This is the torture chamber isn't it! I ate chicken and green beans for supper, Sausages sound pretty good. I like Johnsonville bratwurst myself.
Not the spicy ones though. Or plain natural casing hotdogs. A good sauna Makkara sounds good over the sauna stove too. Darn, now I am getting
I boil covered in water in a frying pan....turn over every 2 minutes or 3 until the water has boiled away and they start to fry.
Then I flip them every couple minutes browning on each side. They stay plump, crisp, juicy.*
Have you considered trying a different sausage? I like andouli, but tried these about a year ago, and damn, haven't found a way to mess them up yet.
Opas Sausages
Right now, I love throwing these sliced up with a bag of Cajun sixteen beans into the pressure cooker.
With andouille I would put it in a preheated oven at 350 on a sizzle platter with some water for two rounds of 8 minutes with one rotation.
If you were cooking a fresh sausage I would bring a pot of water to boil (no salt) and drop the sausage in. Turn off the burner and cover for 15
minutes. Then use the oven directions above.
Of course if you have a grill..... throw them on that sucka!