posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 04:07 AM
OK folks, after our short break... I believe that the time has now come for our next Short Story Writers Contest!
This time around, our previous winner AugustusMasonicus has nominated FauxMulder to choose the theme!
Which is....
"Alien Ambassador"
So, all Short Story Entries for this contest must contain or relate to that theme.
In FauxMulder's own words...
"An ET shows up. Write about how that interaction goes. Or a human could be the ambassador to another planet."
Video submissions are not acceptable this time around.
Photos and Music ARE allowed this time.
Rules Of Entry
The contest will run from NOW to Thurs 21st September 2017.
(Any submissions after that date will be disqualified.)
A period of ONE WEEK after the closing of the contest will be provided for voting.
All T&C's Apply.
All entries MUST include [AAM2017] in the title.
All entries must be linked in this thread, and please include [writer] or [non-writer] in your submission post within this thread.
There is no minimum or maximum character count, and the entry can be submitted over one or more posts, but please bear in mind that it is a SHORT
STORY contest!
Also, please END your submission with "THE END" so that everyone is clear that your entry is complete.
1 Single Story Submission is allowed Per Member.
There will be 3 winners among members who already have "Writer" status, prizes as follows:
1st Place -- 5 Applause, and selection of the next contest theme
2nd Place -- 3 Applause
3rd Place -- 1 Applause
There will also be 3 winners from the non-writer category who will receive the following:
1st Place -- 3 Applause & Writer Status
2nd Place -- 2 Applause & Writer Status
3rd Place -- 2 Applause
Flags will be worth 2 points each.
Stars will be worth 1 point each.
*Stars for subsequent posts (ie. additions to the story after the initial story post) will be worth .5 stars.
I'm happy to answer any questions about the contest rules/scoring etc.
Any queries about the actual theme or content for this one should be directed to FauxMulder.
Most of all... Enjoy!