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PROPHECY - “Houston Will Be Destroyed, Desolate, and Uninhabitable.”

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posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 05:36 PM
I know this might be long but well worth the content. This might wake up those who are dead in spirit. It will make you think.

An interesting article showing God's people can and do communicate with the one true God.

This post was originally published August 29, 2016. It is being republished now due to hurricane warnings for Houston TX.

Since I was a little girl, I have had dreams and visions, so seeing things is not new for me, but hearing words from the Lord is. I first started hearing words from Him in 2011. When He speaks to my heart, He sometimes confirms it with scriptures, dreams, or visions, but mostly scriptures. When I was young, my mom’s friend in Christ prophesied I was a prophet. We never talked much about it, but my mom would tell people, “My daughter sees things”. I just look at it like, that’s how the Lord communicates with me. For the past six months, the Lord had been telling me I needed to prepare for what was coming. I wasn’t quite sure what He meant, so I just ignored him. I know that sounds bad, but each time I would try to focus on it I would get distracted. I knew His preparation included fasting and asking Him exactly what He wanted me to do. I knew it had to do with the economy. However I got lazy and honestly I was a bit afraid at what it really was. So I danced around the issue.

Well on Tuesday May 24 2016, this is what happened. I got off work at 6 am and I was really tired. I ate something, got in bed with my son, and said a short prayer that went like this, “Papa Yahweh, in the name of Yahshua I repent. I ask that your will be done with me and Zion (my son) as we sleep. I pray for divine safety and divine protection. Amen.” I hadn’t been praying heavy like I should, but in this small prayer I said Yahshua I repent. Well, I turned my head towards the wall and I hadn’t even closed my eyes for a minute before I instantly saw a vision. I suddenly found myself up in the air in the city of Houston TX. It was daytime. It looked like it was around 10 am. In front of me I could see about four tall gas tanks and other normal things you would see in the city. I live outside of Houston, but I don’t know where the oil tanks are. As I zoomed in on the gas tanks I could see they all had thick black smoke coming from them and one had caught on fire. I thought it was strange to see tall gas tanks in the city because I mostly see them in industrial areas.Next to the gas tanks was an apartment complex that looked like it was about four or five stories high. All of the sudden, the fire that was on one of the gas tank jumped onto the apartment complex! All of a sudden the oil tanks caught on fire and, when they did, there was an apartment complex next to them that caught on fire as well. Then the whole apartment building just collapsed. I was in utter shock. Then out of the corner of my right eye I saw a wave of water that looked around five feet high from where I was up in the air. So it was not as tall as the buildings, but enough to cause severe damage. After that it was like a ripple effect. When I saw the water, I said, “Where did this water come from?” I wondered because I was in the city, nowhere near the beach.

Then the Holy Spirit said, “The water represents judgment. Judgment is coming to Houston and it will be destroyed, desolate, and uninhabitable.”Again I was stunned! Houston was being destroyed! I got scared because people were screaming and there was nothing anyone could do because it was happening so fast. I closed my eyes and said, “Yahshua!” I think the wave of water is what did it for me. Then the water retracted, but then it came back again with force and strong winds. The water was destroying everything in sight. Cars were being flipped over and everything was catching on fire.When the winds came it moved me in the air and that was when I began to panic because until then I thought I was only seeing a vision. I began to hear people screaming and I suddenly realized none of us were not going to make it. So I began to think, “Oh no!” And I started yelling, “I Repent, I Repent.”I closed my eyes and said Yahshua several times, then I finally came out of the vision. I opened my eyes and I was in my room, shocked at how real everything was I had just seen and so relieved I didn’t wake up in hell. I was made to understand that if you are in Houston on that day you will not survive. The sky was clear, so nobody was expecting it.

edit on 29-8-2017 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 05:36 PM

When I came out of the vision, I said to the Lord, “I don’t live in Houston, I live in the Woodlands.” He said, “Where you are, you are not safe.” So I prayed and asked Him, “What are my instructions?” After that prayer, I went to sleep for real. I was so tired, I didn’t dream of anything, but when I woke up, I heard God say to me, “Tell them to seek me and I will tell them where to go for safety. Tell the church three things they need to do.” This is from the Lord and the instructions that came after the vision.

Take your secret sins to God so He can help. He wants to reveal things to people because He has instructions, which are different for each of us. Stock up on food and supplies, but not in Houston. Go where He directs you to go. Stocking up food in Houston won’t help. Make sure all documents are laminated.

I was not given a time frame for when this event will take place. The devastation was so terrible, it will definitely affect the surrounding areas of Houston. I shared this vision with my sister in Christ, Mena Lee Grebin. I asked her what was wrong with Houston Texas. I didn’t really see anything significant about Houston that would make Yahshua destroy it. She said Texas had allowed a lot of sin to come in on its’ soil. She referenced former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, a homosexual, but I didn’t think that would make Yahshua destroy a place and make it uninhabitable. So then I decided I didn’t care what the reason was. What I saw was so scary, I don’t want to be here when it happens. So I started praying about when I needed to be out of Houston. 😰 So I was like, I’m just gonna fast and pray because this is serious and I may not have much time. So the next day, I thought about it and I was like, well I guess since I have been given this vision, which is amazing since I haven’t been praying like I should, maybe I should find out why Yahshua is destroying Houston.

I wanted to be responsible with these visions. So I went on YouTube and typed in Satanic worship. I didn’t know what to look for because I’m like I don’t know what’s unique about this place. As I was searching, the Holy Spirit said, “Abortion.”I was like abortion… okay? So I’m like, what’s unique about abortions. They are everywhere, in every city. So I looked up Planned Parenthood in Houston. I was like, maybe Houston has the biggest one…IDK. Then I came across this article from Life News. The Holy Spirit said, “Look at the date.” I’m like, “Ohhhhhhh snap. May 24th! Thats the day I had the vision.” Then He said, “Read the article.” I just kind of skimmed through it, but when I got to the part of “selling body parts of aborted babies” the Holy Spirit said, “That is why judgment is coming!” I was stunned! He said, “It is part of it.” He wanted me to know that part. I was so shocked, but also thankful that He had given me a reason and to learn Houston has been heavily involved in this demoic murderous act. Then he said, “I don’t do anything unless I reveal it to My prophets first.” I joked and said, “God, am I a prophet?” LOL, I thought we were just talking! LOL… so that’s what the Holy Spirit told me. I got this explanation on May 25th, the day after the vision.
Thanks and God bless.


edit on 29-8-2017 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 05:38 PM
Oh brother...

+7 more 
posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
Oh brother...

How incredibly rude. I found this to be fascinating and true. If you don't think so, how about saying why, and save the school yard nastiness for some place else. Shame.

As for me, my first thought, besides, the incredible prophecy of this, was from Acts 2:17: "And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."

Thank you for posting this, OP. We who are open have been given visions, and dreams. These are not easy to deal with, but the author was blessed to be warned.

edit on 29-8-2017 by FissionSurplus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

So you predicted Houston, a city that is both prone to and has flooded in the past, was going to be flooded? Way to go Nostradamus

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

wow. S&F for the coincidence/prophecy. i only say coincidence and not just prophecy since you said no one would survive it and well, most seem to have survived it. i know a lot are missing and wont make it. but blew my mind anyways.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: norhoc
a reply to: DeathSlayer

So you predicted Houston, a city that is both prone to and has flooded in the past, was going to be flooded? Way to go Nostradamus

I see you did not read the thread because I am NOT the one who prophesied this.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Perhaps crosby

they've lost electricity and generators and can't refrigerate chemicals that have to be cooled otherwise they become explosive.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: FissionSurplus
How incredibly rude. I found this to be fascinating and true.

As I was searching, the Holy Spirit said, “Abortion.”I was like abortion… okay?

I don't see Houston standing out in any way as far as abortion. OP prophet sounds very Catholic?

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: FissionSurplus

Oh brother!

I asked her what was wrong with Houston Texas. I didn’t really see anything significant about Houston that would make Yahshua destroy it. She said Texas had allowed a lot of sin to come in on its’ soil. She referenced former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, a homosexual, but I didn’t think that would make Yahshua destroy a place and make it uninhabitable. So then I decided I didn’t care what the reason was.


posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

oh my, if that place goes up how big of an area do you think would fill the effects? this could be very bad.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:33 PM
Really annoying reading threads about sin and referencing America as the bath house of it in some way.

People suck around the world..Why would God punish one city of many out there. One that opened its doors to the flood victims of another major city back in 05 and made sure people had a place to stay when they had nothing as well.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: FissionSurplus

Well, I had a vision too. God told me that the reason Houston and surrounding areas would flood was as punishment for all the conservatives there who were against women's reproductive rights, who discriminated against homosexuals, and who fought to ban innocent transgender people from using the restroom that fit their gender best. The fact that there were some liberals caught in the floods and lost everything even though they hadn't done any of those things was just tough nuggets, per the big man himself.

My vision is just as accurate as anyone else's, right?

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

I am actually pro-choice....although this news about them selling fetal parts, and those companies who use aborted fetal tissue to create vaccines, is disturbing to me. It feels....disrespectful and cannibalistic.

I have no religion per se, I am a person who believes that God shows many people visions, but whatever they call him/her: The Great Spirit....Shiva.....Allah.....meh, it's man's inability to wrap his mind around this that causes a bunch of religious stuff.

I believe that some people are open to visions of the future and, like a radio, some of our brains are more finely tuned to pick them up than others.

My mom is Catholic. I'm just a spiritual person, I don't go to church. But I never discount a prophecy or a vision, no matter what religion (or lack of it) that the person believes in.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: windword

Save it. A person shared somebody's prophecy from last year. This person has a lot of belief in sin and punishment. I'm not on that ship, but if somebody is, it is not for me to be pissy and put them down. Don't we have enough of that in our country as it is??

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:51 PM
American centric nonsense
Prophetic trash

Judge Huston, is God the God of Houston, really

God sent Jesus to redeem souls, individuals, people from sin

Is houstons sin worse than any other city's sin
What other prophecies has this person done, has this person seen and justifies anything they see
Sounds like an overactive imagination and very silly blind and dumb sheep wanting to believe

It rains on the good and bad alike, it's not a judgement of God, that is insane, very unbiblical and a flat out lie

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: FissionSurplus

I think we have enough divisiveness in this country as it is, that we don't need to be blaming gays or women's reproductive rights for a hurricane and a humanitarian disaster in Texas!

edit on 29-8-2017 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: SR1TX
Really annoying reading threads about sin and referencing America as the bath house of it in some way.

People suck around the world..Why would God punish one city of many out there. One that opened its doors to the flood victims of another major city back in 05 and made sure people had a place to stay when they had nothing as well.

In that sense, I completely agree. I concentrated on the prophecy about Houston. The 'why' of it.....well, we're all sinners, I guess. That is the interpretation of the author.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: FissionSurplus

Well, I had a vision too. God told me that the reason Houston and surrounding areas would flood was as punishment for all the conservatives there who were against women's reproductive rights, who discriminated against homosexuals, and who fought to ban innocent transgender people from using the restroom that fit their gender best. The fact that there were some liberals caught in the floods and lost everything even though they hadn't done any of those things was just tough nuggets, per the big man himself.

My vision is just as accurate as anyone else's, right?

Of course. If you made it up, that's on you. I give everybody the courtesy of believing them until they prove themselves to be liars.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 07:19 PM
It could happen. I don't subscribe, but they probably wondered WTH in the day of the flood and Noah's ark.

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