posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 07:51 PM
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That is a fact, there is a video of a young blond German girl with a bruised face whom may be no older than 15 or 16,. (The soviet's raped any woman
they found in Germany and many of there victims' were actually forced workers from other European nation's but the bulk were German)
Also there are countless photo's often taken by the disgusted US and British troop's when they entered area's were the Soviet's had already passed
through of young German woman and girl's lying dead left as they were when mass raped to death, usually but not always they covered the body's with a
sheet or cloth.
Then there were the revenge massacre's of Ethnic Germanic - not German simply German speaking people's around Europe following the war, some of the
worse occurred in the former Yugoslavia but they also happened in many places.
War is hell but were the Soviet's were concerned most people lose sight of the fact that Stalin was actually as evil as Hitler and probably just as
insane too.
I would probably have wanted to kill the German's too but this was simply evil savagery and in no way justified, Stalin actually wanted to wipe the
German's out but was restrained by Roosevelt and by a very angry and upset Churchill whom in no way wanted to destroy the German's just the Nazi war
machine, Churchill even stormed out when Stalin wanted to simply kill the German officers with no trial.
It was an evil war but if you simply type "Soviet rape of German woman into google and then go to the image section there are many, many images of
corpses and not all are woman as many are small girl's.
But remember that these soviet soldiers had seen the mass graves of there own people, found out what the German's had done to there soviet prisoners
and to the Jews and other's in there death factory's the concentration camp's and knew that the Nazi's actually wanted to racially exterminate them,
to them a German was a NAZI they did not see the difference and indeed they had been told to kill all German's at many point's in the war, to bury
them and to eradicate them as they had wanted to eradicate the Russian's.
It was a war in which civilian's were the main target on all side's.