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Everyone is wrong, Republican, Liberal, Democrat, Right, Left, Nazi, Antifa everyone.

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posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:18 PM
Before you knee jerk react to this post and start demanding I put this in the political mud-pit forum please slow your thoughts down and let's discuss something very real and inherent in the modern political and philosophical conversation.

Our ego and super ego are trying to tell us we have an unfulfilled need and people are trying to poorly fill that need by chasing perceived demons in reality in a way they don't understand due to lack of self knowledge and awareness.

According to Freud, we are born with our Id. The id is an important part of our personality because as newborns, it allows us to get our basic needs met. Freud believed that the id is based on our pleasure principle. In other words, the id wants whatever feels good at the time, with no consideration for the reality of the situation. When a child is hungry, the id wants food, and therefore the child cries. When the child needs to be changed, the id cries. When the child is uncomfortable, in pain, too hot, too cold, or just wants attention, the id speaks up until his or her needs are met.

Now ask yourself, does this sound like your position in a debate? Are you lustfully satisfying an identity driven perceived need to feel good? In my opinion many peoples positions feel like they are trying to satisfy a need rather than actually adhering to the principles they seem to apparently be defending.

The id doesn’t care about reality, about the needs of anyone else, only its own satisfaction. If you think about it, babies are not real considerate of their parents’ wishes. They have no care for time, whether their parents are sleeping, relaxing, eating dinner, or bathing. When the id wants something, nothing else is important.

Does it not seem like to you that one of the major problems we are having in America is the lack of satisfaction with A our lives and B the culture of our nation?

Does it seem like people have a deep desire that's not being fullfilled by our chosen lifestyle and the culture of financial mobility and success over all other ethics and values?

Freud believed that the majority of what we experience in our lives, the underlying emotions, beliefs, feelings, and impulses are not available to us at a conscious level. He believed that most of what drives us is buried in our unconscious. If you remember the Oedipus and Electra Complex, they were both pushed down into the unconscious, out of our awareness due to the extreme anxiety they caused. While buried there, however, they continue to impact us dramatically according to Freud.

To be redundant here I feel like Freud is needed right now. I think a lot of people in our nation are expressing a subconscious dissatisfaction with an underlying need for empathy, feeling like they belong and have purpose in a world of social media and money bling and success being shined in our faces everyday by advertisers.

Don't you see this happening?

edit on 15-8-2017 by toysforadults because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:29 PM
Glad to see people are starting to see what's really happening.

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

I've known this for a long time. I have been trying to tell everyone for years on here that the problem is our amoral soulless material driven culture.

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

You know , as much as I dislike Freud for other reasons , even a broken clock is right twice a day
Nothing wrong with your thread or the ideology behind it

Does it not seem like to you that one of the major problems we are having in America is the lack of satisfaction with A our lives and B the culture of our nation?

A baby and even up to young children see no differences in others. Nothing. Everyone is the same.
And , yes all demographic divisions are wrong, And I mean fake wrong. The system was designed to cause division .
Try answering a Census worker when they ask you what race you are with Other - Human. They cant grasp the concept .

I cannot see demographics at all . Everyone is a person to me. Nothing different. No special categories.
A human being.

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

I was just sitting outside and ranting to myself about what has become of us here. I look at some of the threads but never respond tho I have thoughts. Just don't want to be apart of it. Tempers are so high no one will step back and get a grip.

Yes, everyone acting out is wrong, all sides. Even when someone tries to be moderate they are attacked. Everyone should just stay away from those threads and I would be all for ATS calling for a week or so for everyone to cool off.
edit on 15-8-2017 by liveandlearn because: grammatical error

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: liveandlearn

This is what I believe to be the reason why.

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

Well thought out thread OP.

The seemingly menial identifications with certain groups that seem to strongly divide us are certainly entrenched in deeper, psychological trappings.

Hopefully more people look within and begin to cleanse the doors of perception.

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:43 PM
Kind of funny that id rhymes with kid. Like the kid in all of us. Should we listen to the kid more or less?

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: CreationBro

You can't fix yourself by fixing the world around you but you can fix the world around you by fixing yourself.

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:45 PM
Although there is a point there, I think it's deeper than that.
We are a poisoned and diseased people, and civilization is crumbling around us.

People are becoming hysterical because of myriad reasons. Of course this does all boil down to the survival instinct. As far as the 'id' knows, 'pleasure = survival' and 'pain = death'. So arguing over politics for example has become a life and death situation.

Now, it's true that rational healthy minds know better than that, but we have a society full of people that feed their minds with corporate garbage (lies and fantasies) and they feed their bellies with poisoned food, our environment is polluted, etc etc.

Of course everyone's nuts. This is a war economy, fiction is true and truth is fiction. Secrecy and subterfuge are the primary modes of governance. We have been programmed to focus on money sex drugs etc - pleasure. People will sell their souls for a few dollars ya know? Hardly anyone believes in all that Spiritual stuff anyways, many claim to but their attitudes, mentalities, actions, etc, reveal otherwise. It's just hip consumerist culture man, materialism all the way.

Here's a simple example: Yoga a thousand years ago was primarily a school explaining how to connect with God and discover Divinity. Today Yoga is actually about exercise so you'll have a great figure and really nice butt so you can get the sex. Most people who practice Yoga in the US today are atheists. I could say similar contradictory things about any religious idea and how it's been corrupted and twisted into consumerist shallow ideology (Christmas is all about Jesus right? Wrong, it's about Materialistic Stuff).

Even I can't help but give in sometimes to my base primal instincts, and I think I'm pretty damn advanced. But I'm not, I'm just a lost kid in a screwed up world, and I wish I could 'feel good too'. I always wreck though because I simply have no route to pleasures even simpler ones.

People might call it 1984, but that was 33 years ago.
This is a Brave New World...
edit on 8/15/2017 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
a reply to: CreationBro

You can't fix yourself by fixing the world around you but you can fix the world around you by fixing yourself.

That sounds cool but is it true?

If I mature a lot, discover deep meaningful love and compassion, and grow greatly as a person will I fix North Korea?

Maybe I could one day...
I dunno.

I wonder.

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
a reply to: CreationBro

You can't fix yourself by fixing the world around you but you can fix the world around you by fixing yourself.

As above, so below.

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: CreationBro

As within so without.

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:48 PM
On point. Have a star and flag.

That that is is.
edit on 15-8-2017 by Templeton because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: toysforadults

As it is, as it was...

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

What goes up, must come down.

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: 3daysgone

And what gets wet eventually dries off.

So...there we have it.

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

And then Freud blows our minds with:

Obviously one must hold oneself responsible for the evil impulses of one's dreams. In what other way can one deal with them? Unless the content of the dream rightly understood is inspired by alien spirits, it is part of my own being. Sigmund Freud

posted on Aug, 15 2017 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: CreationBro

I'm pretty sure it's both alien spirits and part of our own being.
But what's a "spirit" exactly?

What's better than being responsible for something?
Never acting on those impulses to begin with (if we are to say they are so 'evil').

Is everything part of my being or is nothing part of my being except the act of being itself?
And is being an act or is it just a state? A verb or a noun? Is it both simultaneously?

posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: CreationBro
a reply to: muzzleflash

And then Freud blows our minds with:

Obviously one must hold oneself responsible for the evil impulses of one's dreams. In what other way can one deal with them? Unless the content of the dream rightly understood is inspired by alien spirits, it is part of my own being. Sigmund Freud

Lol, I think Frued was a genius in his own right. He may not have been right about everything but I believe he was on the right track and I appreciate his train of thought.

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