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You blinked and missed it. They redfined nationalism as Racists and Nazis.

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posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: Hippyfrog

It's crazy isn't it? Yesterday I saw someone on the left equating populism with Nazi idealogy? It actually happened. I'm mean it's so evil that a politician would espouse ideas and policies that support the ordinary citizen? How revolutionary and terroristic can you get? It just keeps getting more and more insane.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: Who2Trust

Explain please

I can't believe this needs to be explained.

Here it comes.,

For eight years of revisionist language and ignoring TERRORISM, and screaming you can't judge an entire group of people by the actions of the few(muslims).

It only took a few months to blame the entire group for the actions of the one(charlottesville).

EPIC hypocrisy.

Charlottesville was more than just ONE GUY. It was several thousand White Supremacists organized as a show of force, to prove they could "step off the internet and occupy physical space," chanting "Jews will not replace us" and other racially offensive nonsense. One of them killed a woman in cold blood, and injured several others. The murder was captured on film for any who doubt this.

Then, the president, who like it or not is seen as the top of the GOP pyramid, screws the pooch big time by suggesting both sides were equally to blame, which is actually starting to erode is own base, who I thought would NEVER turn on him.

edit on 20-8-2017 by Dudemo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: pavil

I get you. Its like reading a novel in a dystopian setting wondering when the turn will happen and everyone will wake up shocked at what they did or the complete collapse into the world of Road Warrior. As an observer I am excited to find out. As a rational person I am thinking this book is poorly written and will either end Apocalypse Aliens, Jesus or the 5th Dimension. Name your poison. Or its 1984 and Orwell should be canonized. God forbid it drags on like this though.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: testingtesting
a reply to: Hippyfrog

Only one race the human race the sooner we realise this the better.
When the green skinned pigmy aliens of beta 210g invade we can all hate them together in unity.

As ISIS has showed us, while our DNA may all be the same, our ideals and morality are not. Globalism in the guise of everyone is the same and equal is quite plainly wrong. It's a lie. Every person in the world is a not of the same idealogy and many have quite Neanderthal behaviors. There are dozens of Nations and societies where I want no part of their ideals and cultural norms. Stop living in fantasy world where if we all just were more tolerant of abhorant behaviors, they would adopt our norms.
Yeah I know.....sounds superior doesn't it? I'll stack Western Values up against any other system and guess who will end up on top? There's a reason why most of the world flocks to the nations that hold the values of Western Civilization, we are pretty darn sucessful. Overall, we are the ideal most of the developing world wishes they were.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: Hippyfrog
Now the globalists have co-oped the term nationalist so that if your against their global agendas you can instantly be labeled a racist and discounted.

I didn't actually miss that, but I thank you for pointing it out to anyone that did.

I saw what they did there!

edit on 8/20/2017 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: pavil

Isn't that the whole point. Letting someone one else have a different idea from you without the need to force them to conform to your values and ideas.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Hippyfrog

You have a guy getting stabbed because of a hair cut.
You have a politician hoping Trump gets assassinated.
You have thousands marching against free speech.
You have even more eliminating statues and anything they deem offensive.

The left has gone full retard.

They'll define freedom as communism next. Bunch of god-damned authoritarian assholes.

Let them implode in their own soiled crap-filled lives.

All very true.
The Freedom is Communism, good is bad, bad is good, is the name of the game.
Trump went after Globalists and what magically happens through violence? Nationalism is being equated with Nazis.

It is a war between Globalism and Nationalism, funny thing is our Constitution gives zero authority to Globalism, in fact it makes putting Globalism above Nationalism a treasonous act.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

Remember those who voted for Brexit were labeled as racist.

The globalists know one tune and they play it constantly.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: TinfoilTP

Remember those who voted for Brexit were labeled as racist.

The globalists know one tune and they play it constantly.

Yes, over in Europe forfeiting sovereignty is all the rage. Here in the US our Constitution demands we have none of that. Obama and his coconspirators went around the Constitution using Trade deals and Treaties to erode sovereignty. Trump is tearing them all up and flushing them down his gold toilet.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: Hippyfrog
a reply to: intrptr

Could it be that our problem is language. That the words equal or better can not be applied.

If I want a guard dog, that does not make a Shih Tzu a lesser dog then a German Shepard, but the German Shepard is a superior race for the needs.

If I want a smart dog I get an Australian Shepard not a Basset Hound.

All four races of dog are good. All four races will wait for you to get home, will watch tv with their heads in your lap and let you know when something is up.

The problem is dogs dont worry about if they are smart, strong, fast or social. They just are what they are.


Races aren't different like that--and even then I'd investigate whether differences in dog breeds are genetic. The end result is all races are equal in terms of capacity, but socioeconomic (or environmental) variables might create differences if their population distribution/access isn't equal. If every person of every race had equal opportunities and access, there would be almost no differences except superficial. And this is why white privilege is so important. Ignoring it, you enable whites to have an unfair advantage.

Example below: - RACE - The Power of an Illusion . Go Deeper...

Race, wealth and life opportunities are intertwined in the United States. Today, white and nonwhite communities are still "separate and unequal" and the gap continues to grow, long after the Civil Rights era. Wealth, and the opportunities it affords, is passed down through successive generations. Along with it, Americans have also inherited a legacy of inequality that continues to shape the future. Segregation and the wealth gap between whites and nonwhites did not arise on their own. And because they are so deeply entrenched in the institutions that structure our society, they will not fade away by simply outlawing discriminatory policies.

Now whether there's a deep state campaign to redefine nationalism as racist, I think it's possible. I entertain a variety of conspiracies. For example, why was the G20 at Hamburg? Why didn't they have it somewhere else, in a more open area, knowing full well there'd be a large protest by Antifa and other? It makes you wonder if they want a problem to occur. Something similar happened in Charlottesville. Why did they route Unite The Right protesters straight into their opposition? This coincided with the event being cancelled, so they felt insulted and angry because--however sick they're--they felt like their first amendment rights were denied. Was the intent to make a show, ensuring everyone sees it, so the powers that be can further link negative traits to whatever it's they're against? (And btw I'm led to beleive the event was cancelled because it got too violent, so I guess they expected it to be peaceful?)

I'm starting to wonder if Russia is behind it to cause disruption. They do this by supporting extremist groups. They're still angry about the fall of the soviet union. They support both sides the political spectrum to keep the fire going. Unfortunately proxy wars are the default.
edit on 8/20/2017 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Dudemo5

Charlottesville was more than just ONE GUY. It was several thousand White Supremacists organized as a show of force, to prove they could "step off the internet and occupy physical space," chanting "Jews will not replace us" and other racially offensive nonsense. One of them killed a woman in cold blood, and injured several others. The murder was captured on film for any who doubt this.


There have been idiots protesting them for months.

People already forgot about the idiot that shot at congressman ?

The way I see it the left and right is tied for who can be the most stupid.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: Hippyfrog

If I want a guard dog, that does not make a Shih Tzu a lesser dog then a German Shepard, but the German Shepard is a superior race for the needs.

Breed, not "race".

There is no classification called 'race' under the "Taxonomic" ranking system.


posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: Hippyfrog
a reply to: pavil

Isn't that the whole point. Letting someone one else have a different idea from you without the need to force them to conform to your values and ideas.

Sure if you want anarchy over a society that shares common values. There are basic ground rules in any society. Different ideas as long as the ground rules are abided by. Someone that wants to kill Innocents because their religion or idealogy tells them to is utter nonsense to our way of life. If you are forcing someone to conform to your values, then perhaps they just don't belong there in the first place. If you go to a Country to reside, typically you are going there because it's a better place overall than the hellhole you left. You should admire your new country's values and wish to emulate them. As an extreme example let's use post war Japan and Germany. They chose to emulate our norms rather than continue on the path they were on, albeit a forced path by losing the war. Still they could have kept on their previous path. They saw the values and liked them enough to give them a go and guess what, they liked them.

If you immigrate to a country and you despise freedom of religion, speech, rights for women and minorities ect, then respectfully, get the hell out of my country and don't come back. I have no need for those that do not want to abide by the norms of civilized behavior that we have set up. Go stone raped women or honor kill in your own country, never in mine. You want to live with me in MY house, these are the ground rules. Don't like them.....been nice seeing ya, bye.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: pavil

It has to be mutual. They would have to let you have your belief system as well without fear of indoctrination. What you say is true, if you move to a society because you believe it to be better then it seems counter intuitive to try and change it to be like what you just left. Like will attract like and there will be pools of thought gathered into communities and those pools will intersect into the pools of others. Interaction is a must. I was taught not to talk politics or religion in polite company. You and I will not agree on many things, but these subjects get intensely personal and best avoided entirely if your say my coworker or store clerk. There are places we can go ATS for example to share, dissect and debate the issues of the mind and theology. Most importantly is I dont have to convince you that I am right, but I am willing to hear everyone and accept being wrong.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: intrptr

A concede the point but dont think it invalidates the premise.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: CB328
Of course it is a primitive belief compared to the belief that we are all part of the same human family...

No it isn't.

The "human family" is too big as a concept for its members. We don't - in fact, can't - operate at that scale. That belief is an effective methodology for rendering the scope of interaction down to a level that we can process.

Even at the national level we are still dealing with humanity in the abstract. It's not until you bring a group size down below 150 or so that you are actually capable of being "part" of something. For any larger group, you might be associating with that identity (ie, fans watching a football game) but you can still only deal with it in the abstract - you can point at a random guy wearing your team's colours and say "he's part of our family", but you have no real proximity to each other in way that allows you to influence him or vice versa.

The belief that we are all part of the same human family, while entirely accurate, is actually more primitive because as a belief because it lacks any way of acknowledging or processing the complexity of inter- and intra-group dynamics that form part of the human condition.

edit on Ev44SundaySundayAmerica/ChicagoSun, 20 Aug 2017 18:44:47 -05000312017b by EvillerBob because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 06:59 PM
Not watching TV is great. My parents are still of the mind what's on the news is what's happening in the world. In there time it probably very much was.

They hate trump, loved obama and think black lives matter is a great organization with the good of humanity at heart.

Operation Mockingbird? What's that?? George Soros?? Who's he? The engineers are brilliant at's terrifyingly effective AND invisible to most.

Put it on TV, label something racist or unjust, BOOM instant condemnation. Then you get some pushback...and destabilize everything.

Throwing meat to packs of dogs is a great analogy and is exactly what is done.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: Tempter

originally posted by: Mandroid7

Simple, avoid the news. Obama legalized propaganda targeting citizens on us soil.
That shaped the influence I let it have on me.

You choose your own influences.

I am being influenced by the lake today, it is refreshing.

What authorization are you speaking of?

The Executive order that Obama signed that gave the US the right to drone the sh** out of a US citizen anywhere in the world without due process of the Judicial system. Thats what authorization.

Any more questions ? Damn I hope not .

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 09:22 PM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: Dudemo5

Charlottesville was more than just ONE GUY. It was several thousand White Supremacists organized as a show of force, to prove they could "step off the internet and occupy physical space," chanting "Jews will not replace us" and other racially offensive nonsense. One of them killed a woman in cold blood, and injured several others. The murder was captured on film for any who doubt this.


There have been idiots protesting them for months.

People already forgot about the idiot that shot at congressman ?

The way I see it the left and right is tied for who can be the most stupid.

So what exactly are we arguing about here?

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 12:44 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: Hippyfrog

You blinked and missed it. They redfined nationalism as Racists and Nazis.

The globalist? Who exactly are the globalist? This term gets thrown around alot, especially by the likes of Alex Jones and I have a hard time taking him seriously.

Wow, Olaru. Globalism and Globalists are a thing. It's empirical fact and even pretty much out of the closet now. ..

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