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The Ignored and Suppressed Opium and Other Substance Addiction Solution

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posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Fact is, the device will not work for addiction, unless it somehow resets your genetic structure that is largely the core problem with addiction, it will do nothing for it.

I can believe that electro convulsive treatment would work for addiction, it would zone you out and make you gentile during the cooling down period.

But your device? It would not. As a placebo? It could assist.

edit on 29-8-2017 by MuonToGluon because: Added + Fixed

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: MuonToGluon

i agree with you saying this is a placebo at best. And dangerous at worse. at the end of the day you and i can rest easy, i know that i would never pray on people who NEED help.

basically if you're addicted to anything. go to the doctor and they can help you get whatever services you need.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

For those that will accuse me of making any money off of this. I can prove I don't. And am willing to bet any amount of money.

So if you prove you don't make money of it you will be making money of a bet about it.

How much money do you have to lose?

No, no one was talking about how much money they have.

You said you could prove you don't make money of this.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: thesaneone

there are two types of addiction

physical-where you body over a period of time needs it to operate normally

mental-where you like the feeling and chase it.

The physical addiction is called dependency.

Addiction is mental issue.

Should be treated as a mental issue after the substance issue is covered.

Addiction all stems from the brain.

This is how heroin addiction/dependency happens.

It takes a while to become dependent but the addiction can happen quite quickly.

One can start using on a daily basis and have signs of addiction in their first week of use,

However, the dependency takes a few moths of constant use to change the bodies chemistry.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: diggindirt

They only take the drug when they are in serious pain. Simple. That might be once a month or once every several months. Thirty pills may last them several months. I know because I'm the one who fetches the prescriptions.

You said Opiods for Chronic pain.

Once a month isn't chronic pain.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale
If you read my posts you saw that I said that they use alternatives for pain relief, only using the opoids when the pain becomes intense. The pain is chronic, fits the classical definition, as the pain is from injuries many years ago. When bones are crushed, even though healing of the bone may occur, the resulting damage to the circulatory and nerve network can still cause pain. I think what most folks don't understand is that pain doesn't have to be constant to be chronic. Given that pain management personnel rarely recommend anything other than pills or shots for management, it's not surprising that many sufferers of chronic pain become addicted to the pills over the years.

My relatives happened to have had docs who are very aware of the problem of addiction (long before the current opoid "epidemic") and are open-minded about alternatives to pill popping due to the damage to liver and kidneys that long term use of pain pills can cause. When we learned about photon therapy (from the internet!) we investigated it and introduced it to the doc. He investigated and began recommending it. He learned of the value of paraffin baths for arthritic pain from a patient and recommended them to us. So these guys were able to cut back on their use of pain pills, the side effects of long term use are significantly lessened and they have avoided addiction. After multiple surgeries they are both able to be active and live relatively normal lives more than 30 years after major trauma kept them flat of their back and on pain meds for weeks and months at a time.

The problem with mainstream medicine in the USA today is that medical schools teach only BigPharma's version of health care. Rather than encouraging docs to explore alternatives to pills, they discourage anything that doesn't make the Industry a lot of money. Chasing the almighty dollar does not lead to good health, it only leads to a large bank account for members of the Industry and "managment" of pain and addiction for people who are suffering. Then, when the inevitable damage to other body systems shows up, they hand them off to liver and kidney specialists to make more money off them. Isn't that a lovely system?

edit on 29-8-2017 by diggindirt because: clarity

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: diggindirt

The problem with mainstream medicine today is that medical schools teach only BigPharma's version of health care. Rather than encouraging docs to explore alternatives to pills, they discourage anything that doesn't make the Industry a lot of money

You're so sadly misinformed.

In the UK, doctors can and DO suggest alternatives if asked.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: TerryDon79
Thanks, I've edited my post to indicate the USA. I'm aware that most European countries have more access to what US docs call "alternatives." They are not yet completely controlled by BigPharma. If memory serves me, most European countries do not allow advertising of prescription drugs do they? What a blessing it must be to be able to watch a show without being bombarded by adverts for erectile dysfunction or opoid constiaption!

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: diggindirt

I replied before your edit.

We're definitely not controlled by "BigPharma". There's very few countries that have the type of healthcare the US does.

Only drug adverts allowed on TV are the over the counter ones. And even then there's no many. I reckon there's more ads here for women's period products than actual medicines lol.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: MuonToGluon
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Fact is, the device will not work for addiction, unless it somehow resets your genetic structure that is largely the core problem with addiction, it will do nothing for it.

I can believe that electro convulsive treatment would work for addiction, it would zone you out and make you gentile during the cooling down period.

But your device? It would not. As a placebo? It could assist.

To put it simply. According to Dr. Beck. They have done experiments to grow back limbs on rats using electricity. Also secret illegal experiments on people. The body regenerates what was once there. That's what the NET frequencies do. They regenerates the brain so it can get back to a balanced state. That's why they call it NeuroElectric Therapy.

How Can Humans Regenerate Body Parts With Bioelectricity?

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: Salander

i cant believe this is still going on lol, at least some good advice seems ti have filtered in here.

subs are easy to get off of, as is any opiate as long as you go low and slow when dropping your dose. worked for methadone and methadone,for me, was harder to kick the heroin or pills/suboxone.

of you feel really crappy tell your doctor and they should help you. it won't be pain FREE, but pretty close.

Anecdotal evidence works both ways. I closely watched a friend go through pure hell for several months. To clarify, he tried titrating the dose downward, but finally had to go cold turkey. It was brutal to watch.

Suboxone is an opioid, not an opiate, according to

posted on Aug, 30 2017 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: diggindirt

How is it that some people become addicted to alcohol and others don't? Some people can drink alcohol their entire life and never become addicted while others become addicted. Because each individual is different.

If you drink on regular basis all your life then you are an addict.

If you read my posts you saw that I said that they use alternatives for pain relief, only using the opoids when the pain becomes intense.


you said they have been using for 30 years but maybe once a month or when ever they really need a stronger pain relief.

We are talking about addiction, taking a pain killer every now and then is not addiction.

The pain is chronic, fits the classical definition, as the pain is from injuries many years ago. When bones are crushed, even though healing of the bone may occur, the resulting damage to the circulatory and nerve network can still cause pain. I think what most folks don't understand is that pain doesn't have to be constant to be chronic.

So why is Chronic interchangeable with persistent pain?

Please tell me how they've managed to hide this addiction for all these years when I'm the one fetching the prescriptions. What sort of addiction allows one to go for weeks without being supplied? Thirty pills last these guys for months.

Addiction is a repeated use of a substance,

addiction leads to dependency.

The problem with mainstream medicine in the USA today is that medical schools teach only BigPharma's version of health care. Rather than encouraging docs to explore alternatives to pills, they discourage anything that doesn't make the Industry a lot of money. Chasing the almighty dollar does not lead to good health, it only leads to a large bank account for members of the Industry and "managment" of pain and addiction for people who are suffering. Then, when the inevitable damage to other body systems shows up, they hand them off to liver and kidney specialists to make more money off them. Isn't that a lovely system?

This is an issue world wide, not just in the US.

There is too much money and power involved.

A country in S.E. Asia I think it was, cant remember exactly which one has very little morphine for cancer patients and other sick that may need it.

Companies don't want to supply morphine because there is no profit to be made but they are pushing for opiod pills to be pushed by doctors and government alike there.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 07:39 AM
My goodness, we are all addicts to food, water and sex!!

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 10:36 PM
So I wonder which Biotuner I'm selling? I posted 5 or so.

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