i previously worked at another large cable company that starts with a C, in a local networking group. they had diagnostic tools for their voip that
recorded every button press on every call. the tool had the ability to record calls, presumably for troubleshooting, but it had the potential to be
enacted on a mass scale. it wasnt active at the time, but it would have been trivial to enable it. potentially anyone at the company with network
access and a healthy curiosity could have discovered a way to access it and enable recording.
im rather curious what they are all doing with their sandvines deep packet inspection servers. back then, comcast got in trouble for modifying
bittorrent packets to drop connection, so the industry was a little squeemish about using them. i doubt that to still be the case. sandvines boxes
are like dedicated MitM gear, i could spend hours imagining all the havok and nastiness they could be put to, or covert/nefarious purposes, either by
industry or gov.
law enforcement and fbi monitoring is done through CALEA vpn gear (with help routing traffic to them) so recorded outside the MSOs. i suspect nsa
monitoring would be through optical taps on higher teir fiber, or directly in peering points.
security and proper coding practices can be pretty lackluster in the industry, its possible you saw something that they meant to be internal only.
though i would be suprised if they had someone competent enough who noticed and fixed it so rapidly, it was rare for me to encounter a group or
individual so on top of things where i worked.
ive heard the phrase "if you arnt paying for it, You are the product" it seems like more and more we are all products, even with services we pay
comcast does care about ANYTHING that can be monitized.
Oh look, i found the saying on the second page of /.
(Bruce Schneier: "Personalized advertising is how these companies make money, and is why so much of the internet is free to users. We're the product,
not the customer.")
edit on 30-8-2017 by moisturerichsoy because: rearrange
edit on 30-8-2017 by moisturerichsoy because: link