posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 03:27 PM
I dont know whether it is another “giving our sovereignity up” or not, but I agree at this point with sminkeypinkey: this is inevitable.
Adapt yourself to the ambient or die. Sometimes in the evolution the mutations can be painful at the beginning, but they are necessary. Europe is in
her own process of evolution right now.
Since there are not borders for the just and normal people, there are not borders for the criminals. So there must not be borders for the police, and
I would not like to see a national French police in Spain, as the French people would not like to have a Spanish national police in their country. But
that would be far least traumatic for me to see a French member of the European Police in Spain, as I guess the French people would understand the
presence of a Spanish member of the Europol in their country, when this is necessary.
Sharing also skills (for instance, the Brit and the Spanish police are the most experienced in Europe in terrorism issues, the Italians have a huge
experience in organised crime) has not other consequences than benefices for the other European countries. The eastern polices have a lot of
information about new eastern mafias, the French secret services are probably the most experienced in the World (no, it is not the CIA, the CIA is one
thousand kilometers away from the Frenchies at this point) in dealing with Islamic extremism, etc, etc, etc.
I support a higher development of the Europol.