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President Trump Proclaims Sunday Sept 3rd 2017 as a National Day for Harvey-related Prayers.

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posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:23 PM
This is so heart touching and warming...

Excerpts from the President's Proclamation, dated September 1, 2017.

The entire Nation grieves with Texas and Louisiana.  We are deeply grateful for those performing acts of service, and we pray for healing and comfort for those in need.

As response and recovery efforts continue, and as Americans provide much needed relief to the people of Texas and Louisiana, we are reminded of Scripture's promise that "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."  Melania and I are grateful to everyone devoting time, effort, and resources to the ongoing response, recovery, and rebuilding efforts.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim Sunday September 3, 2017, as a National Day of Prayer for the Victims of Hurricane Harvey and for our National Response and Recovery Efforts.

We give thanks for the generosity and goodness of all those who have responded to the needs of their fellow Americans.  I urge Americans of all faiths and religious traditions and backgrounds to offer prayers today for all those harmed by Hurricane Harvey, including people who have lost family members or been injured, those who have lost homes or other property, and our first responders, law enforcement officers, military personnel, and medical professionals leading the response and recovery efforts.


I hope all Americans will set aside their political, racial, and ideological differences, the day after tomorrow, and unify in prayer for all those affected by, and involved with, Hurricane Harvey and ongoing relief and recovery efforts. (Non U.S. citizens are invited to join in too!)

edit on 9/1/2017 by carewemust because: slight wording adjustment

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:26 PM
Those people don't need prayers.

Even if they did, it wont help them.

They are going to have to rely on peoples good will.

And again, they don't need prayer, they need food, water, shelter, medicine, clothes.

And another thing, prayer? Like to the guy who just threw a hurricane at them?

Ooooooooooook then.
edit on 1-9-2017 by Black_Fox because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:26 PM
I'm curious why the prayers didn't stop the hurricane to begin with?

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: Black_Fox

All of the doctors, support personnel, rescuers...everyone, is included in the national day of prayer. You too!

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: carewemust

No thanks.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: bknapple32
I'm curious why the prayers didn't stop the hurricane to begin with?

Everything that happens on Earth and in the cosmos is God's will. Some prayers aren't answered because they are contrary to what God has planned.

+4 more 
posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:31 PM
It's not the governments place to promote religion. He should have just made it a day of memory.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: Black_Fox
a reply to: carewemust

No thanks.

Your donations are just as important. Whatever works best for you, Black_Fox.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: carewemust

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
It's not the governments place to promote religion. He should have just made it a day of memory.

Or maybe just ignore it all, and let the people in Tx and La fend for themselves? Bad idea Buster.

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Everything that happens on Earth and in the cosmos is God's will.

So it's God's will that 3.1 million children starve to death every year? You worship one sick puppy.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Black_Fox
a reply to: carewemust

No thanks.

Your donations are just as important. Whatever works best for you, Black_Fox.

That's not a true statement.

They are in no way "just as important".

How about everyone prays, and stops giving money and resources.

Cause i'm sure you can pray everything back to good.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: bknapple32
I'm curious why the prayers didn't stop the hurricane to begin with?

Everything that happens on Earth and in the cosmos is God's will. Some prayers aren't answered because they are contrary to what God has planned.

I'm not opposed to prayer. If it helps the individual cope or gives hope, it's not my place to critisize.

But your post reminds me of George Carlins bit on religion.

If it is God's will, what is the purpose of praying? He's going to do what he wants anyway.

+10 more 
posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
It's not the governments place to promote religion. He should have just made it a day of memory.

There's a difference between spirituality and religion.

Some are devout. I imagine they have and continue to pray for Houston. There are others that are less devout but are believers. This is probably directed at them. Why poopoo this? You don't believe, fine. Leave the rest at the door and allow the believers their thing.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Black_Fox

That video was accurate, but what's the angle.. a Pizza Hut commercial?

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Black_Fox
You can pray while at making a donation. The two are not mutually exclusive.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:40 PM
Always amazes me how people get so damn bent out of shape by someone praying to one moon god or another.
It's a fricken prayer, get over it.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: buster2010
It's not the governments place to promote religion. He should have just made it a day of memory.

Or maybe just ignore it all, and let the people in Tx and La fend for themselves? Bad idea Buster.

By all means help La because I never said anything about that state. Besides this is just another useless day that will fade into obscurity after dimwit is gone from office.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:40 PM
I'm sure this "effort" means a lot to those who place stock in religion.

Call me jaded, but it reminds me of this lunatic ...

‘Send prayers’: Texas Republican turns down donated blankets, beds, manpower from Canada

The guy is the Texas Secretary of State.

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:40 PM
You'd be surprised how much a situation can change when a collective group of people focus their attention on it.

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