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Trump Signs Directive Banning Transgender Military Recruits

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posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: thesaneone
Sorry but the military isn't about feelings.

then trump should stop kicking out able-bodied service members who want to serve so he can get some balm for his BIG FEELINGS.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: neo96
Well this is a crushing defeat to the rainbow coalition.

Thank you Mr. President.

For saving the American taxpayer some coin.

EVERY cent counts.

Spending is cumulative.

are you really thanking the guy who's blown through the equivalent of all 8 years of obama's secret service budget already... for saving money?

yeah clearly that's his priority...

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

Considering antifa,blm and idiots on social media,corrupt media are pulling.

I'd say he hasn't spent enough on it.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: infolurker

So, do you think President Trump's decision to announce this one month before implementation was a good thing? I think it eased the shock, and also gave Transgender military and wanna-be military, the respect of an advance notice.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: carabao
ATS is getting close to resembling stormfront.

Yeah ... that's what they say when "That's racist!!" doesn't fit their narrow narrative.

I'd swear I'm seeing so many sock-puppet accounts these days I just don't know what to make of 'em.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: neo96

maybe you don't keep up with the news, but the budget is blown due to his continual vacation traveling.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

New U.S. budget year starts in 35 days, doesn't it? President Obama was soaking up the same Secret Service presidential protection budget, before it shifted over to President Trump.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: fiverx313

New U.S. budget year starts in 35 days, doesn't it? President Obama was soaking up the same Secret Service presidential protection budget, before it shifted over to President Trump.

you appear to want to do a little reading on the subject.

The Trumps Have Maxed Out the Secret Service's Budget

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: infolurker

So, do you think President Trump's decision to announce this one month before implementation was a good thing? I think it eased the shock, and also gave Transgender military and wanna-be military, the respect of an advance notice.

you're trying to spin announcing policy via tweet with no discussion with the military as giving advance notice?

that's pathetic. i sincerely hope you're getting paid for something like this, because actually believing it would be just baffling.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: fiverx313
they should be allowed to serve, as they have been. he's obviously just trying to score points with the small faction of people who still support him for some mysterious reason. it's hateful and stupid that he would pull this #.

No they shouldnt be allowed to serve, it is the friggin military, its not some touchy feely group of confused people at a group therapy session....ffs work it out...

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 02:58 AM
It's about time! Very refreshing to have a CNC that understands that the military isn't a "reflection" of society. Very few can qualify to "Serve". As it should be. The "good of the order".. Should never be compromised, by selfish minded "individuals", that can't see passed the balls they don't want. I know,.."Navy SEAL Transgender"!...this, that and blah blah and blah! The military isn't there to be reflective of society. It's there to give "society", the dirt to stand on! How society screws dirt up? Is on them. But don't give the Military your huddled mentally ill. I'd rather they treat a real wounded warrior's bullet hole. Than pay for the removal of some nutcases d*ck, just because he "believes", it doesn't belong there, and he likes pantyhose. Good job! Go Pres. Trump!

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Well said!

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: infolurker

So, do you think President Trump's decision to announce this one month before implementation was a good thing? I think it eased the shock, and also gave Transgender military and wanna-be military, the respect of an advance notice.

advance notice that their country's leader and his supporters hate them?

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 04:24 AM
Many have already worked it out, not all want surgery upon joining. That's probably a smaller amount than what Alt news drums it up to be.

If he goes beyond banning just recruits, now many will face a lot of problems because it's their livelihood. As if many veterans weren't already in a hard spot as it is.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

It's a war-machine, not a #in fashion parade.


posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
No they shouldnt be allowed to serve, it is the friggin military, its not some touchy feely group of confused people at a group therapy session....ffs work it out...

whatever, dude. you obviously don't know anyone who's transgender and have no idea how they act in the military. it's great to see people can have such big opinions about stuff they know nothing about, because of their own uninformed, irrational prejudices.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: Jerseymilker

First its the transgendered people, what next ban gays from the military?

What expensive medical treatment comes with being gay?

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: growler

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: infolurker

So, do you think President Trump's decision to announce this one month before implementation was a good thing? I think it eased the shock, and also gave Transgender military and wanna-be military, the respect of an advance notice.

advance notice that their country's leader and his supporters hate them?
no hate here, I'll leave that to the left.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

Actually I do know one .

That is beside the point, the military is for combat ready soldiers, not so good for people with hormonal issues.

There are plenty of careers for transgender people the military in my opinion is not one of them.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Well done Mr. Trump, we the tax payer should not be forced to pay for genitalia mutilation in order to support transgender sex change in the military.

Want to get genitalia mutilation, do it on your own time and with your own money.

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