I've been prior member of ATS. Things change, people change and for some time ATS was simply forgotten as I had other things in my life.
I can't recall my account, so I post my story here hoping it reaches even one single person. It may be meaningful for someone to know.
(I cannot post this to other forums due new member restrictions and I do not care about "collecting 500 points", or whatever that means).
Last spring things got weird. My employer played a significant part in this, reporting to authorities their "concern".
Reason was that knew a lot about their business. To the extent I knew stuff their managers did not know, and I called their bluff of what is labeled
as business strategy. And I told people about it, and got my return. They contacted authorities and claimed things about me that were psychotic
behavior. They stretched the truth and got what they wanted. At least I'm not bothering them now, but I feel sorry for those that still invest or do
business with that company.
Psychiatrists of the government jumped happily to big boy's bandwagon, claiming for example that "person is afraid that someone listens to his phone".
That sentence is pure made- up nonsense. I have never said such thing, and telephones are things that really don't concern me because they have not
much security. Why would I be afraid that someone listens to something I care little about?
Then their doctrine became that I am psychotic. Their current analysis is that 20% of all people of this country I reside in is psychotic. That is
their exact words.
Psychotic is label that means distorted worldview, which makes sense to no-one but the person. It is basically a label saying that this person should
not be listened to. I'm highly educated, very articulate and I do not fit the bill they want me to be. But, in their books I am psychotic.
Let's talk briefly why.
Psychotic is label that they are willing to put on every person who does not fit the small box of ideal citizen. That citizen watches news and
believes in them, thinks that big corporations are not running the show, believes in political nonsense and defies anything that is part of the mystic
that has been in form or another (religion, spirituality) since the dawn of men. Today any of those things is in system psychiatry denied. You can't
have any beliefs other than what fits the box of person who lives in their imaginery box.
Their definition of psychosis - I quote - is "anything that is beyond normal day experience". That is, everyone of us on this board has per their
definition "symptoms of psychotic behavior". I'm sure no-one who has ever posted here would go through their defintions of psychotic person, now or in
the past.
Recently I saw also news article that told that in 10 years amount of psychotic - note again word "psychotic" - has increased 10- fold. Do you think
that there's no change of how they define "psychotic" today? Doesn't this figure or claim which makes no sense indicate what is the latest and
greatest psychiatry doctrine.
They even tried to put me to psychiatric care. It stopped when I started repeating their truthts. You know what the word for this is, but if you say
that word, you my friend, are in their books "psychotic".
I am not psychotic, because I believe in nothing. Therefore I cannot have delusions. And, there is nothing me or you can do about this. We can only
accept their texts and medical analysis, as we have no power over them. I would call this realism, but they have another label for it which will
diminish this way of thinking. It is not wanted, and it will be shut down - one way or another.
Greatest conspiracy is the one that no-one knows they are part of.
edit on 10-8-2017 by WelcomeToShow because: typo correction