posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 06:03 PM
thnx for the real translation cuz i took another minuteto look around & read this guys opinion/translation heh he belongs on this site heh........
Look at the back of a 1$ bill...see a pyramid...above the pyramid is Latin "Annuit Ceoptis"...under the pyramid it says in Latin "Novus Ordo
Seclorum"...both of these mean "Announcing the birth" of the "New World Order(NWO)". The unfinished pyramid is symbolic of the birth of the
NWO...the eye at the top is the antichrist...I know some of you may not believe me...but it's so true. The Illuminati consists of many world leaders
and men of authority...including the Bush and Kerry. The illuminati are headed by the freemasonry religion, which is a satanic religion.
Ever noticed how everyone says that Jews run all media...well it is very true...ever heard of Masonic Jews...many of the illuminati are Masonic Jews.
You may wonder why you have never heard of any of this's because the media is controlled...the only things we see is what they let us
see. Doesn't it make sense that if they controlled all of media they could easily conceal the truth.
The illuminati consist of many MAJOR Authoritative Organizations including: the CIA, FBI, British Intelligence, the Mafia, Drug Cartels, tons of world
banking, and more than I can even mention. It also consist of VIACOM which owns COMEDY CENTRAL, MTV, NICKELODIAN, VH1, BET, SPIKETV, SHOWTIME,
PARAMOUNT PICTURES, CBS and even radio INFINITY BROADCASTING which owns more than 100 radio stations in all of the US.
They control EVERYTHING!...Have you ever seen the movie Blade with Wesley Snipes? In it, the vampires own everything including Police and Media...that
is why they could keep it concealed from the public...their plan was to bring elders to be sacrificed in order to reincarnate the "blood god, La
Magra" to take over the world because they had so much power over the public and other weaker nations.
The illuminati was started a long time ago...I don't know exactly when...but, it is probably because they won't release that information. The plan
was to bring a one world government headed by one person(Revelation~Holy Bible~)...this person is the antichrist! I'm not saying Bush or Kerry is the
antichrist I'm just saying we are so close to the tribulation(Revelation~Bible~)that it is in the next “very few” years.
What I am trying to say, though it may be very hard to grasp, we are under brain control…by control I mean regulation. We don’t know of this
secret organization because they won’t allow us to know. They are brainwashing us to fall into the huge trap that IS set.
It may sound like a movie and a darn good one...but it is absolutely true. We are “slaves” being rounded up to be fully controlled. If all of this
information wasn’t Biblically correct…I would not believe any of it. But all of this entrapment is what makes the antichrist so very possible.
Everyone will be forced to be part of the “perfect” world order and we won’t see it coming.
I understand this is going to happen anyway by biblical scripture, but I want to let everyone I can know about this. I could not be any more serious
about this!
(please don’t be offended…be extremely open minded) It has been said that most wars between US and other countries are staged…by staged I mean
they planned for so many soldiers to die…for their country they didn’t even know they were part of this plan. Even the holocaust is supposedly
staged…all those innocent Jews(man women child) were massacred. Hitler was apparently a JEW who was trained by the illuminati…isn’t it very odd
that HITLER won his election by 1 VOTE!
You may ask why they would do such a horrific despotic act. Well, after the holocaust people have been riled up to approve anything that opposes the
ideals of that slaughterer which is PART OF the illuminati’s PLAN! (please don’t be offended…be extremely open minded) It is also believed that
even the terrorist attacks on 9/11 were premeditated by the illuminati. Right After the attacks the patriot act and many other right devouring acts
and bills were signed. They did these under our noses while we were still being “patriotic” and not caring about anything but our country and our
president being safe. They knew this all along! We were “God bless the USA” while they were destroying our God given rights because they
intentionally blinded us from the truth. I heard that one of the illuminati’s former members was interviewed saying “the NWO needed some sort of
trigger to get the people behind it, so we used the WTC towers to initiate the Order. I believe there are so many “loopholes” to the terrorist
attacks, we ourselves could solve the case, but we only listen to the media THEY give us. They give us what we need to hear, not what we want to
(please don’t be offended…be extremely open minded) I HATE to say, but the USA IS the “great Satan”…not the people but our evil
About a week ago I was PRO BUSH ALL THE WAY…but now I can’t say I know what to trust anymore…if you are the same way, trust in the only real
thing in this world anymore…