posted on Sep, 2 2017 @ 04:53 PM
I am no fool, all I want is for our country to benefit from the mineral wealth a united Korea could provide us when tapping those NorthKo mountains.
An to make sure Japan is safe. Japan does not deserve to be hit with another nuke, but thats Kim's only real target for a nuke besides Guam.
So Seoul will have to suffer just a bit to save Japan, but it will be worth it when we start tapping those minerals! The Pacific alliance can then
enter another electronics renaissance with a secured supply of rare Earth metals. When combined wit the potential output of Afghanistan, we could all
finally break the supply monopoly and compete with China in manufacturing electronics and toys again!
When China consolidated control of the majority of the world's rare earth mines and deposits, they demanded everybody send them their factories if
they wanted access to the minerals that would produce electronics over the following decades. Everything from clothes, toys and hygiene products would
have to be made there as a result.
But our patience with monopoly wears thin, and the underlying reasons for confrontation become apparent.
Our existence depends on reigning in North Korea!