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Is the universe of technologically advanced, civilized worlds, in communication and in touch?

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posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 03:36 PM
It was this thread

Mind Blowing!! 1.5 Gigapixel Photo of the Andromeda Galaxy!

And this

That got me to thinking, not about physical, interstellar or intergalactic, interstellar travel (however awesome that would be) per se, but in terms of the reality of transluminal interconnectedness as one implication of the discoveries of modern, quantum physics, which to me implies that the possibility for some form of transluminal communications channel or medium, exists, and could be somehow exploited via a technology that we have yet to discover.

The implications of this are both awesome and wonderful on the one hand and terrifying on the other, whereby the maxim of modern quantum physicists that "to be is to be perceived" takes on a whole new dimension and proportion!

ie: imagine that what I just typed, perhaps because it's on ATS as an idea capture medium or because the whole Internet has been easily uploaded, is picked up through a local probe like the Black Knight Satellite for example, and sent by quantum ansible, to the larger, Intergalactic "Internet" for full "grokking", and further still (better put your tinfoil hat on for this one), because the brain uses quantum tunneling in microtubules, and enters the zero point field during sleep, maybe not even our own thoughts and our waking and dreamlife is truly private.

And what if "God" is, even if only in part the sum of all the parts of a collective universal consciousness, whether you believe in any of the traditional notions about God or not?

How terrible and embarrassing for us and for humanity! We'd best try harder if everything we are might be considered to be projected on a screen with only God knows how many eyes observing..

To me it seems that the human being on Earth has been included for a reason and a purpose which might even have something to do with God and the well being of one and all right from here to kingdom come!

Scary! Challenging.

And even if they don't have us all dialed in, then the fundamental precept of modern quantum physics still applies. Our life is projected on a universal screen for all eternity.

The universe may be and probably is, an infinitely pixelated receiving device and screen and it could very well be that what we say and do and dream and realize here might have the very farthest reaching implications and significance right across the board and for everyone involved.

In other words we may all share the same basic predicament and you cannot tell me that mankind and how much we need to grow isn't at the heart of it.

Hopefully the joke isn't entirely on us exclusively, but what can ya do if it is? I just hope we're not the last to get it or that it's not too late when we do, when we at last come to our senses and proceed to make our way home as God the father pleads with the elder brother to join the party and the celebration at the return of the lost son.

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 03:44 PM
Mods, feel free to move this to the grey area (no pun intended) if it's not relevant to the Aliens forum.

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 03:54 PM
I could buy it.

If they are anything like us(LOL) they will have to compress, or codify comms across distances, and we are at a great disadvantage on understanding anything enough to even recognize that its a coded communication.

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 03:54 PM
In the next dimension it is possible to be everywhere at once, no need for primitive radios sets.

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 05:36 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about looking silly on a Cosmic viewing screen. We are just humans after all, what could they really expect from us? If it was perfection we wouldn't be in this situation. That's not to say we shouldn't try to live righteously, but I think we should give ourselves a break. It's not like this is end game or anything. I am pretty sure we are still in the batting cages, they won't expect us to perform for a while. Or not, who knows?

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Generally I agree Ankh. Generally. As intrpt above points out there may be no need of primitive radio sets. It may also be that in this field of consciousness conveniently called humans, that it is not the collective humanity that is being evaluated, or for that matter nurtured, but rather any individuals living and striving and growing within that field. To me this would mean not to worry so much about humanity as a whole, not of course that we shouldn't be concerned, but rather that what is within our ability to direct and nurture might be limited to ourselves and our immediate surrounds.

I think that the regular sense of human life holds that this is our primary existence and that if we do well we are accepted into a higher field of consciousness. Heaven if you will. But presently I am considering that this existence here on earth is actually a secondary existence, that you and me and all of us are avatars of greater beings existing in this plane for specific experiences and lessons that are not available to our greater selves as those limitations and restrictions imposed by physical laws are not in force in the larger scheme in which our greater selves exist.

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

We are all fractals of God...each one of us experiencing "being" from our own unique vantage point in space and time...our bodies. We all have the same attributes available to us and because of our unique perspectives we all utilize these attributes in differing proportions. For example some people utilize their ability to hate such a small amount of time as to be negligible while others utilize their ability to hate much of their waking hours...and everything in between. And not just hate but love, curiosty, persistence and eveything else are tools available to us to use or not as we will, with the greatest of these tools available to us being God's guidance, love and intervention. Prayer changes things...quantum physics says so.
edit on 7/31/2017 by MissSmartypants because: punctuation

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Oh and that transluminal communication thing is probably going on around us all the time only we dont have the receivers to pick up the signals...that we know of, of course. Though I suspect tbose microtubules in our brains might be transluminal receivers. I dont know about you but I'm going to try and figure out how mine works. I recommend people start by communicating with God and then searching out his response which will probably come via that transluminal thingy.
edit on 7/31/2017 by MissSmartypants because: spelling

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

In other words, you are offering in slightly different terms of the oft-cited term that the Universe is conscious?

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: MissSmartypants

I certainly believe in God and do perceive feedback of a sort where I get what I call a "spiritual yawn" and sometimes the sense of the light pressure of a hand on my head, but it's not a regular type of communication by any means, and it's a good thing too (that God doesn't speak audibly) or He might just blow our brains out and freak us out to no end.

But when I consider the magnitude of intelligent life out there and how BIG the universe is, it boggles my mind to think about the amount of intelligence and awareness that resides "out there" based on the most conservative estimates imaginable for Earth-like worlds, even those that would contain an almost identical Earth-moon-sun type of configuration.

As a thought experiment, imagine the thinnest of lines projected outwardly from your position, multiplied to fill the whole sky but without any space between them, each line with multiple and even innumerable advanced intelligences on it when extended, not merely to the known universe but the actual one (almost infinitely larger). That's the kind of thing we're probably looking at, ie: entire sky as an endless series of eyeballs.

One time I prayed fervently before bed in an effort to get a perceive spiritual monkey off my back, and it became a prayer of forgiveness, even for the likes of Dick Cheney and all bad aliens..

I was awakened at 3:00 in the morning in a state of absolute unconstrained freedom and liberation amid absolute HILARITY.

I think they love us, and pray for US, maybe even as a perceived enemy and the locus of evil in the universe, perhaps with some mistaking us and our world as a great malevolent force and power (advanced microtubule configuration due to a process of cosmic evolutionary adaptation), for whom their understanding of our true position arises in a delightful epiphany wherein it may be said that indeed "the last shall be first and the first, last" and where "the greatest among ye shall be the servant of all."

In other words, there's a great joke to be had, but one that to function as intended, isn't exclusively at humanity's expense but also at the expense of the jealous, or even fearful "elder brother" who faithfully worked the farm all along.

Some think that there's a form of psycho-spiritual predation with we ourselves as spiritual "food", but I've become convinced through testing and an agonizing process of spiritual attack and forgiveness that indeed we reside in a very precarious predicament standing as it were right next to the Godhead and made to contain nothing less than the co-mingled spirit of God and man, and further, that God in Spirit, and Truth, fully indwelt the person of Jesus Christ who was sent in part to protect us from predation by any and all powers and principalities, where instead of eat or be eaten it's "here, eat of me, instead".

Could send a powerful signal, particularly if it involved the use of no hardware and no military or technological prowess and might, and most particularly if took the learned and the wise and all the watchers who say "we see" by complete surprise since all great truths to form the basis of real knowledge in the form of an epiphany must arise in our own blind spots, and that of others.

What surprises me is that we are still here, unmolested and unconquered.

I realize it's rather solipsistic to think that a great work rendered here of all places at the place called Golgotha might serve as an eternal standard and gateway access point to both protect us and to shepherd us heavenward where God's will is done, but it's entirely conceivable that hidden in it's apparent weakness lurks a great strength and power enough to both save the world and if my suspicions are true to one day send us to the stars or I should say to bring the stars to us by divine proportion, like a bridegroom prepared for a bride.

It sure would cause the atheist scientists pause if on discovery of the transluminal communications device, we were to discover that we were the talk of the town and still more than the word has been preached far and wide according to a standard of truth and justice that frames a type of doorway that stands as tall as the heavens are long whereby Jesus Christ is considered to be the King who's authority and rule is in accordance with an indomitable love for humanity, and all life, as an integral part of God's greater purpose and plan.

Scene: First transluminal communications transmissions deciphered by atheist geek scientist - "My God they're all Christian and we are at the center of a great cosmic drama!!!" as his is the first knee to bow and tongue to confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord both on Earth and in the Heavens above..

"What is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven, but what is bound on earth is bound in heaven also."

I know I know, sci-fi biblical fan fiction, but it has a certain logical consistency to it if you ask me, with both perplexing and terrifying implications, along with the possibility for great mirth and humor that's both a local and a non-local phenomenon.

And here some might have imagined that "they" were simply watching the first episodes of "I Love Lucy" and Adolf Hitler's inauguration of the 1936 Summer Olympic Games.

I think it goes much deeper and much much further than that although it's interesting to contemplate the potential for much confusion and misunderstanding. In maters of communication, there is always a risk of the possibility for Incivility where Civility may be defined as: Consciously motivated organizational behavior that is ethical in submission to a higher power and higher power principal of Truth and Justice and Freedom from all manner of oppression and tyranny in any and all forms, except maybe a "tyranny" of love.

Our performance potential isn't and never will be of a technical nature. It's all about an involution and who and what we are being and becoming, individually and collectively and what that telegraphs whereby one among us blazed the trail and provided a perfect model of authentic Civilized leadership, not to condemn the world, but so that, through him the world might be saved, and more.

Imagine a prayer capable of putting an immediate halt to an interstellar conflict over "the one true God".

So no, I don't think the joke is only on us exclusively because of the paradox of leadership and the predicament of an attachment to an outcome, even a universal controversy surrounding the issue of spiritual authority, which simply cannot be considered to be vested entirely in the Pope in Rome as the "vicar of Jesus Christ", and if so I sure wouldn't want to be in his shoes.

Best regards,


edit on 31-7-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

In other words, you are offering in slightly different terms of the oft-cited term that the Universe is conscious?

Yes, sort of, the only question being who's in the dark and who can see clearly, and who's talking to who about what.

For a time I think that we might have made the natives very restless.

In these matters, I think we would be well served to "act as if" but without making any hard and fast assumptions about the nature of a Universal Civility or Civilized Order like many of our so-called "elite" have done ie: the devil is God.

I have little doubt that they have transluminal communications capability.

I just hope we're not up for a democratic vote on whether to continue to scan for and to protect us from an ELE meteor impact or some such thing.

Something's goes on and there's more than meets the eye, that's for sure.



edit on 31-7-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 10:38 PM
Logic and mathematical probabilities imply it must be true

edit on 31-7-2017 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

What, that they are communicating transluminally?

This begins with the presupposition that they are out there in numbers that boggle the mind, oh the hidden things that are going on right now...

I guess my question is - are they all isolated by space-time constraints, not just in travel but also in communications?

edit on 31-7-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: typo

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

I hope you didn't edit that out of fear of observation..

I know what you meant, that they are more numerous than we can even begin to imagine. Question is, are they talking to one another?

my God the implications of that would be just astounding...

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 11:10 PM
Maybe it's not possible (that they can talk to one another). What a thing that would be..

Perhaps the policy was and is to keep 'em separated..

"Come Out And Play", by Offspring

You gotta keep 'em separated

Like the latest fashion
Like a spreading disease
The kids are strappin' on their way to the classroom
Getting weapons with the greatest of ease

The gangs stake their own campus locale
And if they catch you slippin' then it's all over pal
If one guy's colors and the other's don't mix
They're gonna bash it up, bash it up, bash it up, bash it up

Hey man you talkin' back to me?
Take him out
You gotta keep 'em separated
Hey man you disrespecting me?
Take him out
You gotta keep 'em separated
Hey don't pay no mind
You're under 18 you won't be doing any time
Hey come out and play

By the time you hear the siren
It's already too late
One goes to the morgue and the other to jail
One guy's wasted and the other's a waste

It goes down the same as the thousand before
No one's getting smarter no one's learning the score
Your never-ending spree of death and violence, and hate
Is gonna tie your own rope, tie your own rope, tie your own

Hey man you disrespecting me?
Take him out
You gotta keep 'em separated
Hey man you talkin' back to me?
Take him out
You gotta keep 'em separated
Hey don't pay no mind
You're under 18 you won't be doing any time
Hey come out and play

It goes down the same as the thousand before
No one's getting smarter no one's learning the score
Your never-ending spree of death and violence, and hate
Is gonna tie your own rope, tie your own rope, tie your own

Hey man you talkin' back to me?
Take him out
You gotta keep 'em separated
Hey man you disrespecting me?
Take him out
You gotta keep 'em separated
Hey don't pay no mind
You're under 18 you won't be doing any time
Hey come out and play

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 11:49 PM
It's terrifying, exhilarating, and utterly hilarious, to fully contemplate. It opens up the mind to new possibilities, including that we are also at cause in a domain of freedom made by design to be married to God for a reception and celebration of all ages, even one where you yourself as you truly are are the one we've all been waiting for all along.

They must KNOW, that's my point. If they have it, then it's nothing for the one closest to us even at sub-light speed, to place a probe in our localized space, if needed as a "node" for quantum ansible communications on a breathtaking scale.

Thank you, for your participation!

And be good for goodness sake and for the good as it's own reward, no matter who may be observing and dance both like nobody's watching and as if they all could be, and who cares what can ya do but be authentic and to thine own self be true?

Question: Could a human being make an alien smile and laugh who didn't otherwise possess the capacity for it, or even the facial muscles?

That's the main question that arises for me, and it's a curious one that at the very least brings a welcoming smile to my own face and jollity to my heart (whether they're there and watching or not it makes no difference).

Best regards,


edit on 1-8-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 01:16 AM
Maybe the messages when they come will form an elaborate manual under the title of "To Serve Man" (the cookbook) where the New Testament and Gospel message, disseminated with no hardware or high tech of any kind was/is Jesus' and God's reply and response as if to say "I beat you to the punch (and with spiritual food to spare), ha HA!".

That's the way I choose to interpret the significance and implications of hierarchies of powers and principalities and of watchers and observers both here on earth and in the heavens above all watching the greater story unfold and talking about it in terms of it's manifold implications and significance - based on what's relevant.

If so, it's a good one! and I'm not out of line to frame it in the context of the parable of The Prodigal Son.

edit on 1-8-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Hey, good mornin' AnkhM. No. I only edited down because it was huge... Best to you! Have a great day!


posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 06:38 PM
I'm sorry if I kind of killed the thread with my Christian "lens" in the face of innumerable sentient global and interstellar civilizations, some of whom, as in the halo of the Milky Way Galaxy, could be many millions or even a100 million years ahead of us, technologically, or the kind of domain that to us, would be indistinguishable from magic.

Seems rather short-sighted and narrow-minded and solipsistic to many, I realize, and it's enough to leave a bad taste some people's mouths and cause them to turn away and turn off.

I get that.

However, the alternative argument regarding our inconsequential irrelevancy in the face of such breathtaking magnitude and majesty, really falls flat and is highly unsatisfying, imho. The experience of being alive is very much integral and at the heart of things. The human being isn't a thing or an "it". We all know this is true.

To which you might try to point to my subjective observation bias and desire for a sky daddy, combined with a mortal fear of death.

But if transluminal interconnectedness and even communication is possible, it alters the whole frame of reference and removes the knife of a stark "rationalist" materialism which would reduce the human being and life experience to nothing but particulate that wouldn't even qualify as a speck of dust, while also rendering the same valuation to every other POV in the process should said POV hold to the belief that life is meaningful and purpose driven. ..

Which is more arrogant, to suggest that we are relevant for reasons only God can fully fathom (including God as a collective universal consciousness), or that we are nothing, adrift on an ocean of meaningless absurdity filled to the brim even to overflowing with other poor sots who were placed in the same fundamental predicament, which I think of as a certain paradox of leadership in the divided middle of an attachment to an outcome that is woven right into the very fabric of all existence in all of its forms. To be alive is to be attached. To be sentient and self aware is to have the capacity for freedom and for co-creation and participation.

Which raises the question - What ARE they all up to?!

What would, what DO they talk about?

Have we been dismissed entirely and written off?

Are we just cattle from which to milk our DNA for the seeding of other, "better" versions of human society and civilization?

What in God's name is really going on?!

So all I'm really saying here is that if the human being is relevant, then it would appear that Christianity has it's chip squarely in "the game", implying that all of heaven knew (for those who are in the know) precisely the how and why He was there on that fateful and dreaded day, and why that wasn't sufficient in the least to contain Him or to stop Him.

No I'm not saying that Jesus was an alien.

But I think I'm saying that I smell a conspiracy of sorts relative to powers and principalities and to the one true God right across the board and across the entire quantum and mind-body spectrum of all being and becoming, and through the divided middle (eye of the needle) between what is and what ought to be; a divided middle through which the love of God blew and blows like the wind in the Spirit and in the person of Jesus Christ (person of God. God is a person), even as an event or occurrence chosen by anticipation from a first/last cause. This is noteworthy, even if only for posterity and as a great work of all ages from age to age and from epoch to epoch. Question is - does it apply only to us?, and if so, it was certainly so over our heads that we didn't get it and were unable to decode it. But did anyone get it, did anyone (other than us) know or did it pass without notice, a mere 2000 revolutions of our sun, ago?

Can aliens cleave the meaning and significance from the words and actions of a certain leader and King and son of man? and why would they even bother to try? Does what I call His "double bind" works it's way outwardly (let all with ears, or their equivalent, let them hear!)?

And might a variation of Jesus and his great work of the ages have played itself out in an endless eternal recurrence? That's possible, but in a non-local, holographic universe of transluminal connectedness and interplay and communication, why would such a thing be necessary?

I think our problem is that it makes us look both too bad (we tried to kill him for being too good) and too good in putting a star on it and calling it the apex, however lowly the origins.

Or maybe the higher always and forever serves the lower out of love, to raise what is lowly, even out of a pit of hell, up and into ever increasing heights of knowledge and understanding and of dedication, commitment and striving as a type of universal arrow of civilized progress.

I'll be they get it and understand perfectly well, but shake their heads over our own ability not to understand and still further, to remain willfully ignorant and blind to our true nature and our true place in the grand scheme of things in such a way that is helpful and loving towards one and all, which isn't simply an American ideal by any stretch of the imagination.

I only hope that ATS is transmitted via quantum ansible communications to the larger intergalactic "Internet" of observers, or maybe it's only you, dear reader, whoever you are, who matters most as a true son/daughter of God and co-heir in an inheritance prepared from before the very foundation of the world, for which you did nothing and for which there is nothing we can do to either earn or deserve it.

So I think we're all royally screwed in the best possible way and that we're all in this together for better or for worse, humans and ET's both.

And may our world become a source of love, not hatred, of creation, not destruction, of good, not evil, and out of this Christian sentiment that's capable of saving the whole world, let us reach out to one another and for our star brothers/sisters/ants, and thank them and tell them we love them, and then some day when the time is right, the whole mountain will come to us, perhaps even while our first probe is on the way to Alpha Centauri because God and ETs probably love nothing more than a good joke since the greatest practical joke ever told was told and enacted from here of all places.

It's not solipsistic if it deals directly in a universal principal of authentic civilized leadership and an immovable standard of truth and justice.

Best regards,


edit on 1-8-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2017 @ 08:57 PM
That's funny, and I don't think it's just me, although someone's got to be willing to play the fool to bring such things to light as a distinct possibility.

"Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

And if any of it makes some of the natives restless, then so be it, because "what is bound on earth is bound in heaven also".

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