posted on Aug, 2 2017 @ 06:21 AM
I'm curious as to what other people might think about this or whether anyone has experienced something similar.
For a long time now, so long that I'm used to it and use it, I've been thinking or dreaming of something or someone and within the next three days
usually, something will happen or I'll see the person that's matched with the thought. It's really specific things too, once I dreamt about my back
door breaking and the next morning I had to ask my mom if our door was broken or was I dreaming, I couldn't tell, she laughed and told me I was
dreaming. Two days later the lock on the exact door broke and my mom couldn't believe it, you should've seen the way she looked at me. Another
example is when I was browsing books to buy and I asked a friend about a specific one and just after I asked she was scrolling through Facebook and
the exact book showed up on her feed. If a randomly find myself thinking of someone I haven't seen in a very long time, I expect to run into them
that day and sometimes do. I used to have these 'images' right before falling asleep that were dream like but really vivid and I don't forget them
because they stood out so much, they don't happen so much anymore. In one dream a dream character approached me and he seem'd way too real, everyone
in the dream disappeared or blurred and he was talking to me about flying saucers, that one might be nothing but there was something about the guy in
the dream that wasn't right, it wasn't only vivid, it was like it was real. But more to the point, I keep thinking about things and then they
happen, what's going on?