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Charlottesville VA Stuck Hosting (Arguably) Largest Hate Rally In Decades

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posted on Oct, 19 2017 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

Rumor has it...that the Grand Wizard KKK leader, Richard Preston, who fired his pistol at protesters during the Charlottesville protest: "Fired a blank round at the African American protester"

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 04:36 PM
"Rumor has it".......
put anything you want in the blank, there's probably a rumor to support it.

I can be honest enough to say I have no idea weather it was blanks or live rounds.
but, I don't believe he's been out on bail yet, so either way, I'd classify it as a stupid thing to do.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: skyturnedgrey
CNN - Charlottesville Rally

I don't post often but was surprised to see nothing on this. If I missed it in my search, apologies. Charlottesville VA, my hometown, is unfortunately host city today 08/12/17 to a white supremacist rally today. Charlottesville is incredibly liberal, with around an 80% vote for Hillary during the election, but is drawing the crowd due largely to all the Confederate symbols throughout the area. It is expected to be the largest gathering of its kind in quite some time. They recently had a KKK rally as well that caused quite a bit of protest and tension, and it was nothing close to this scale. Still having friends in the area I am quite concerned to see how this goes down. Very close to the UVA campus.

Hindsight 10.30.2021

Was just reading about the conflict that happened in Charlottesville a few years ago.

Compared to today's Democrats, the Nazis, Skinheads, KKK people were HONEST and had INTEGRITY.

It's a shame how far the Democrats have fallen in society over the past 18 months, or so.

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