posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 08:48 AM
what too many potheads (myself included for many years) tend to forget, is that although pot is comparatively harmless compared to alcohol, cigarettes
and other recreational drugs, that still does not equate to totally harmless
It affects lung function, is supposedly 3 times as carcinogenic as tobacco, has negative effects on short term memory and learning ability and
depending on the user can cause anxiety attacks, agraphobia, mild depression and paranoia. Many of these effects are noticed even several days after
the last toke, however as most potheads I've encountered smoke daily, one never straightens up enough to realise just what it is doing to you.
Personally I'd want this stuff legalised so that the quality can be monitored and a weekly 'safe' limit can be introduced like there is for
alcohol. If I regularly drink above 14 units a week, or feel I cannot function in certain situations or sleep without a drink, then I would quickly
recognise I had a problem. However too many of us smoke daily, to get to sleep, to relax, sometimes in huge quantities and then find it too easy to
deny that pot is a) ruling our lives and b) we couldn't easily go without it if we tried!