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The United States should divide

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posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 04:57 AM
I have to agree with many of the posts here. Things are not more divided now than before. Now it's just more televised and Shared, because of the internet. Most real people in this country go to work take care of their families, and live in our world's. The fringe ideologies are just getting more airtime nowadays because everyone has access to the internet. That being said, there are 315 million people in this country, all of the fringe groups, antifa, kkk, black lives matter, neo Nazis, gangs like cribs and bloods, gangster deciples, Latin Kings, all of these groups combined make up maybe 1 percent of the population in this country. Nowadays they are all coming out of the woodwork because they feel that their basically criminal ideology can become mainstream. In reality they are outing themselves as being defective members of our society without realizing it. In the end anyone who supports these defective ideologies will more than likely be either be removed from society, or like others have said, some major city on the west coast will have a wall built around it and anyone supporting defective or criminal ideologies will be sent their to live out their defective lives in some escape from New York type prison camp, which personally I don't think is a bad idea.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: Abysha

lived in both. You live in a fantasy land.

i said wall off liberal cities. lots of red cities out there. we will do just fine. keep your hollywood.

dont talk to me about diversity when your going around talking about killing people for voting a certain way or because they have a different skin color. i live in the south with diversity all around and we get along great. You terrorists sympathizers are the party of racists and vandals who celebrate your own countries destruction of actual history and success like its an achievement. You demonize weapons in the hands of law abiding peaceful citizenry while you run around with sticks, stones, bottles of urine assaulting people and our own law enforcement. You condescend and ridicule hard working americans to provide for their families and celebrate non working college graduates while at the same time enslaving an entire class of people to entitlements and destroying their lives so you can force them to vote for you.

The left is the scum of this country and what many of us have known for decades has only been proven with your actions of the last ten years.

Dont talk to me about rights and constitution either because not to long ago your leaders were declaring them terrorists and weaponizing government agencies against them.

So just go away. We will wall off the liberal cities to give you protection from us. You can leave us alone and we can leave you alone. Live and let live. You will have total freedom in the confines of your area and so will we. keep all your taxes.

like I said, we sacrificed and income to keep our kids out of school and away from all your hate and bigotry. My 5 year old can read, do math, and know more history of this country than most teachers. My seven year old does division, science, and reads to me at night. we dont even work that hard at it either. Most of my kids education is self taught. They play sports, eat good food, do chores for money (oh the horror) and watch clint eastwood movies.

In their spare time they can do whatever they want as long as its constructive. Paintings, BB guns, archery, lightsabers, legos, puzzles whatever.

i know what goes on in your " schools". i worked in them. They are nothing more than soul poisoning centers that robs the body of human spirit.

So you can take your lies somewhere else.

i am not the only family following this model BTW. We have big numbers and we are growing every day. Your going to see some massive numbers increase in homeschoolers in the next few years. believe it. we recruit just like you guys.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: 1337Kph

Note; I'm not even from the US.

It's really not as crazy as it seems. The majority of people don't give a crap and just want to live their lives.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:10 AM

originally posted by: Domo1
a reply to: 1337Kph

Note; I'm not even from the US.

It's really not as crazy as it seems. The majority of people don't give a crap and just want to live their lives.

Except for the antifa/transgender/kkk/blm/ and any other "free" movementsand speech groups you care to include, other than that we agree.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Well yeah, but that's not even close to half the population. They're just freaking noisy and obnoxious.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: Domo1

Noisy and obnoxious apparently is now "in"....god help us all.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: DonVoigt

been in Ex KKK country in the south for 15 years. Know lots of people from across the spectrum. Red necks to black folks to Gays to whatever. never met, seen, or heard of a KKK group or member. Never heard of a meeting.

everything we are seeing on TV is a farce.

everyone down here is asking who the heck are these people on TV. KKK lol. Its a joke. Blacks dont believe it either. They voted for Trump. and believe me they are pissed off to see statues torn down. We are not going to get sucked into a false war over it but everyone in my town is well armed in case these vandals start breaking into houses. This is blue collar North Carolina in a very diverse county. You go to the gun range and we have everything from asians to australians... blacks to gays... we dont care. We look at the cops as the good guys because they are .... even if they are not always in a good mood. Everyone here is painting their front Sights white so they show up easier on black clothing just in case there is a run in with the ANTIFA ninja wannabes. Class 3 machine guns, SBRs, and sound suppressors are also quite the rage lately LOL.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

they should have kids. Then they would see what noisy, obnoxious, and destruction is all about. I cant even keep up with my kids anymore. My five and seven year olds tear apart everything in the house to see how it works. As we speak i am trying to put the toaster back together because they found mom's hidden screwdriver kit. Two days ago they got into the sewing kit and sewed the blanket to the couch so it wouldnt fall behind it and cover the ac vent. they are out of control!

If these ANTIFA had kids like the rest of us they would go do something quiet like the rest of us do. i have protests in my house every day!

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: agenda51

everything we are seeing on TV is a farce.

Its only a farce to people who are not sucked in to the drama.

To those that are sucked in , well we are the welcome
edit on 27-8-2017 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

i used to get sucked in when i was like 13 years old. Waco comes to mind. i think by the time i was 14 or 15 i figured some things out. That one event changed me forever.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: agenda51
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

they should have kids. Then they would see what noisy, obnoxious, and destruction is all about. I cant even keep up with my kids anymore. My five and seven year olds tear apart everything in the house to see how it works. As we speak i am trying to put the toaster back together because they found mom's hidden screwdriver kit. Two days ago they got into the sewing kit and sewed the blanket to the couch so it wouldnt fall behind it and cover the ac vent. they are out of control!

If these ANTIFA had kids like the rest of us they would go do something quiet like the rest of us do. i have protests in my house every day!

Antifa may consider your kids as terrorists soon if you don't get them under control.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: 1337Kph

I can no longer see how the US will be able to remain a functioning country, let alone a super-power, when there is such a huge gap between beliefs of both political sides.

there isn't even a tiny gap between party policies, they're both right wing capitalist, democrats didn't run on a ticket making health care free or ramping up taxes on the wealthiest.

Wouldn't you support having a nation of people with like-minded morals and beliefs who love their country and work to be productive? Personally, I think both sides would benefit.
Lefties could open their borders to anyone from anywhere, maintain feminist ideals to the extreme and what-not.

so you're one of those types that believe civil and equal rights along with common decency are only maintained by those of a center right leaning, in america.
nice characterization.

the likes of vince cable must terrify you wanting people to get along, jeremy corbyn the antithesis and did tim farron and his penny on the tax give you nightmares?

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:56 AM
I was going to be flippant and ask if we were to be divided into the new countries of AmeriKKKa and USSA, but those are old jokes. But as was said above, the numbers are so low for the wombats and fruit bats that a division isn't really needed. So what to do...

Stage an event that is sure to bring the punks on all sides together.
Gather them and deport them to North Korea.

This solves a couple problems, gets the rabble out and allows Kim to know for a fact that we have far worse things than nukes to throw at them. The whinny ass and badass brigades locked in their eternal battle might prove to be too much and bring Korea to the bargaining table. Or they mow them down. Either way, the world will be a better place.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: 1337Kph

I agree with your assessment. The 'we are all American' argument pales when both sides see a different definition for that 'America'.

Many ways it could go. Yet, as vocal and occasionally violent it is, it's still a form of grid-lock. Now it's seems a three sided stand-off. Not unlike that old Eastwood 'spaghetti' western, the good, the bad and the ugly.

The Democrats, the Republican Establishment and Trump with his base. There is an overlap of agendas between those three groups. The Democrats
hold massive sway with the MSM, the Bureaucracy and the Judicial Branch. The republican establishment control the Legislative branch and Trump the Executive Branch.

The three branches of U.S. federal power. Split evenly. More or less.

So I suggest another possibility. A continued grid-lock. For the full term of President Trump. It is my belief that The democrats and republican elite fear the unknown response of the base which is so disaffected with the D.C. machine that they think by blocking Trump at every turn is the best possible route. He fails in delivering his promised agenda, and a new President is nominated and elected for 2020. They do NOT impeach, or otherwise mess with Trump except the PR machine and State level non-compliance.

In one sense, the very fact of Trump's election can be seen as a 'miracle'. Clinton was viewed as a shoe-in. The last pillars of the U.S. would now be on the way out, with war far more likely that under Trump.(My opinion, only.)

Like it or not, Obama set the bar with his 'E.O.s', his memos and his prosecutorial discretion. Trump has wiggle room to operate as has the two other branches.

Bottom line is fear of that break-up of the Union is exactly why Trump will not be removed. Trump is old. Block him, wear him out. Outlast this President seems the long term game-plane. It may even work.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

talking about kids is fun

my 5 year olds favorite movie is predator and all the rambo movies. he makes toy guns and lightsabers out of PVC piping. I think antifa would be running for the hills if they ran up against him. he also loves when trump is on TV and jumps around saying lock her up LOL. favorite star wars character is boba fett whatever that means. lately he has been addicted to Rocky films.

my seven year old might be some sort of alien hybrid because he has some seriously strange abilities. photographic memory off the charts. his favorite movie is the rocketeer and i think he may actually create the rocket pack someday. he plays seduko for fun.....weird stuff. my dad was like this so i think he gets it from him (played with rockets etc.). he looks just like my dad as well. A lot of intelligence is just genetic. i can tell you stories about my dad that would blow your mind. he is also off the charts.

my kids are so dramatically different its like being two different fathers. one thinks he is Race Bannon and the other thinks he is Dr. Quest.

They are wearing me out LOL! i have a feeling that my oldest son with be smarter than me by the time he is 16 and my 5 year old will be sketching plans for bank year? That or he will try to be a real life super hero. i keep talking to him about EMTs since they are similar.

i have a feeling if i put them in public school they would try and put them on drugs. they are smart and stubborn and they sure as heck would not assimilate inside the government zombie academies.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 06:15 AM
In a reply to: 1337Kph

What a load of nonsense. It's time some Americans put on their big boy pants and deal with it. You can't succeed every time a candidate you don't like wins an election.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 06:40 AM
Yea there is a divide, but no its not as big as the media is trying to make it look.

Our country has always had a divide in it, the city folks always thought they were better/smarter than the country folks, that has not changed the only thing different is we now have 24 hour news channels that need to fill the air time when they do not have a catastrophe.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: nwtrucker

it might work to block trump but this movement has been building steadily since George bush senior was preaching NWO. i think the last 4 presidents before trump may end up being the worst we ever had for the most part. massive massive damage.

trump getting elected though was a real turning point to where a majority of the populace woke up. i dont see some establishment candidate convincing the populace that the government is here to represent you and go back to bad trade deals and horrible domestic policy legislation.

in short i think trump gets his agenda through or this country goes into revolution mode somehow.

i just dont see how the illuminati can put this back in the bottle even after trump. americans just had enough. putting an absolute outsider to the oval office was basically a declaration of war against the agenda of the illuminati.

what are they going to do...take out trump and go after guns....good luck with that. stall and fix an election...not seeing it. put another obama in office.... not seeing that either. trumps entire campaign was basically pulling back the curtain where he became the ultimate whistleblower. You go back and watch those RNC primaries and its unbelievable what he was laying out. You watch his speech after he was sworn in and its like he declared war against the entire system. many of which were sitting right there.

honestly..has there ever been a more fearless president in regards to NWO? I always thought kennedy had guts but trump is just on another level both in domestic and international. he just doesnt give a rip. he has a huge target on him and still doesnt care.

i am not an outwardly religious person but God Bless This man. I still cant believe Donald Trump is such a warrior. if you would have told me ten years ago i would have laughed. heck 4 years ago.

Only leader i have seen in recent history like this is Putin who basically tricked and chased the illuminati out of his country and has made it his mission to destroy them. he is another honey badger that doesnt give a rip.

sometimes i wonder with some of these resignations what really going on. 4 russian diplomats getting accidental deaths this year. trumps team just exiting periodically. I know we think we know more than trump whats going on but i have a feeling there is a LOT going on with all this deep state stuff that he knows and we dont.

I am always looking at actions more than words, spin, narratives etc... I dont really see anything that has shown Kelly is some sort of trump saboteur. and I have faith that trump would catch on pretty quick if he was. it was not that long ago that he lost his son.

its just hard to tell right non. there is so much misinformation its almost impossible to decipher.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: Aegeus

they have been planning an american takeover for a long time and Trump winning was similar to putin taking back russia.

posted on Aug, 27 2017 @ 06:51 AM
This was Putins plan all along comrade!

Humble the United States in the same way the Soviet Union was humbled.

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