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When September Ends...

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posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Great, more figgin nightmares.....

posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: Peeple


Way back when

A woman - who was she?

Who was she not?

The image of a temple-structure, a ziggurat, she carried on her head - in her hand she held a holy stylus, the tablet of the favorable star of heaven she bore, taking counsel with it Lady coloured like the stars of heaven, holding a lapis-lazuli tablet! Nisaba, great wild cow born by Urash, wild sheep nourished on good milk among holy alkaline plants, opening the mouth for seven reeds! Perfectly endowed with fifty great divine powers, my lady, most powerful in E-kur!

In order to make barley and flax grow in the furrows, so that excellent corn can be admired; to provide for the seven great throne-daises by making flax shoot forth and making barley shoot forth at the harvest, the great festival of Enlil

Good woman, chief scribe of An, record-keeper of Enlil, wise sage of the gods!

Nisaba was the patron deity of the city of Ereš the site of which is not yet known, and there is also association through that with the cult of Eres-kigal who was the Queen of the Underworld in Southern Mesopotamia, in the sense of return into the darkness of the Earth or soil, whereas Nisaba is the Earth cut into in the sense of the furrow and the potential for the emergence of life, but from this relationship later cults such as Demeter and Persephone developed, the cultic torch was the symbol of Kusu as Spica.

The Hurrians and Hittites related Allani to the Mesopotamian Goddess of the netherworld Eres-Kigal but also to the Sun Goddess of the Netherworld, it's likely the Goddess Allani related to the diffusion and distribution of the internal energies of the Earth, in this capacity she was very often twinned with the Goddess Ishara, both had the capacity of intermediaries between the Netherworld and the Earth's surface dwellers

What is involved here is that 13,000 years ago a half zodiac cycle Virgo rose at the Spring Equinox when the agricultural period began and thus was associated with the golden grain as Nisaba, around 6,500 years ago a deeper understanding developed when Gold from within the Earth began to be sought after and the age of metallurgy began creating the potential for civilization, this added a deeper level also to the mythology that the source of the golden grain was internalized as the Sun Goddess of Arinna.

Nisaba was the scribal Goddess and in a sense also of the multiple choice question with only one correct answer, in that Eres/Eris/Discord is the premise of potential discord through the generation of choice from a singular source, in terms of positive and negative outcome, it's always a question of choosing wisely and waiting for the test results

From the organic to the elemental to the quantum...all Fields of Gold.

edit on 4-9-2017 by Sigrun because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 07:20 AM
Don't live your life in fear, you're going to die someday anyhow.

I could have died two years ago, I came really close. I could be dead right now, so today is all just icing on the cake for me. No real worries and a lot less stress with that attitude.

Have faith that at the very least it will be an adventure that tests your will to live. Have some faith in something, be it God, yourself or fate, that you'll make it through the hard times to live your life with honor and pride.

posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
I do however question what will happen to all the other peace loving people of the world that are not Christians, there are many as we know that follow the doctrine of peace and tolerance, why such an emphasis on Christians ?

Jesus is willing to give every sinner a 'Get out of Jail Free' card to those people who accept that He is the Son of God and was a Blood Atonement for our sins.

Everyone else, no matter how good or helpful will be left behind to endure the 7 Year Tribulation.

Emphasis is on Jesus because all other religions never did a similar sacrifice. That is what make Jesus different to all other religions. If people do vanish, run a census to see which beliefs they followed. It would not surprise me if its 100% Christian and children who are too young to understand religion.

How are those that 'follow the doctrine of peace and tolerance' going to handle a dictator who says he comes in the name of Peace and starts ramming his Mark of the Beast nanites into everyone veins ?

I think those peaceful people are going to be a bit peeved off, especially when it is injected into their blood streams via luke warm christians who miss the Rapture. Remember, this New World Dictator will call himself Christ. He will use force to impose his rules on everyone left behind.

Now, who wants to live in a police state planet with a world dictator that is Hitler + Stalin + Mao all in one person ?

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: Rapha

Jesus is willing to give every sinner a 'Get out of Jail Free' card to those people who accept that He is the Son of God and was a Blood Atonement for our sins.

So what I take from that is someone can steal as an example all his life until the end, if said person embraces Jesus at the end he will be forgiven, so like a pedophile its kind of like as you say a "get out of jail free card" , one can be a sinner all his life and be forgiven by embracing Jesus.

To me that seems really screwed up, its like an excuse for people to be bad and hurt others and still get to heaven.

I find that really disturbing, you are basically telling me that a person who is good, is good to others will burn in hell for simply not acknowledging Jesus and or god.

My argument would be that someone who is good just for the sake of being good is far more worthy than someone who is only good under the pretence that they will burn in hell for not being a good Christian.

So this god punishes good people but will forgive evil people that hurt others, something is wrong there....really wrong....

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 04:55 AM
Theme of the last few days that pops up in my head: Florida belongs to the water. A pretty weird sentence to have stuck in ones head.
Which is probably nothing. A distraction from the stuff that's going on. Imagine a confrontation China vs US.
I said it, can't happen anymore. Or I don't know it's maybe all chaos.
I would be happy if I could correctly assume the now.
What's your feeling?

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Florida belongs to the water? Thats pretty eerie considering a hurricane that is currently category 4 is heading towards Cuba and may hit Florida.

You knew about Irma right?

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
So what I take from that is someone can steal as an example all his life until the end, if said person embraces Jesus at the end he will be forgiven, so like a pedophile its kind of like as you say a "get out of jail free card" , one can be a sinner all his life and be forgiven by embracing Jesus.

To me that seems really screwed up, its like an excuse for people to be bad and hurt others and still get to heaven.

Jesus will only save a sinner who has assumed that He does not exist and seeks forgiveness before the day he dies.

A person who already knows about Jesus, haSatan etc and continues to do their crimes against humanity will go to hell. They know where their crimes will take them.

So the politicians that commit pedophilia world-wide already know about Lucifer because they only get to those high ranks if they are in a secret society that worships Lucifer. They are all going to hell, end of story.

A soldier joining the military to protect their country might be ok. A soldier signing up because they love killing people and raping little girls goes to hell. It all depends upon if a person puts an evil thought into action like all of the Vatican and little children.

"someone who is good just for the sake of being good is far more worthy"
You left out excess baggage / spiritual contracts / 4th Generation Curses.

Every person that is born is born a sinner because of bad deeds that we have committed in the past. Many people sense that they know they have been places before. Thats because memories of their past lives is contained in the family DNA.

So you have been a perfect good guy all your life. However, in the past, you might have ordered an entire town of women and children or Indians to be massacred during a past life as a captain during the US Civil War.

Memories get wiped and the sinful spirit gets another chance 3 or 4 generations into the future within their family bloodline. Wiped memories limits the chances of working it all out. So accept the Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ on the Cross and if you do not realise that you might very well have killed many people in the past, it will not matter because Jesus will carry the burden of all your sins of past lives and your current sins.

We all have to learn the hard way. That is why it seems so harsh. God forgives evil people who seek forgiveness after realizing that God really does exist.

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I listened to this album a dozen times last week. This is the only song I skipped!

I do love me some Jesus of Suburbia!

Thanks for brining this to the wider audience. There is a lot of fear out there. I've got some of the sadness too. Good call on the December 21, 2012. I think it was "deferred" from happening right at that moment. All that has done is make everybody jumpy. The pre-cognitive angst sets in and since there was no release of that energy it has built up.

Maybe TPTB know that that huge asteroid is going to freak the people out of their Nikes! That is in October though. Reminds me of a dream I had where I was in a cavern watching meteorites fall from the sky.

Either way, about 6 weeks of that nervous energy...

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 01:17 PM

If I were mean I'd ask if you already live in a cave? No wondering how you got there? So fast. Between September and October.

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Space rock, Oct. 12, 2017. Named TC4. That is my doom porn date.

Sorry. I'm still a bit sick and have had very little sleep last night. I'm probably not making any sense today...

Ignore me! I'll go back to full on lurker mode.

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 01:55 PM

Oh no, please keep talking. You're always interesting and inspiring. I wonder how that changes if your shields run on low energy. Stay. Baby.
Let it out. Baby.
Hm? Baby?

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I'll divert auxiliary power to the shields! She'll hold together!

(C'mon baby, hold together!) --Han Solo, Prophet

Let's see. Autumnal Equinox in the North. Signaling the kick off to the Apocalypse... OK. Just as good as any other date! Just as long as it does not happen on Daylight Savings Day switch. I would hate to miss the first hour of the Apocalypse! The opening number is usually a doozy!!

[How's that, baby? I took a massive slug of vitamin C and feeling a bit better...]

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 02:19 PM

What if all the "altered" people start spreading a cold which is not so bad for them but impacts "natural" humans a lot harder.
Patient zero and I infected you through the Internet....

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: Peeple

You had a fever and relatively ordered thoughts. I zoomed in and out of consciousness, couldn't breath through my nose, and "woke up" (more like got tired of lying in bed!) with a sinus headache. I never get headaches!! I've had one in all my life when I was 9 or something. Stack on, maybe, 3 hours of sleep... all I can say is don't let me drive!

A Sudafed, 1,000 mg of vit C, and a doppio, might be able to limp through the day!

I like the idea! A meta-flu spread by shared thoughts on the internet! Thanks for sharing with me!

Nibiru hitting the earth sounds like a good way to go! I'll be singing NMA's, "I love the world", I scream to no one left at all, I told you so,... I told you so,... I TOLD YOU SO!!

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 02:43 PM

Now an abrupt event won't be happening for several reasons. Who'd thought I ever say that: deLonge is right. It was/is here since always. Connected to consciousness, plus weird "inspiration" of people.
Like toxoplasma gondii, a behaviour altering parasite.
But then what's up with the orbs, black triangles and satellites? Just that doesn't cut it. How many seemingly contradicting possibilities can you hold at once?

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 02:44 PM
October Begins....... Then its a month of haunted houses and fall food. Don't stress about stuff that might happen and just eat a candied apple while the world ends enjoy a fall beer and watch it burn.
edit on 5-9-2017 by OzManHero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I just don't require them to all agree! We've got ours, they got theirs, and then there are unknowns. One answer does not fit for all cases. Some mess your mind now does that make it only one type can/should do that? What if (Vallée's point) all you can say is that it is only mental to the observer? Why not some of this and some of that? Hence my KPB comment about there being "nuts and bolt" craft under human control. No blanket term to cover all cases. Yeah, it is difficult to keep straight. But then you are not left twisting out in the wind when your theory misses something.

It is like 12/21/2012. Some people looped *all* 2012 events together. So when one failed, the whole notion was bunk. Well good for them! I kept the original separate. Disprove one, you have only don that: disproved one. Makes for an extended thinking and complexity but it also more honest.

The Mayan Event of 2012 was a notice of similar events happening at the end of a cycle. The path around the galaxy is a great circle. Could we be heading back to a place in the galaxy where cataclysm happens? Sure. Not opposed to the idea. Does it mean Jesus is coming back to fight the devil on the plains in the dessert because some "Saint" wrote that brain fevered story-dream-vision down? Lots more ifs are added and piled on there. And the thing is a whole because a Saint said so. Which means if one fails the whole thing fails. Doom porn nay-sayers get to say, "Told you nothing is going to happen".

Just from a pragmatic standpoint alone, these dates fly by and no big Mothership appears over the mountain does not mean it cannot happen. I like life with a little mystery! One day you wake up and your childhood bear family surname could be changed, never to return, and if you are hard set against something like that happening you are going to have a difficult time coping with the dissonance!

You know all this! So here is a cool share I just happened across. A poem.

Sherman Alexie - The Powwow at the End of the World .

That sounds like a fun way to usher in TEOTW. A fall beer would not be too bad either!

posted on Sep, 5 2017 @ 03:52 PM

I also have a serious problem with prophecies. In a perfect world at least one should happen at some point.
But the poem is pretty. Let's guess like an imbecile.

Let's test it somehow.

posted on Sep, 8 2017 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Ah Peeps,

Sorry to rain on your theory.

It will never work. The song has been changed by an ME. The lyrics are:

You can dance if you want to, you can leave your friends behind
Because your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance
Well their no friends of mine

But now, and forever more, the lyrics are, "We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind" from the very start and they don't even make grammatical sense. In true punk rock fashion, the third verse was the same as the first. Now both have changed.

On the plus side, you may have found the source of the ME! I'm blaming Pauly Shore on this one for sure!!

Ah, if only it was as simple as a simple safety dance! Although we should try our own Biodome one day!

Keep watching the skies!

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