a reply to:
Alt-Right is a white nationalist movement, named by Richard B Spencer. It started with Spencer and his clique of associates who write for/read
publications like:
Radix Journal
Taki's Magazine
American Renaissance
The Occidental Observer
Some prominent promoters: Richard B Spencer (Radix Journal, AltRight.com, Taki's), Steve Sailer (Taki's, VDARE), Jared Taylor (Amren), Kevin B.
MacDonald (Occidental Observer)
If you're serious, it's not that hard to find out but it's really not reasonable to expect that anyone will detail an entire movement in a forum
The "Ctrl-Left" is some s# made up by people who were confused about what "Alt-Right" was and thought they might be Alt-Right because they knew
Hillary was against it and they were constantly coming into contact with Alt-Right folks like Matt Forney and Brittany Pettibone on Twitter in #MAGA
trending topics and through the likes of Cernovich, Baked Alaska, Posobiec, Milo, Breitbart News, etc.
If you have to ask what it is, then you're probably not a part of it.
As far as groups go, there's Identity Evropa and some people include Traditional Worker's Party but Heimbach, despite trying to come off as more
"Alt-Right" is really just a *slightly* cleaned up neo-Nazi and you can easily find him in pictures alongside members of groups like the Aryan Terror
Brigade. Heimbach has also recently aligned his TWP with NSM, Vanguard America and similar which are neo-Nazi groups. So, you'll see Heimbach
sometimes called "alt-right" but it's really not a good fit.
Then you have the Proud Boys, which were founded by co-founder of VICE, Gavin McInnes, who also started
Proud Boy
Magazine. There's some overlap with the Alt-Right there: McInnes himself has been published by some of the above sites and makes appearances on
Alt-Right linked podcasts, Internet radio shows, etc.
However, there is a schism that has been forming since the election because the Proud Boys and similar aren't strictly white nationalists (as a
group). They refer to themselves as "Western Chauvinists." Essentially it's like... ummm... hmmm... white cultural supremacy? I don't know that
there's a term for it which is probably why they came up with "Western Chauvinism." They accept non-whites who are super zealous about the greatness
of white people. They're also "anti-feminism." They're part of what is becoming known as the "Alt-Lite" (or "Alt-Light"). Eventually the meme warriors
and #GamerGate trolls will separate back out from the "Alt-Right" entirely.
edit on 2017-8-15 by theantediluvian because: (no reason