I don't know what to say, or how to say it, to get parents to see the dangers that are awaiting their children, even when they are right under their
noses. I am not telling parents to hover over their children, or to leash them, but parents have to be aware of the dangers, and they have to do more
than teach those dangers to their children. They need to provided their children with the skills to avoid and overcome the dangers they face
Parents need to stop thinking, "it will never happen to my child", because I hear that from every parent whose child it did happen to. Your children
are not exempt and they are not immune to the dangers of our society.
I had a young girl almost die at my feet yesterday. According to her grandmother, she had posted some inappropriate material on the internet before,
and the mother had warned her if she repeated the unacceptable behavior, she would take away the cell phone. When the mother found out the behavior
had not stopped, she terminated the service to the cell phone. The young girl decided that she could not live without her cell phone, so she decided
to kill herself.
Fortunately for her, her grandmother was visiting and decided it would be best to just get her out of the house for a while, so she took her to a
nearby family community event. She was not aware the child had taken a large number of pills before leaving the house. When she passed out on the
bathroom floor, she was lucky there were people around to help. I just happened to be one of them.
I guess sometimes you are where you are supposed to be, because I am a Forensic Nurse and there was another lady there that is a Nurse Practitioner.
That is only reason why that child is alive today. I could not believe how long it seemed to take for the paramedics to arrive. They were stellar when
they arrived but in a crisis like this, time seems to snail by.
The number of children that are being hurt and killed related to activities they are involved with on the internet is growing everyday. You can't
blame the children. When a poll was taken asking the average person on the street, what was the one thing they could not live without, the majority of
them answered, "their cell phone". If drugs are at epidemics levels, they have to take a back seat to cell phones.
Parents think they are showing love and concern when they put those devices in their children's hands. They aren't. There is something children need
more than cell phones or internet access, they need to learn about the world around them that they can see and touch. The virtual world is a trap that
if not maneuvered carefully, will lead to disaster and death. Parents need to teach them how to navigate those waters, or they are sending their
children into the ocean on a raft with no life preserver.
edit on 21-8-2017 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Word edits.