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Man born in UK receives letter from Home Office ordering him to leave country

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posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Phonixfromtheashes

If the immigration system went to school it'd travel on the short bus. Time and again they seem to have no sense of judgement or insight. That lad is obviously British and besides which he's stuck with a Burnley accent - who else would have him?

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 07:28 AM
Really this is bs, before making judgment they should take a walk down COMMON SENSE CORRIDOR than decide.

This country has gone to the dogs.

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 07:32 AM
Well, I was born in Malaysia, but am not Malaysian. If he was born in the UK but registered as a national of another country then he's not British. If he wants to apply for British citizenship then he'll probably get it. Otherwise he can apply for leave to remain, and all that.

Rules can be a blunt instrument, but they remain rules.

Also, on bringing spouses over. I believe these rules were enacted to prevent the criminality of getting around immigration. If you are a spouse then you can apply for a visa. What's the problem with that?

Another example of people whining that they should be exempt from rules.

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
Well, I was born in Malaysia, but am not Malaysian. If he was born in the UK but registered as a national of another country then he's not British. If he wants to apply for British citizenship then he'll probably get it. Otherwise he can apply for leave to remain, and all that.

The guy was brought up in the UK! Never left it!

His dad is English. He mum is duel nationality of English/Australian.

The man is #ing British!

originally posted by: paraphiRules can be a blunt instrument, but they remain rules.

Its called common sense!

The saying goes there is the "spirit of the law and the spirit of law" meaning sometimes pursuing technicalitys gives no benfit to the UK or its people.
Chucking this poor man out serves no purpose.

originally posted by: paraphiAlso, on bringing spouses over. I believe these rules were enacted to prevent the criminality of getting around immigration. If you are a spouse then you can apply for a visa. What's the problem with that?

You obviously dont know what the # your talking about.

There are plenty of people who cant bring there spouses over (one on this thread) due to insane and petty reasons or sheer goverment stupidity. I have 3 friends who are fully born British citizen and cant bring there US spouses over because they earn below £18k a year yet there spouses earn £60k+ and they would easly earn that in the UK.....

Its not simple as "applying for a visa" as the visa system is broken.

3 attempts to get my girlfreind over for only a 2 week visit to see my parents and they refuse it. 1 because they processed the paperwork wrong and another they said we where not in a relationship even though we sent a mountin of evidence, i am now i the process of sueing the government which means there broken visa system is going to cost them.

originally posted by: paraphi
Another example of people whining that they should be exempt from rules.

No we want the rules changed because they are broken, inhuman and trampling on the rights of UK citizens.

Only a imbecile, heartless monster or government shill can not recognise the UK immigtaion rules are broken.

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Phonixfromtheashes

We should be taking in refugees, we should be taking in those seeking asylum, no matter how they get here, or why. We have no business refusing, since our way of life is what causes the destruction of theirs, which is not a matter for debate, but a simple fact.

However, we should not permit our responsibilities to those whose lives and homes are destroyed by our leaders, to mean that we cannot also have freedom and liberty for our own people, their spouses, their relatives abroad, to come to visit or to stay. The truth is that we CAN afford the space, we CAN afford the money, we CAN afford whatever we damned well need and want as a society, but only if there are not greedy people running it, and skimming our money from us without our permission.

How many refugees are you housing? Feeding?

My opinion is we should let refuges but only if a UK citizen offers to sponser them, house them and feed .

And no we dont have enough space for alll because we are in a #ing housing crisis! Not to mention our hospitals are overfull and stretched to breaking point.
Yes we need to build more but they dont spring up overnight.
edit on 30-8-2017 by Phonixfromtheashes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Phonixfromtheashes

Heard this, he need's to take this to court because the home office really do not have a leg to stand on in this matter, he was born here hence his place of birth is UK, he is ethnic British anyway.

Guess what if he was born in India and an Indian living here they would likely never have acted this way but because he is White, Ethnic British and Born in Britain but his Mother was an Australian citizen (and also of British descent almost definitely) they think they can pick on him and get away with it, oh hang on a moment wasn't it the same agency in the past that illegally sent ten's of thousand's of unaccompanied English, Welsh and Scot's children to Australia telling there mother's they had been adopted and they could not see them or even that they had died, children whom in many cases suffered horrific abuse.

Am I the only one whom want's to know the ethnicity of the immigration officer responsible for the letter? and whose blood is now boiling over this matter.

Shane if you are reading this know that most people in Lancashire and indeed the rest of the country are on your side, most people whom ARE British as indeed YOU ARE that is.

And folk's don't get me wrong but in out country they pussy foot it around accusing anyone that is not white of anything because of Race Discrimination law's but they seem to think that Race Discrimination law's don't apply to white British and so they feel they can treat us any way they like in these kind's of scenario's.

edit on 30-8-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: Phonixfromtheashes
The man is #ing British!

Not in the eyes of the law. He can get that sorted though fairly easily. It seems his parents have not resolved his legal nationality and if he's under threat of deportation to Oz then he's Australian.

You obviously dont know what the # your talking about.

Er, yes I do. Sorry if you have had a bad experience, but don't take it out on me.

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: Phonixfromtheashes

I hate to be one of those people that point out spelling errors but "we let huge amounts of UNKILLED, un educated people in from countrys in Africa and the middle east who come from a hostile culture in"

Or maybe it was deliberate and you advocate harsher policies for getting into the UK like being dead
btw the last bit was a joke before i get lambasted.

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 09:52 AM
you guys should get a tan pretend you are mexican and just move to the usa. mexicans are allowed to just walk over the border here, and work at target without ever knowing english.

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 10:11 AM
This just in: "It's all been an unfortunate misunderstanding," says HM Home Office.

Well, that explains why I couldn't understand the decision, at any rate. It was nonsense.

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: Phonixfromtheashes

originally posted by: slider1982

originally posted by: SprocketUK
It's amazing that these organisations manage to target people no one would have a problem with while allowing convicted rapists etc to remain without a second thpught.

Why attempt to track people down that have f#ck all information on them when they can remove Mr or Ms joe average who has a job and home that they can be tracked down to...

Two of my wifes friends in a similar situation as my post above where refused extensions of their visas,

You know their job roles???,, Mid wifes, a positions that is understaffed.. Both got accepted straight away one to Canada and the other Australia...

Shear Madness, no doubt they where replaced with a "bottom of the barrel" economic Migrant...


Next year I am moving to ecuador and I am a high school science teacher......... gold dust in education.

This country will trade unskilled African/middle eatern immigrants for skilled people (even there own #ing citizens!)........ no wonder the UK is failing.

Madness isn't it, my situation is slightly different as we meet in the UK but the situation posted is very common, if you are a UK citizen that has a job and skill your are sh#t on, same as you mate all asset's have been shipped to a new home in Asia. The laughable part is the amount the Government will loose long term in Tax, both the misses and me are from average wage jobs..

The flip side is the world is far bigger than the UK, and plenty of far nicer options are out there. Personally the thought of sending my kid to school here just brings me out in a cold sweat and I have done enough work within the justice system to know that the more toeing of the line you do the more of a easy target you make of yourself..

I personally think we are at the forefront of the mass skilled employable exodus, you would be mad if you had the options to get out of the UK and Europe in general but thought it was a good idea to stay, the ship is sinking esp if you live in a major city.

I built a house with a pristine air con workshop in the Philippines for the same price as what the Eurocrate charge would have been here for a few planning permission stamps..

Leave the country they said!!!!, Yep we soon will do not worry...

If they really wanted illegal immgrants out they would head to any high street in east London and they could fill their boots!!!!!...

But they don't

edit on 30-8-2017 by slider1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

Er, yes I do. Sorry if you have had a bad experience, but don't take it out on me.

You obviously dont or you would not say something as silly as "just get a visa" when it comes to spouses as it is not that simple...
edit on 30-8-2017 by
edit on 30-8-2017 by Phonixfromtheashes because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 12:02 PM
The immigration system is a mess in this country, not helped by the fact that the govt routinely ignores the suggestions of the people on the ground. The company I worked for was involved in the consultations over the Tier 1 general Visa and they completely ignored everything we said, it ended up just being a waste of taxpayer's money and caused untold problems further down the line which we warned about. They're friggin idiots.

If anybody needs assistance I'm OISC registered and you're welcome to message me.

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: Phonixfromtheashes

originally posted by: paraphi

Er, yes I do. Sorry if you have had a bad experience, but don't take it out on me.

You obviously dont or you would not say something as silly as "just get a visa" when it comes to spouses as it is not that simple...
edit on 30-8-2017 by

It is silly to get worked up over a non story, but hey don't let that little detail stop you. extra DIV

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 08:52 PM
Man, that is insane. I will never understand what happened with the U.K. and it's immigration policies. I mean, the guy is born in the United Kingdom. I could understand it if both of his parents were non-citizens, however his father was / is British!

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 02:59 AM

originally posted by: Phonixfromtheashes
You obviously dont or you would not say something as silly as "just get a visa" when it comes to spouses as it is not that simple...

It is quite simple to apply and the process is laid out in - just read it. It's quite right that a spouse has to demonstrate they can support themselves and can speak English, and all that. So yes, if you are a foreign spouse then you get a visa and after five years of visas you can apply to settle in the UK. If your marriage breaks down then you can bugger off. What's the problem there?

It stops criminality and people sponging of the state.

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: Phonixfromtheashes
You obviously dont or you would not say something as silly as "just get a visa" when it comes to spouses as it is not that simple...

It is quite simple to apply and the process is laid out in - just read it. It's quite right that a spouse has to demonstrate they can support themselves and can speak English, and all that. So yes, if you are a foreign spouse then you get a visa and after five years of visas you can apply to settle in the UK. If your marriage breaks down then you can bugger off. What's the problem there?

It stops criminality and people sponging of the state.

Your just digging a hole of stupidity now. Just stop and admit for once you dont have a clue.

It not even close to being that simple. What the government says on there website and what the reality actually is are completely diffrent.

Unless you have tried to go through the buerocratic quagmire you dont have a clue.

For a start its not as simple as being able to support oneself. The foreign spouses income is not taken into account. They can be on 6 figures but if the British spouse is bellow the threshold then they can not get the visa. What sense does that make?
I know 2 people in that trap right now, the husband from the states earns a very high wage and has had job offers for the same job in the UK.......but nope.

edit on 31-8-2017 by Phonixfromtheashes because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2017 by Phonixfromtheashes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 04:59 AM

originally posted by: Phonixfromtheashes
Your just digging a hole of stupidity now.

I know someone who went through the process - he was a Filipino. You know people who are "trapped". However, it's quite clear on the website if you want to read up on it. Then there're appeals and all that.

Like I said. Don't take your bad experiences out on me.

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 05:21 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: Phonixfromtheashes
Your just digging a hole of stupidity now.

I know someone who went through the process - he was a Filipino. You know people who are "trapped". However, it's quite clear on the website if you want to read up on it. Then there're appeals and all that.

Like I said. Don't take your bad experiences out on me.

Its not "clear" on the government website. It only mentions the basics, not all the little rules.

Appeals dont mean jack. They cost thousands of pounds and taake years.

And in my friends case the appeals would be worthless anyway due to the fact some goverment dip# added the rule that the forign spouses income does not count.

And this doesn’t even go into my case where i cant even get a 2 week visa for my GF to meet my family . The tourist visa system is a giant joke with no right of appeal. The Entry officers have zero accountability.

Because of this next march this country is losing a Science teacher (gold dust) as I am buggering off like many skilled people who can find work in other countrys.

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: Phonixfromtheashes

Well done to people that votes conservatives.

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