posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to:
Be leery of how giddy and gleeful you are about this. The political pendulum always swings back eventually. It may be 4 years, it may be 20, it may be
50. But eventually the chances are really high that what you support, groups you belong to or even websites you frequent, will be enough cause to
label you a gang member or terrorist or a supporter thereof. Advocating for labeling extreme ideologies eventually backfires on everyone who proposes
it. Let people exercise their rights to out their stupidity publicly and if individuals initiate violence, go after the individuals who commit those
acts, hide them and support them afterward or give the marching orders.
This is as dumb as the concept of a "hate" crime. Any violent assault, murder etc... stems from some sort of hatred and doesn't need an additional
label to add prison time to it. Crimes are crimes. Arrest, try and sentence people accordingly. Utilizing sweeping brush strokes against any group is
senseless and creates even further contrasting divides in a country that is already critically partisan benefits nobody except the for profit judicial
system and you support feeding it relentlessly it would seem. Especially when geared towards a loosely affiliated group like AntiFa with no
centralized leadership. At the end of the day, you're the one who has to pick your battles. I just think you're picking a little too gleefully without
a proper appreciation for trhge cyclical natrure of history.