posted on Aug, 11 2017 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to:
People attempting to legislate some form of "morality".
Though with even a modicum of thought, these laws stand revealed as the stupidity they are. Irregardless of the religion of the makers. Not one of
these laws in the United States, or Europe, for that matter I'm fairly sure, were put in place by the "Evul Muslims".
Frankly, I'm past the point of being tired of the asinine broad brush stroke stereotyping of entire religions for the actions of some of them. Past
tired and right on into pissin' me off--and I'm to the point where I'm going to stop being all that nice about voicing my opinion, and I'm going to
start calling it what it is--religious bigotry. Muslim, Catholic, Buddhist, Christian, Agnostic/Atheist, the flying spaghetti monsterists--blanket
statements condemning all for the actions of a minority will receive cold welcome from me.