posted on Sep, 11 2017 @ 10:32 AM
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Angry most of the day, reason being i work in a family based company and the only one that's not family is the accountant and she is so stupid, i have
to teach her use Excel ¬¬..that level of stupid, and when my husband's mom asks us to take care of something she always blows it up and it's somehow
our fault, even tho we were not even aware of, (husband and i) ... oh also, they listen to her excuses and bad advices and that's why the company is
currenly under water ( i have an MBA and i could have salvaged the company but apparently my capabilities are non-existent to the boss,.... anyway...
Also, sad.
Sad because my husband and i worked for his parents company the last 4 years and on friday he told me he was taking a job somewhere else (the reason i
am here is because they needed help immediately so i left my prior job - technology commercialization- and moved here and now i am left alone in a job
i didn't want with no way out for now.
The sad feeling is just because the hubby will not share with me whats happening, he never told me he had intentions to go after a new job he just
told me...friday i have an interview, (last friday) and today he was supposed to start..which he did... and i was left like my opinion as a wife did
not matter , let me tell you we are really open to change so we always consult everything with each other, and take decitions as a couple but today i
was left out, plus we already had a significant fight because of this 2 months prior... he'll never learn i guess...