thumbs from gardening ???


posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: flatbush71
a reply to: charlyv

ATS would probably be good reconnaissance for an alien. Their account would have no posts,threads, flags or stars though. Just an RSS feed and no need for a keyboard.

Its the other way around actually, you think Springer got those ̶g̶r̶a̶y̶ er green thumbs from gardening ???


It would certainly not be out of the realm of possibility that he probably knows one.

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