posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 10:07 PM
Hello ATS, been a while since I've been here and posted. Several years actually but hey, time is relative, right. It didn't seem very long to me
since I left and went walkabout. That said ATS seems different than I remember, more divided than ever. Sadly but unsurprisingly just like America. I
must say it's a bit distressing to see the escalation and ever widening divide in the political forums.
Anyway I thought it best to greet folks through the Intro forum and give old friends (and hopefully new ones) a heads up that I've returned. In the 3
years since I've posted, many names are new, many of the old names are no longer active. Such is life. Anyway, being gone didn't mean not dropping
in once and a while to see what was happening. Some things change, others not so much.
So a quick intro, I'm conservative, a veteran, and believe in the Constitution as it was written by the founders. How conservative? So conservative
I'd never dream of telling you what you should do, who you should marry and believe your freedoms to do whatever you please extends as far as you
want until they infringe on anothers. Perhaps that makes me a liberal IDK, labels don't really seem to help us much do they?
Finally though I thanked the mods in general and a couple specifically for helping me get up and running again (couldn't post) I'd like to thank
another for stepping up as well. Thank you Kandinsky!
Hello ATS, I'm back!