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Video that shows at least some of the violence in Charlottesville was started by counter protestors

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posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: Grambler

Notice I said not you? I was talking about the trend here on ATS with people blaming everything on the left. Your thread illustrates the fact that both sides are trying to push a narrative that the other side is to blame or started it, the right being the most vocal of all.

Yea but you have to realize there were many that were also just saying that it was their right whether you agree with their statement or not to be there. Also plenty that saw the need for all to be called out. These people were labeled nazi sympathizers almost imediately.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:18 PM
What do you mean a set up??


If you espouse an opinion street thugs don't like they'll beat your face in - no matter where you are.

This is America. The culture of violence and anger is prevalent in every major city.

People live in fear.
The streets are not safe.
Do you lock your doors?

I made my point...
Nuff said.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: TheLead

originally posted by: Perfectenemy
a reply to: Grambler

As always i appreciate your effort to shine a light on both sides but alas this thread will soon be overrun with people who refuse to acknowledge the truth. Godspeed Growler and i hope you're wearing your teflon armor today.

Damn here Grambler is trying to be reasonable and you go and call him Growler, this is a discussion no need for the insults.


Yeah it happens if i switch through different threads. Easy mistake to make and i rectified it well kinda. Thanks for pointing it out though.

edit on 17-8-2017 by Perfectenemy because: a gremlin made me

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: Grambler

I finally had a chance to watch the CPD Chief's press conference from over the weekend.

Just before he ended the press conference, he was asked a question by a journalist about whether a stand-down order was in place.

Interestingly, the journalist didn't cite the ACLU. He cited a report from an officer from another agency that was there to assist that during their briefing, they were told not to make any arrests without the explicit permission of the Charlottesville mayor.

That only bolsters my belief that the blame for this lies with Charlottesville's City Hall, and that the chief is being hung out to dry for it. Don't get me wrong, I think it was asinine for them to "believe this would be a peaceful rally" considering the groups involved, and that "belief" lead to them being unprepared for pretty much everything.

But I continue to think it was at the behest of City Hall, rather than any particular notion the chief came up with.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: TheLead

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: Grambler

Notice I said not you? I was talking about the trend here on ATS with people blaming everything on the left. Your thread illustrates the fact that both sides are trying to push a narrative that the other side is to blame or started it, the right being the most vocal of all.

Yea but you have to realize there were many that were also just saying that it was their right whether you agree with their statement or not to be there. Also plenty that saw the need for all to be called out. These people were labeled nazi sympathizers almost imediately.

Yeah. It's wrong to call them Nazi sympathizers. I think it's due to emotion reacting to what they perceive a uncaring attitude over the murder of a young lady by a white supremacist.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
Why has our society given street thugs a free pass to be violent and ignores it???

They aren't even leftists. They are just violent thugs that seek fights.

I've seen it here in Nashville too.

And it's not really a racial thing because there is a mix of races. It's a "Culture", primarily the lowest economic tier (poor people w substance abuse problems and long criminal records).

There are tons of senseless murders and countless assaults and robberies throughout this nation all the time and NO ONE WILL FACE THIS???

That "culture" has no place in our society and it's a far bigger threat than a few loud mouthed left or right wing nutjobs!!!

You lock your car doors everywhere you go because this culture operates unimpeded, people carry pepper spray tazers or guns because we live in fear of this "culture".

Why aren't we talking about this?
Obama AND Trump PROMISED to do something about this urban decay --- but nothings being done!!

Those weren't leftists. They have no politics. They were just petty thugs.

Wake up ppl!!!

It needs to be posted more than once tho.

People get your heads outta your rears.
Wake up to reality. Please.

Can we please try to fix this rotten country?

It ain't left or right man.
It's what I said above.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Has this occurred in your line of work, ever? Even remotely?

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
What do you mean a set up??


If you espouse an opinion street thugs don't like they'll beat your face in - no matter where you are.

This is America. The culture of violence and anger is prevalent in every major city.

People live in fear.
The streets are not safe.
Do you lock your doors?

I made my point...
Nuff said.

Here is what I would mean by setup.

This is just me being conspiratorial.

The leadership either wanted this event canceled or wanted to use it as political fodder; and they decided the best way to do that was to foster violence.

So the police not only stood back and watched people get beat; they actively led the right people into the crowd of left people.

Even on this video, you can here the right people yelling and asking why the cops are letting them be beaten.

Look at 6:44. A left person hit a right with something and knocks him out cold. The police make no attempt to arrest the man or chase him. Instead, they start punching a right guy.

Now, does that mean I think every single person that used inappropriate violence isnt to blame for their own actions?


Does that mean I think the a-hole that killed that girl isn;t at fault or is a plant and not a white supremacist?

No f'n way.

But I think the evidence is pointing to the fact that someone in leadership purposefully set up a tinderbox for violence.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Civil disturbance type events or a stand down order?

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Get on to the bigger issue Grambler. You have an ability to cut to the chase that people like. The issue of the media's manipulation, not from any particular point of view, just the fact of its existence, is worthy of more attention.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
a reply to: JinMI

Civil disturbance type events or a stand down order?

Stand down orders.

Or even keeping a disturbance confined to an given area.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:30 PM
Step outside of the narrative you're being fed by the media.

Our real problems aren't social justice.
It's a criminal justice problem.

I live in one of the nicest neighborhoods in Nashville, rent here starts at 2000$ a month.

The gas station here gets robbed several times a week, and who knows how much shoplifting goes on.

Bums gather out back and drink beer. The cops clean them out weekly but they always return.

This is all part of our cultural erosion.
It's all connected.
Please think about what's really going on.

Those violent kids in that video, agitating a fight, they are perfect examples of urban culture, thug life mentality. People of all races fall into this crime based lifestyle and become violent criminals.

Our prisons are overflowing.
Poor uneducated are the most susceptible.

Think of the rates of domestic violence.
That's what created this atmosphere and led to this political predicament.

I just gave you the raw truth.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: TheLead

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: Grambler

Notice I said not you? I was talking about the trend here on ATS with people blaming everything on the left. Your thread illustrates the fact that both sides are trying to push a narrative that the other side is to blame or started it, the right being the most vocal of all.

Yea but you have to realize there were many that were also just saying that it was their right whether you agree with their statement or not to be there. Also plenty that saw the need for all to be called out. These people were labeled nazi sympathizers almost imediately.

Yeah. It's wrong to call them Nazi sympathizers. I think it's due to emotion reacting to what they perceive a uncaring attitude over the murder of a young lady by a white supremacist.

I understand that as well, I just thought they should be looked at separately. Them being there in that situation was direct effect, but not necessarily that actions that took place. In situations like these when people have already prepared for battle it doesn't take much to instigate havoc. When we're in our emotional facilities we're easily manipulated. Just look at the sales game, lights, sounds, and smells trigger reactions that you wouldn't normally be subject to. No-one is above overreaction.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: Grambler

This whole nation is a tinderbox for violence.

It doesn't require any real set up.
The MSM is fueling the fire with lies and makes it worse.

Everyone's ignoring the real problem here.
Our criminal culture.

We need to make drastic changes.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
Step outside of the narrative you're being fed by the media.

Our real problems aren't social justice.
It's a criminal justice problem.

I live in one of the nicest neighborhoods in Nashville, rent here starts at 2000$ a month.

The gas station here gets robbed several times a week, and who knows how much shoplifting goes on.

Bums gather out back and drink beer. The cops clean them out weekly but they always return.

This is all part of our cultural erosion.
It's all connected.
Please think about what's really going on.

Those violent kids in that video, agitating a fight, they are perfect examples of urban culture, thug life mentality. People of all races fall into this crime based lifestyle and become violent criminals.

Our prisons are overflowing.
Poor uneducated are the most susceptible.

Think of the rates of domestic violence.
That's what created this atmosphere and led to this political predicament.

I just gave you the raw truth.

When the family was allowed to be destroyed we allowed the wolves at the gate free reign.

It is just a fact. Destroy family values, destroy society.

No more listening to grandad's words of wisdom, 'cos who was grandad again?

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
a reply to: Grambler

I finally had a chance to watch the CPD Chief's press conference from over the weekend.

Just before he ended the press conference, he was asked a question by a journalist about whether a stand-down order was in place.

Interestingly, the journalist didn't cite the ACLU. He cited a report from an officer from another agency that was there to assist that during their briefing, they were told not to make any arrests without the explicit permission of the Charlottesville mayor.

That only bolsters my belief that the blame for this lies with Charlottesville's City Hall, and that the chief is being hung out to dry for it. Don't get me wrong, I think it was asinine for them to "believe this would be a peaceful rally" considering the groups involved, and that "belief" lead to them being unprepared for pretty much everything.

But I continue to think it was at the behest of City Hall, rather than any particular notion the chief came up with.

This brings us BACK to the 'White- hating' racist Charlottesville Deputy Mayor:

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
a reply to: Grambler

I finally had a chance to watch the CPD Chief's press conference from over the weekend.

Just before he ended the press conference, he was asked a question by a journalist about whether a stand-down order was in place.

Interestingly, the journalist didn't cite the ACLU. He cited a report from an officer from another agency that was there to assist that during their briefing, they were told not to make any arrests without the explicit permission of the Charlottesville mayor.

That only bolsters my belief that the blame for this lies with Charlottesville's City Hall, and that the chief is being hung out to dry for it. Don't get me wrong, I think it was asinine for them to "believe this would be a peaceful rally" considering the groups involved, and that "belief" lead to them being unprepared for pretty much everything.

But I continue to think it was at the behest of City Hall, rather than any particular notion the chief came up with.

Not to make any arrests without the Mayor's permission? Crazy if you think about it.
Was the Mayor in the middle of this? Was he there to say who to arrest or not arrest?
I would bet the stand down order came from somewhere higher up than the City Hall there.
The fix is in people, it has been for a long time.

*****Let me be clear on my position again lest I be called a Nazi sympathizer again*****
*****Nazis are scum*****

But let's take a look at something here and I have not done any research on this at all but how many Neo-Nazi rallies have been held around the country for say the last 8 years while Obama was in office?
Maybe someone will know an approximate number, I don't have a clue how many.
But I would guess the number might be in at least the dozens possibly? Maybe more?
Has there been any other violence attributed to these past rallies? I don't recall hearing of any myself, but my memory is not that good anymore but maybe someone knows?
Could this all have been a setup by.....??
Crazy conspiracy thinking, I know but....

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: Jonjonj

Working/buying/living also play a large role in that scenario.

Less and lower if not unchanged paying jobs. Spending power recedes as inflation grows. Those plus your example effect living.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: Jonjonj

Yep, big time.

Good Parenting needs to make a comeback.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: Jonjonj

Working/buying/living also play a large role in that scenario.

Less and lower if not unchanged paying jobs. Spending power recedes as inflation grows. Those plus your example effect living.

The media is doing everything it can to railroad Trumps economic strategy by getting him tied up in this SJW fantasy garbage.

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