posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 02:59 PM
Destiny 2 formula isn't all that hard to figure out, its literally the same as D1. Weekly reset hits, knockout NFs, FPs, Crucible, Personal Clan XP,
you're done and set as those are the only sources of "Powerful gear", not the lower tier legendary, "Legendary Gear" engrams.
All that is left is Raid and Factions. Literally can be knocked out in a few days. This is with a full time job, children and a gripping, knagging
wife. Don't touch Destiny again until next Tues reset and you'll still be of light level relevance.
Great game, but after spending some time on the first one and taking an investigating look in the who Bungie is, of this era, it became clear as to
what kind of game this is. A beautifully scripted slot machine, that is not Pay to Win. In this game, RNGesus rules.