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We Are Living In A Simulation - New Evidence

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posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 01:30 AM
We Are Living In A Simulation - New Evidence

Well i'm on that bandwagon for a least a few decades. So I was very suprised to find out that the Simulation theory is discussed and investigated by 'real' scientists. This very entertaining YT Video (the blonde reminds me of felicity smoak) explains in layman terms the basics of quantumgravity and the hints that we might be living inside a simulation. Basically our physical world is not the ultimate reality. Maybe even it's computated by some kind of 'computer'.


posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 01:36 AM
I'm not sure I find this video convincing, but I do think "The Matrix" is far more real than most people give it credit for.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: TruMcCarthy

Well you watched it at 6x the speed didn't you ?

More scientific background : this one from the same people

edit on 8232017 by frenchfries because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: frenchfries

Could you give a brief synopsis of the "new evidence" in the video?

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: frenchfries

There's little doubt in my mind that's what this place is.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 01:57 AM
When I was young and had a sharp MZ-700 I used to edit the games, one I think called snake vs snake, to remove a part of the wall that enclosed the two snakes growing longer and longer.. so I'd let my snake escape. The screen was an area of memory that you could poke into. I used to wonder just where my little snake was moving about in the ram once he escaped. Till the computer crashed that is...

If this is a simulation, I want elevator glitches. and a grenade launcher.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: Abysha

Groundbreaking documentary from the genius guys at 'Quantum Gravity Research' about the true nature of reality. This is cutting edge science that will one day change the way we view our reality forever. Visit their website

For more just watch the vid if interested (I assume)

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 02:51 AM
If this is a simulation, we need some new programmers.
This game is a little rough around the edges.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: frenchfries

I like this subject... but after 6 minutes of watching, this video seems pretty promotional for that research center.

I suppose everything has an agenda these days.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 03:08 AM
So I don't have to go to work today?

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: frenchfries

These "genius guys" are wrong in their second paragraph

That's not what information is. At all, no, no, no. Information is easier understood if you look at it as quantum information bit on the membrane of the universe, ie "there/not there" 0/1. That's a simplification as there are actually more statūs available, but for the basics this approach should suffice.
Geometry is maths, which is what the human brain does, make an abstract to encode the reality in order to compare and look for patterns, but that's then the symbol not the thing.
There is absolutely no consciousness needed for inanimate "things" in reality to form patterns as this is simply a way to fill the space.
the quantum membrane of the universe has proven over and over that it contains more than the three spatial dimensions we perceive peripheral through mathematics.
The quantum bits couldn't care less who chooses them to be pink unicorns or simply positron/electron/neutron, as it is always just doing what it does: filling the space according to the laws of energy conservation.

Another example why their theory is useless as they take a premise which has already been proven wrong. Human free will is a myth, the decision what you will do is made far before you act, if you're fast you have sometimes a "veto", but this glorification of consciousness is simply false.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: frenchfries

I watched the video in its entirety and I have a few issues with their assumptions. I have never been one to agree with the theory that something does not exist unless it is observed. I also found a number of contradictions stated in the video. This group wants to develop "The Theory for Everything" yet they want to exclude very specific aspects which are a component of everything such as religion, belief systems, and connected consciousness. Seems contradictory to have a theory of everything if you are being selective about what information you want to observe. Herein lies the problem with groups such as this. If it doesn't fit into their narrative it is cast aside. Academia arrogance much?

This group also makes some untrue statements. The Golden Ratio is not absolute yet in their video they make it appear as if it is. Black holes still have not been proven to exist. Time is not real and is only a human perception. No other species on the planet adheres to "time" other than humans. Non-determinism? That's highly debatable. E8 Crystal? Huh? Their pixelation explanation was confusing and did not connect the dots for me at all.

I've studied quantum mechanics, super string theory, chaos theory, and much more over the years because I find it fascinating to contemplate the obscure. Physicist Sylvester James Gates made greater discoveries than the theories in this video over 6 years ago and made similar suggestions about us living in a simulation. Professor Gates never claimed we did but his discoveries supported the possibility we might. His version of E8 Crystal are adinkra. Very interesting.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: Shuye

It's actually somewhat ironic, they make a point of mocking people, reputed scientists and theorists, for not having the answer... That their simulation theory is the "TRUTH". Problem is, who is running the simulation? And then the problem arises, consciousness in a reality that cant explain its origin. So the people who simulated us, are also a simulation? Not much of an answer in simulation theory.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 03:18 AM

edit on 8232017 by frenchfries because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 03:19 AM
a reply to: Peeple

a reply to: Peeple

Oh I get it they are wrong and you're right N'est-ce pas ? Well no...

Their theory is use less because it already has been proven that free will is a myth ? Well no , no proof at all . And glorification of consciousness is false because ? Well as I see it you're a 'skeptic' that's lashing out a bit.
But hey did you enjoy at least the video ? Nowadays everything is entertainment , even your post replies.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: frenchfries

Answer that

originally posted by: WorShip
a reply to: Shuye

It's actually somewhat ironic, they make a point of mocking people, reputed scientists and theorists, for not having the answer... That their simulation theory is the "TRUTH". Problem is, who is running the simulation? And then the problem arises, consciousness in a reality that cant explain its origin. So the people who simulated us, are also a simulation? Not much of an answer in simulation theory.

As it's really the biggest issue of the simulation theory. As far as I am concerned you can believe whatever you want. The question of free will remains up for debate and my taste isn't necessarily better than yours.
But since you resort to add hominid instead of discussing the topic immediately, I just nod smile and am out.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 03:29 AM
cant delete post after mistake
edit on 23-8-2017 by WorShip because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 03:32 AM
Lol.. modern version of religious nutters.
You are a bacteria on a molding loaf. Nothing more.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: Outlier13

"The Theory for Everything" yet they want to exclude very specific aspects which are a component of everything such as religion, belief systems, and connected consciousness. Seems contradictory to have a theory of everything if you are being selective about what information you want to observe.

well right... I assume what they mean is that the TOE will explain all physical processes. So TOE is a bit of a Misdemeanor I do understand that it simply doesn't explain the metaphysical aspect. But hey it's a starting point

The Golden Ratio is not absolute yet in their video they make it appear as if it is.

right ...(asume you mean constant instead of absolute ?) but it pops up everywhere has to mean something fundamental. it's
a observation of nature. part of the scientific method is observation. Also why exactly is a constant constant. If i state lightspeed isn't a constant how can you prove me wrong ?

Black holes still have not been proven to exist. Time is not real and is only a human perception.

I couldn't agree more. i still don't believe in blackholes. And time is just a selection of realities within a hilbertspace. In a way their theory (that block past and future) is exactly as i see it , time is an illusion.

Non-determinism? That's highly debatable. E8 Crystal? Huh? Their pixelation explanation was confusing and did not connect the dots for me at all.

I assume you mean in this video ... (way to complicated for me)

the first one was in layman terms.. and indeed it does not explain in depth. but you studied quantum mechanics... sst and chaos theory... so well watch this one instead. E8 is trying to remap to E4 and then to 3d ??

Sylvester James Gates made greater discoveries than the theories in this video

Well feel free to adhere to the greater scientist , I like tesla and justin beeber , but eventually it's about science and not the people . These guys at least try to do science and have a fresh new perspective.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: frenchfries

Excellent video frenchfries , concise , informative and understandable.
For me the theory that our reality is made from information played across the surface of a Black Hole holds the key to our existence.

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