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I don't Recall the Left Denouncing Hate Crimes from Leftwing Groups...

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posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 01:58 AM
Toddlers more dangerous than terrorist in 2015.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Supporting BLM is not the same thing as supporting violence and murder.
That is like saying that supporting pro-life group is the same thing as supporting volence and murder when some guys shot up Planned Parenthood clinics.

Supporting them supports their violent causes. It's either with them, or against them.

Do you support pro-life group?

BLM is more of a threat than "pro-lifers." A drop in the bucket compared to DAILY BLM violence.

Sure it has nothing to do with the gang and drug dealing violence? Surely you realize that many BLM members denounced the violence over and over again, right?
Let me ask you a question I have asked the OP. Are you against the police brutality against the black people?

"Brutality" according to WHO'S standards? Excessive force is obviously needed sometimes with defiant and combatant suspects -- be it black or white. As far as "cold-blooded brutality," like shot in the head point blank while in hand cuffs? Of course not. But most cops are "Hitler" to BLM, so there's no reasoning with them.
edit on 21-8-2017 by Kromlech because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Supporting BLM is not the same thing as supporting violence and murder.
That is like saying that supporting pro-life group is the same thing as supporting volence and murder when some guys shot up Planned Parenthood clinics.

Supporting them supports their violent causes. It's either with them, or against them.

Do you support pro-life group?

BLM is more of a threat than "pro-lifers." A drop in the bucket compared to DAILY BLM violence.

Sure it has nothing to do with the gang and drug dealing violence? Surely you realize that many BLM members denounced the violence over and over again, right?
Let me ask you a question I have asked the OP. Are you against the police brutality against the black people?

"Brutality" according to WHO'S standards? Excessive force is obviously needed sometimes with defiant and combatant suspects -- be it black or white. As far as "cold-blooded brutality," like shot in the head point blank while in hand cuffs? Of course not.

Two words: Rodney King.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Supporting BLM is not the same thing as supporting violence and murder.
That is like saying that supporting pro-life group is the same thing as supporting volence and murder when some guys shot up Planned Parenthood clinics.

Supporting them supports their violent causes. It's either with them, or against them.

Do you support pro-life group?

BLM is more of a threat than "pro-lifers." A drop in the bucket compared to DAILY BLM violence.

Sure it has nothing to do with the gang and drug dealing violence? Surely you realize that many BLM members denounced the violence over and over again, right?
Let me ask you a question I have asked the OP. Are you against the police brutality against the black people?

"Brutality" according to WHO'S standards? Excessive force is obviously needed sometimes with defiant and combatant suspects -- be it black or white. As far as "cold-blooded brutality," like shot in the head point blank while in hand cuffs? Of course not.

Two words: Rodney King.

Was the rioting and looting necessary? NOPE. Just like today it isn't.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 02:14 AM

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Supporting BLM is not the same thing as supporting violence and murder.
That is like saying that supporting pro-life group is the same thing as supporting volence and murder when some guys shot up Planned Parenthood clinics.

Supporting them supports their violent causes. It's either with them, or against them.

Do you support pro-life group?

BLM is more of a threat than "pro-lifers." A drop in the bucket compared to DAILY BLM violence.

Sure it has nothing to do with the gang and drug dealing violence? Surely you realize that many BLM members denounced the violence over and over again, right?
Let me ask you a question I have asked the OP. Are you against the police brutality against the black people?

"Brutality" according to WHO'S standards? Excessive force is obviously needed sometimes with defiant and combatant suspects -- be it black or white. As far as "cold-blooded brutality," like shot in the head point blank while in hand cuffs? Of course not.

Two words: Rodney King.

Was the rioting and looting necessary? NOPE. Just like today it isn't.

Rioting and looting are never ever necessary.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Supporting BLM is not the same thing as supporting violence and murder.
That is like saying that supporting pro-life group is the same thing as supporting volence and murder when some guys shot up Planned Parenthood clinics.

Supporting them supports their violent causes. It's either with them, or against them.

Do you support pro-life group?

BLM is more of a threat than "pro-lifers." A drop in the bucket compared to DAILY BLM violence.

Sure it has nothing to do with the gang and drug dealing violence? Surely you realize that many BLM members denounced the violence over and over again, right?
Let me ask you a question I have asked the OP. Are you against the police brutality against the black people?

"Brutality" according to WHO'S standards? Excessive force is obviously needed sometimes with defiant and combatant suspects -- be it black or white. As far as "cold-blooded brutality," like shot in the head point blank while in hand cuffs? Of course not.

Two words: Rodney King.

Was the rioting and looting necessary? NOPE. Just like today it isn't.

Rioting and looting are never ever necessary.


posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 02:55 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

The same when some pro-life group members openly call for the deaths of doctors and nurses who are involved in abortions.

Sorry, but you are wrong, most pro-life people are against murdering doctors... Keep trying to swift the blame. It only shows you find yourself guilty of enabling BLM and other murderous groups. BLM in general is about hating white people and police officers... Pro-life is about the belief that the most innocent human beings deserve to live... It isn't a call to murder police officer.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

I'm sorry? Did you just accuse me of enabling violence and murders?
Well I guess the propaganda has worked too well.
I think Springer said it best.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Sorry, but you are wrong, most pro-life people are against murdering doctors.

You're right most of them are against killing but not all huh? Whether you want to admit it or not pro life people do murder doctors.

Pro-life is about the belief that the most innocent human beings deserve to live... It isn't a call to murder police officer.

Most of these doctor killing pro lifers thinks their religion gives them a right to kill.
edit on 4140000002631America/ChicagoMon, 21 Aug 2017 03:56:26 -05002010 by buster2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 04:08 AM
The op's recollection is faulty many people on the left call out hate groups. Here is a book of left wing hate groups written by a Democrat.
Left Wing Hate Groups

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Supporting BLM is not the same thing as supporting violence and murder.
That is like saying that supporting pro-life group is the same thing as supporting volence and murder when some guys shot up Planned Parenthood clinics.

That made absolutely no sense what so ever, when a group turns hostile and starts committing murder in there name and you support it, what is it called then? Im sure not all of them could kill, but not all white supremacy groups are murderers either. I dont support either one.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 07:24 AM

This is the truth about Margaret Sanger. We need to stop rewriting history to make those who hate, look like saints.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: theatreboy

This is the truth about Margaret Sanger. We need to stop rewriting history to make those who hate, look like saints.

And of course, a site called "Black Genocide" is a totally unbiased look at history?

Let me predict ... in regard to Sanger the same 2 or 3 quotes that are always misused regarding outreach to the Black community are used?

The idea that the Black community is not capable of understanding or making a decision about abortion?

And of course, the stupid claim that all abortions are infanticide?



posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: buster2010
The op's recollection is faulty many people on the left call out hate groups. Here is a book of left wing hate groups written by a Democrat.
Left Wing Hate Groups

Then why are there black and white left groups shouting blm and committing those violent acts? White are there white people degrading there own? Sure, not all left are, but enough for the media to show, enough we have public representatives announcing to the public they hope for the assassination of pur potus.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: Bwomp83

Why don't you provide us with example (after example, after example, after example) of the historical racial superiority message of the "BLM groups."

What you can't? Because I can certainly do that with the White Supremacy idiots.

Forget that BLM is not an organized movement.

Forget that BLM is not a racial superiority movement (despite at how badly the idea that Black lives are important too triggers some folks).

Forget that the "violence" you guys keep crying about is a handful of incidences against a backdrop of over 200 years of lynchings, arson, etc. from the White Supremacists.

Wow, your argument requires that we forget a lot of history ... don't it?
edit on 21-8-2017 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
While I abhor violence from right wing groups, the left wing do tend to ignore the inconvenient facts that groups who they support can also be violent, bigoted and intolerant.

It's the same as some feminists turning a blind eye to violence and hate against women in some (ahem) non-white cultures, because that's too complicated and they don't want to end up calling themselves racist because that's even worse, innit?

how would it be better if we called for our government to free those poor women from the sexist ideologues by the men, women, and children out of existence? we barely have any power to control what happens in our own country, just what the heck are we supposed to do about crap that happens halfway around the world?

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: Kromlech

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Supporting BLM is not the same thing as supporting violence and murder.
That is like saying that supporting pro-life group is the same thing as supporting volence and murder when some guys shot up Planned Parenthood clinics.

Supporting them supports their violent causes. It's either with them, or against them.

Do you support pro-life group?

You failed to answer the question, so why don't you answer it?

Do you know what a hypocrite is?
edit on 21-8-2017 by Regenmacher because: more details

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 08:10 AM
Just because the (liberal) media doesn't cover it doesn't mean a majority of the US population isn't outraged and fed up with it.

I believe all the election recently indicate that.

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
Just because the (liberal) media doesn't cover it doesn't mean a majority of the US population isn't outraged and fed up with it.

I believe all the election recently indicate that.

You mean the Election where 54% of the American people voted against Trump?

Or is it that one in which 60% or so are EMBARRASSED by the man and disapprove of his Administration?

You mean that US population?

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: Bwomp83

Why don't you provide us with example (after example, after example, after example) of the historical racial superiority message of the "BLM groups."

What you can't? Because I can certainly do that with the White Supremacy idiots.

Forget that BLM is not an organized movement.

Forget that BLM is not a racial superiority movement (despite at how badly the idea that Black lives are important too triggers some folks).

Forget that the "violence" you guys keep crying about is a handful of incidences against a backdrop of over 200 years of lynchings, arson, etc. from the White Supremacists.

Wow, your argument requires that we forget a lot of history ... don't it?

Pffft lol, oh, so you know people who were enslaved, that were lynched or working in the cotton fields? Oh whats that, nobody was in the time we live in? We cant change the past, but nobody today was a part of that mess either. Everybody in this world is born pure and innocent, people choose to be mad about something that once was 200 years ago. Btw, you have a keyboard, look it up yourself! Or are you not capable of doing such things? Or do you deny truth and accept ignorance? Hrrmmmm
edit on 21-8-2017 by Bwomp83 because: (no reason given)

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