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Battle of LA - Army Fires on UFO in 1942

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posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 05:33 PM
Musclor that was great. I had never heard that before. Thanks for posting link. Appeared not once as I thought but twice according to report. I also noticed they shut down the local radio stations. That helps to keep the public informed.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 08:09 PM
Great post, thanks for the audio!! Interesting given all the other facts in this one...

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 08:58 PM
Maybe it's a Foo Fighter. I've read through all this thread, maybe not intensively, but I can't see any mention of German flying saucers. Which is just what it could be. And if it is man-made you may ask yourself why did it survive the barrage? Well maybe a generated EMF field protected it. But if the reports of direct hits are true.. then I would say it's more likely to be an alien craft..

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
That's just it though...they don't WANT freedom. Have you ever lived in the middle east? I have. They will be perfectly content with a zealous theocracy. Democracy doesn't mesh well with them. Here in the west, religion is pretty much a separate and more personal thing. With them, it isn't just a PART of their life, religion IS their life. It's an important difference that people in the west must realize in order to understand them.

Even if Iran and Afghanistan were to suddenly and magically be stabilized tomorrow, we've still got the issue with the rhetoric directed at Iran and it's alleged nuke weapons program, as well as that directed to North Korea for it's attempts to go nuclear as well. There's rhetoric towards Syria as well. So, we've got a President who has stated his goal of spreading democracy in the middle east, QUITE plainly in his speeches, directing rhetoric to sovereign middle eastern states. Bush's father was a foreign policy genius (with the exception of not knowing which direction to puke), but Dubya seems content to simply stir up the hornets' nests with no particular resolve to complete the job.

Still, quite a departure from the original thread, so I'll get back on track....

I'll keep looking for more info about this "attack". By the way, for those unfamiliar with this...the "blackout" wasn't caused by the UFO, but it is a tactic used in cities back in the days before night vision, thermal imaging, laser targetting, etc. to make it harder for bombers to see their targets....

EDIT: Another good link on this, with more description of the object as described by witnesses...

"They sent fighter planes up and I watched them in groups approach it and then turn away. There were shooting at it but it didn't seem to matter."

"I'll never forget what a magnificent sight it was. Just marvelous. And what a gorgeous color!", she said

[edit on 9-2-2005 by Gazrok]

they are so crazy...they have more freedom then we will ever have in a sence.

they do what the f*ck they want when the f*ck they want. they dont want to have laws by the government. they want peace but they dont want rules. there dumb but they are truly more free then anyone who's typin on a computer.

to be an isrealean right now would be a riot.a fun riot. get wasted and mosh in the streets with everyone. in a protest.

because they live like animals. they are still free.more free then we will ever be... F*CK THE GOVERNMENT!...

[edit on 17-2-2006 by BirDMan_X]

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 02:00 PM
If there were some other photos taken (and I suppose there were), and we knew where the photographers were standing when the photos were taken, then we could use them to get a rough triangulation of the position of the object, and possibly a rough estimate of the size.

Like most large cities at the time, there were probably four of five local newspapers with photographers at the time. Along with the L.A. Times, it might be interesting to do a file search of the old Los Angeles Examiner or Los Angeles Herald photos, if they still exist. People at that time had a tendency to toss old photos and papers in the garbage after they were done with them, not having the hindsight of history to guide them.

Also, with Hollywood nearby, one might also imagine someone at the studios getting some photos or footage of all the hoopla. Maybe.

Oh, and the photo with negative analyzed by Macabee doesn't appear to be the same photo used in the newspaper. So another photo, perhaps by the same photographer, does or did exist.

[edit on 17-2-2006 by Enkidu]

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 02:12 PM
I've ran the Rense-enhancement through a few Photoshop filters to bring out some more details. Solar glow, trace contour, noise despeckle, increased contrast and brightness, and so on. The landscape, the smoke in the sky, the shape of the UFO, etc. is more apparent in this image. I hope you guys like it.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 02:25 PM
Hey, it's the same ship in my avatar.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 04:07 AM
Indeed, it does look similar to the object in your avatar. According to there was a witness, an Air Raid Warden named Katie, that described the UFO glowing orange. If this "Katie" person does exist and the attributed quotes are accurate, the object that flew over Los Angeles that night would appear nearly identical to that in your avatar. I have tried to get a last name for this "Katie" person but have been unable to. I am starting to suspect that "Katie" is a code-name or the person doesn't exist at all. It would be nice if other members could help identify "Katie."

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 11:06 PM
Guys! It's a triangle! The ridges are visible.

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 11:44 PM
that news reporting was great. i wonder what was said to dismiss it? cause it sure sounds real.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 08:59 AM
I'm VERY sceptical of this incident.

Point 1) "They won't be firing for no reason" - US battleships prior to Attu invasion have performed a long battle against some radar "blimps" identified as Japanese ships - only that none were present and radar caught false echoes. Yet, it was enough for the ship's comanders to keep on firing, and by that time the radar was already better than what could'vve been in the L.A.
Russian fleet en route to Tsushima battle fought a valiant night engagement against fishing vessels at the Dogger Bank. All officers later swore they've seen Japanese torpedoboats, or even destroyers. Oddly enough, the only witness from the Russian side without any naval experience reported there were just fishing boats.
Air defense of Berlin spent a good part of the night by firing upon own aircrafts and empty air after eight Mossies dropped several light bombs and flares during a fake raid. And in thet time German night interception system and AAA can be considered much better than in the L.A...
My best explanation is mass confusion.
2) "The object survived numerous hits" - even elite units were often mistaking shell explosions for hits. What could be expected from green artillerymen, presumably for the first time in the heat of combat (atleast as they thought) or from civillians? It was calcullated that on average 5000 AAA rounds (all calibers) were required to achieve one kill.

And so on.

My best guess is false radar echo and a mass confusion as a result.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 01:30 PM
A valid theory perhaps...

However, it is an awful lot of rounds to be pumping up. Even with false echoes, etc., without some kind of visual ID, I find it VERY difficult to believe they were shooting at NOTHING for so long....especially given other witness reports of a slow moving, large object. Such a description doesn't match the idea of firing at shadows....

The military actions afterward seem to show a genuine concern also (even though publicly, it was stated otherwise).

[edit on 28-5-2006 by Gazrok]

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 01:51 PM
If it was all in their heads, what was absorbing the light beams then?

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 02:33 PM
I still find this one interesting. Some of the data interpretation can be fudged either way. But "something" did happen, serious enough for the order to fire to be given by the military and executed by soldiers.

Hysteria, OK, a bit, or maybe not so much. But they felt sure enough to puts lots of balistic metal in the air. You just don't fire over a major population center without reason and orders. The military made the decision... right or wrong? Helpful/hurtful... we may just find out in many of our lifetime's... we may be in for either a pleasant surprise or something "other" perhaps less pleasant. I hope not.

Might just be a bit tough to defend a planet's peoples... who ya gonna call? Where ya gonna go? D'Oh! Unless "all the stories are true"... then prudence dictates awareness and hope. Alternate 1, 2, and 3? More? Exciting times! Then and now.

This one doesn't go away... 1942, kind of reminds one of the "Wild Bild Kelso" scenes in the movie 1942. I wonder how many folks who witnessed this are still alive? It'd be fun to actually head-to-head interview some who experienced this unique event and document and archive their recollections. Who knows, there may even be more pics kicking around, maybe even film too, I mean it was the right place for film to be taken, Hollywood and all.

Perhaps, they "winged" whatever and picked it up later after being downed (weren't many ET downings explained as radar-induced?) outside the city.

The great preponderance of data since then, credible, proven, debunked or otherwise, seems to leave some with the need to explore this amongst other events. I think that's one of the main things that got me interested in ATS in the first place. Go figure.

Thanx, I really like this one,

Victor K.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Long Lance
If it was all in their heads, what was absorbing the light beams then?

What about smoke caused by all these AA shells bursting in the air? I have seen great "UFO's" caused by all sorts of lighting on clouds/smoke. One of the most impressive was a laser show at low clouds. Really neat huge UFO mothership.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
I still find this one interesting. Some of the data interpretation can be fudged either way. But "something" did happen, serious enough for the order to fire to be given by the military and executed by soldiers.

Hysteria, OK, a bit, or maybe not so much. But they felt sure enough to puts lots of balistic metal in the air. You just don't fire over a major population center without reason and orders. The military made the decision... right or wrong? Helpful/hurtful... we may just find out in many of our lifetime's... we may be in for either a pleasant surprise or something "other" perhaps less pleasant. I hope not.

In fact it often is enough when few unexperienced men pull the trigger/give the "fire" order. The rest of the defenses then may catch up using exactly the same rationale - "They are firing at something, they won't be firing just into the air, so let's add our deal". In the Berlin example the gunners were SURE there are masses of Allied bombers and the nightfighters were sure as well as they didn't think the AAA would fire into empty air. If such things can happen to experienced AAA system, why they couldn't happen to much worse one, with worse equipment presumably?
In the Dogger Bank hysteria example, several Russian ships even started to fire at each other, rationalising some of the shooters have to be enemy.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 04:39 PM
I'm new at this forum, but it's already obvious who the debunkers are :-) They received upgrades, however. Taking it seriously, then shifting to a more classic explanation.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 11:42 PM
wow this helping me alot, my great grandpa was there with his wife, and ive been doing research trying to find out what happened that night'
thats my story, just read it and then i will post in here

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 09:41 AM
Thing that gets me is that these days UFOs are mostly reported in the sky's as fast moving, high maneuverability get outta here machines. My big concern is why is this vehicle advanced enough to stop AA rounds etc only traveling at something like 25 miles per hour? Also if it did cause such a big hoo haa then why was it merely left to drift out of sight, with no further tracing or pursuit?

There seems to be some witnesses independently sighting something "orange" "beautiful" whatever. But they are unnamed or untraceable...due to the time elapsed perhaps? That people thought that they had seen something is not the same as there actually being something.

It is conceivable false radar echos and hysteria played a part. The much mentioned 1470 rounds of AAA in what 49 minutes not a lot really. Depends on the number of guns of course. But really what are the estimates back then up to 5000 rounds to down one aircraft? Look at the footage from any US Naval engagements against the Imperial Japanese Carrier born aircraft. That sky looks totally and completely covered in fragments. It does not seem possible that an aircraft could get through...but they did.

AAA defence then was about shooting up a screen of fragments to damage the fragile elements of an aircraft. Not marksmanship. I think proximity and altitude were the fuses of the had to only get close.....well close..ish.
I think that the type of ammo of the day seems to indicate that they may have hit something. But I can not believe an advanced technology craft would slowly move away from attack. I would say "Haul ass!" would have been the order of the day, even if the attackers puny weapons were of no affect.

The photo is inconclusive too. We have seen here a few photoshop jobs, with varying results. I looked myself with CS2 but what can you do with a scan of a piccy that old? You could make it look like whatever you subjectively want it to look like. I think part of the area defined as the object is actually proximity explosions. What ever is in the middle of all that smoke and metal you can not really make out because the area is saturated.

Has anyone mapped the course of the alleged object? Was it mostly over land?

Interesting case but not totally proved for me.

I wish the investigation well...

Just my 2 cents

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 09:57 AM

Thing that gets me is that these days UFOs are mostly reported in the sky's as fast moving, high maneuverability get outta here machines. My big concern is why is this vehicle advanced enough to stop AA rounds etc only traveling at something like 25 miles per hour? Also if it did cause such a big hoo haa then why was it merely left to drift out of sight, with no further tracing or pursuit?

So out of curiosity what do you think it was, what could with stand that amount of firepower being thrown at it if it was a conventional plane or whatever.

The idea of it moving too slow, is strange, why wouldnt it move slow, it wasnt in danger if it was ET's presumably.

And havent many ufo's been spotted motionless.

[edit on 6-6-2006 by Denied]

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