posted on Aug, 12 2017 @ 01:57 PM
Ahoy-hoy, DrunkenMimeMaster here. Sorta kinda new (I lurked around back in the mists of time aeons ago). I am one of those armchair researchers who
tends to get ever-so-annoying. You know, convinced of my own rightness to the point I once argued with a recalcitrant ficus. (The three
glasses of Scotch and soda, light on the soda tyvm, might've contributed as well). Former Christian, former pagan, even more former idea in mummy
and daddy's mind, I embrace reason and insanity in equal doses - to the point I actually married one. ( Not saying which my wife is, btw.) I tend t
disbelieve most theories - Occam's Razor, common sense and a habit of actually checking when something strikes me as fishy tends to filter out what,
to me, are the worst offenders. I am a pacifist (gadzooks!), diehard liberal (egads!), staunch supporter of more globalism and less jingoistic
nationalism, LGBT supporter ( I'm bi, kids), and the type of guy who would nominate Roddenberry for sainthood, if I believed in faerie tales like
Saints. I am also former clergy (hah!) and currently working on a book about a leetle idea I had whilst in the throes of a Fireball lemonade and
trying to explain the Templars to m'wife.
I'm not a bad guy, although I suspect i shan't win too many friends here. I disbelieve entirely the idea the moon landing was a hoax, vaccines
cause autism, chemtrails are a thing, and New Jersey exists. I think there may be some merit to the idea that the Kennedy assassination was a
conspiracy, the Vatican is Single Greatest Secret Society EVAR and David Icke is a Space Lemur. I fully believe Alex Jones is a fraud, Donald Trump
is a MGW (Muppet Gone Wrong) and that Steely Dan never actually existed. I am also very strange.
Looking forward to the fun. Let's get cracking, shall we?