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The Last Taboo - Cannibalism.

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posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:13 PM
Personal Note: I was not fully prepared to present this thread - I've been waiting for about 2 weeks - but another thread has prompted me to do so, NOW.

I've done what I can working with Mods to make sure I've not included any content which would violate ATS T&C guidelines. (I've left out a number of pics, videos, links, etc).

Also - I'll not be able to respond to this thread beyond this evening - for at least a couple of days. Headed to the hospital.

But - ready of not - here it comes.

The Last Taboo - Cannibalism - (priest of Baal)

I am secure in the opinion we’re living in the last days. You can scoff, call it doom porn, I truly don’t care. I know - what I know - as so do many more who’re ‘watching’.

With the (obvious) rise of the ‘last taboo’ (cannibalism) and the wide spread acceptance of this practice - ’lost art’ some go so far as to say - I do believe the doors of hell have been opened.

Seemingly, cannibalism began it's journey into social acceptance back with the Donner Party and Alive.

Then, with a greater degree, The Silence of the Lambs movies unless you want to go back to Soylent Green.

Anyway, with the fantastic success of the Hannibal Lector movies?
It’s all gone down hill from there.
Flesh eaters in the bible we’re knows as demon eating.

Giants eating people (Bible Numbers 13:30-32 Giants eating people). Chuck Missler, Steve Quayle, many other’s who’re ‘watchers’ believe the same. They also believe we will see these 'giants' again, in the end times.

Steve Quail: Why is the media suddenly fascinated with eating human flesh? ‘The gates of hell have been opened’.

We’re bombarded from all sides either with a horrific fascination, or just for a good old laugh at something we wouldn’t have even talked about in private circles not only 25 years ago.

CNN dined with group of cannibals with India CNN Believer - drank alcohol from a human skull

(The bones weaved into this man's hair are not human - so don't freak out). 'RAW' "A teenage cannibalism drama just what America needs right now".
Winner of the Cannes.
Official Selection of Toronto International Film Festival.
Winner BFI London, Sitges and Fantastic Fest Film Festivals.

Critics call it ‘Masterful’ - ‘A coming of age movie’

(If that isn’t the truth right there)!

And it’s not just films, it’s books: Cannibalism: by Bill Schutt and many others titles I could I could list.

The web is crawling with the topic - You can even find Medical Daily comparing calories!

Cannibalism, The High-Protein Diet You've Never Considered; Yields Fewer Calories Than Eating Other Animals

National Geographic - The ultimate taboo is surprisingly common

5 tasty facts about human cannibalism

What kind of wine pairs best with human?

Bill Schutt actually asked that question at a wine store, while en route to a dinner party where the main course was the hostess’s placenta. The wine clerk had no answer for him.

Bravo TV

Cannibalism is totally natural and not at all as weird as you think What if your favorite food was illegal and you were demonized for eating it?

Sensational instances of cannibalism in the West, like New York City’s “Cannibal Cop”always hit the headlines. Why are we so drawn to the idea of people eating each other?

But now, the world knows his darkest secret. In 2012, Valle, an NYPD officer at the time and married father, was accused of plotting to kidnap, torture, rape and cook at least 100 women, including his wife.
Santa Clarita Diet: It's chic to eat your Neighbor! There's a trailer on YouTube but it was far too graphic to include in the thread.

The story line is simple. Mom’s dead and needs to eat people to stay alive. So let the whole family join in the killing and cover-ups. It's unbelievably graphic. Hard to believe even.

And then there's cannibalism in history. There's so much of it I'm going to leave it up to you to research - but there's lots out there on the topic.

Here's one though...

Why Robespierre Chose Terror

On the morning of the third, the prison of La Force was entered and here took place the murder of the Princesse de Lamballe. . . . The frenzy of the crazed and drunken murderers appears to have reached its highest pitch at La Force. Cannibalism, disembowelment and acts of indescribable ferocity took place here. The Princess . . . refused to swear her hatred of the King and Queen and was duly handed over to the mob. She was dispatched with a pike thrust, her still beating heart was ripped from her body and devoured, her legs and arms were severed from her body and shot through cannon. The horrors that were then perpetrated on her disemboweled torso are indescribable.

Throughout history men and woman have eaten their enemies and those who they held in great esteem, though there are those who say it isn’t a homage but the ultimate insult. Think about it... What goes in must come...out.

It’s not just Soylent Green anymore folks.

In comment/opinion:

I wont go into a list of the ‘despicables’ - the atrocities we 'accept' now as a society - I’m sure you see it around you everywhere and no reason to use up bandwidth in repetition. With this last taboo becoming, not one? As I said, I do believe we’ve gone, as a people, about as far as we can go.

As it was in the days of Noah...
Be prepared people. This isn’t going to be pretty. We’re at the end. And if you don't think so?

That book you call a 'farce'? Read all the prophesies foretelling how it would be in the end days - and then just look around you.


Added note: I could have added many theories on the Illuminati, the whispers of the killing and eating of children - but that's for another thread.
edit on 3626Wednesday201713 by silo13 because: Added note above

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: silo13

Interesting. We eat other beings because they are first nutritious (delicious!) but are not human. When we anthropomorphize various critters and swimmers, people can be turned off from doing so. Given a specific narrative playing out, one has to wonder if there is a de-humanising aspect to that for something like this.

Also, the newer Katy Perry video screams to your theory.

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: JinMI

... de-humanising aspect to that for something like this.

God love ya - EXACTLY!

I was so in hopes I would not have to spoon-feed that point and you nailed it right off!

I'll have to look up the new KP vid. I left her off my Ipod list a long time ago.


posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: JinMI

I skipped though it.

Yes, you did nail it.

There's nothing in the content that I can see would violate ATS T&C.
Eat up, U-mans.


posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:28 PM
There are also several cannibal references to the book and later screen adaptation of "The Road" starring Viggo Mortensen.

Much of the plot had to be removed from the movie because it was too graphic in its portrayal of cannibalism including a woman eating her newborn baby, a roomful of amputees that a family were slowly removing limbs to eat and a dead man who was gutted by his friends to eat.

Basic plot:

America is a grim, gray shadow of itself after a catastrophe. A man (Viggo Mortensen) and his young son (Kodi Smit-McPhee) wander through this post-apocalyptic world, trying to keep the dream of civilization alive. They journey toward the sea, surviving as best they can on what they can scavenge, and try to avoid roving gangs of savage humans who will turn them into slaves, or worse.

Reddit founder u/spez aka Steve Huffman is a member of a private cannibalism subreddit with only a handful of members.

MODS: if my description is too graphic please censor that part but not my entire post

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:29 PM
If what you say is true:

And then there's cannibalism in history. There's so much of it I'm going to leave it up to you to research - but there's lots out there on the topic. 

Than how can this be the "last" taboo ... it's been going on through out history... So much so according to you.

What's different about today?

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: silo13

Might be time to start checking the meat you buy from the supermarket , you sure those are steaks from a cow behind the plastic wrapper ?

We joke about Chinese eating dogs and cats they probably laugh about us eating each other.

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:32 PM
Absolutely stunning op- but I'm a little lost.

It sounds like you're being bombarded with this topic- can't go a day without it.

I don't think it's come to my attention in years. Last example I can think of was in Muppet treasure island.

Is it on the idiot box or something? Honestly feeling left out.

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: Kalixi

Thank you for bringing that up...

I didn't dare.

I've been walking on egg shells with this topic.

I want to get the word out - but - it's a fine fine line.



posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:32 PM
There's a disease that can only be caught through cannibalism:

Kuru is a very rare, incurable neurodegenerative disorder that was formerly common among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea. Kuru is caused by the transmission of abnormally folded prion proteins, which leads to symptoms such as tremors, loss of coordination, and neurodegeneration.

The term kuru derives from the Fore word kuria or guria ("to shake"),[1] due to the body tremors that are a classic symptom of the disease and kúru itself means "trembling".[2] It is now widely accepted that kuru was transmitted among members of the Fore tribe of Papua New Guinea via funerary cannibalism. Deceased family members were traditionally cooked and eaten, which was thought to help free the spirit of the dead.[3] Females and children usually consumed the brain, the organ in which infectious prions were most concentrated, thus allowing for transmission of kuru. The disease was therefore more prevalent among women and children. While the Fore people stopped eating human meat half a century ago, the disease lingered due to kuru’s long incubation period of anywhere from 10 to over 50 years.[4] The epidemic declined sharply after discarding cannibalism, from 200 deaths per year in 1957 to 1 or no deaths annually in 2005, with the last known kuru victim dying in 2009.[5][6]

I also believe that any surgical instrument used in brain surgery is discarded instead of being disinfected for future use because it can transmit Kuru.

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:34 PM
Ah, yes. Well technically bestiality is there with it, but the SJW's have been workering on getting that one opened up (also). There was one crazy thread recently, it went beyond the 'Furry Fandom' thing even. And tyhere are some other oddities like "Ecosexualism", although I dont know that they'd fall in with 'taboo', but they do help spell out the agenda. The agenda which by the way isn't just about people whom might be discovered being too far shamed, but about parading the smut down the street and expecting everyone to applaud them with raining walkways of rose petals.

CNN Host Eats Human Brain at Cannibal Barbecue in India

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: silo13

I also think we are in the last days but hadn't considered the popularization of offensive taboo breaking as an indicator. Because these things have been with us in some form or another since ancient times.

I actually think that the prophesied but unprecedented growth in knowledge is the best indicator.

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: silo13

And the scariest thing I find about The Road is that it would happen if a cataclysmic event wiped out all of the plants and animals

Maybe they're forcasting a future zombie appocalypse...

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
Absolutely stunning op- but I'm a little lost.

It sounds like you're being bombarded with this topic- can't go a day without it.

I don't think it's come to my attention in years. Last example I can think of was in Muppet treasure island.

Is it on the idiot box or something? Honestly feeling left out.

So glad you replied. Exactly what you said - is why I put time into this post and why I'm bringing it up.


Especially when you start looking for it. (Google it)...

Stunning how this abhorrent practice is being ‘normalized’ weaving it's way into our society - dare I say for our moral consumption... And we don't even ‘see it’ until it's brought to our attention.


posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:39 PM
Yep, gay marriage to cannibalism. Makes sense.

That is what this is really about, isn't it?

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: silo13

Cannibalism is a common enough occurrence within human history. Having said that, it doesn't make it right, and it is usually indicative of a societal breakdown of some sort. Generally it is because of a scarcity of resources but I do agree that there is a disturbing social aspect that seems to be trying to normalize it.

I think people are very fearful that we are entering an era where we will be faced with those kinds of survival choices. Also, we are very suspicious and fearful of each other right now and I think there is, in a weird and twisted sense a part of the human psyche that has that dark idea that eating another human being is the ultimate way to take power from that other human being. If you are afraid of a person, or all people really, taking their power and transferring into yourself, quite literally in the case of cannibalism, can be a powerful metaphor.

Very sick to be certain, but it is a consistent aberrant (and abhorrent) behavioral anomaly.

As an aside, I've felt that animal rights activists have been on this track for a while to be honest. Many of them are psychopaths looking for an socially accepted excuse for their maladaptive behavior.

*edited to add*

On another note, I think ya'll are completely missing the point on the Katy Perry video, but that's another topic.

edit on 26-7-2017 by redhorse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: DanDanDat
If what you say is true:

And then there's cannibalism in history. There's so much of it I'm going to leave it up to you to research - but there's lots out there on the topic. 

Than how can this be the "last" taboo ... it's been going on through out history... So much so according to you.

What's different about today?

Today it's becoming acceptable in Western civilization.

For the FIRST time...

It's 'lauded' as the 'ultimate release' - the 'ideal' - American's 'need'.

Before? Cannibalism was only slightly 'acceptable' - with noses turned up in the air - in circumstances such as in the disaster situation ALIVE where the soccer team had no other way to stay, alive.

Now? It's first on the menu.

The ultimate finger food.

edit on 3143Wednesday201713 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:43 PM

This movie use to frighten me when I was a kid. You should check it out.

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: DanDanDat

Ahhh, so I didn't sully do my research, there are even more movies out there.

Thank you for adding the info - it all helps.


Added Note:

The trailer takes you back into the 'glory days' in America - what the late 50's?
So - see, it's ok! It's a part of wonderful American heritage!

edit on 4951Wednesday201713 by silo13 because: trailer add - it's not graphic

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: silo13
a reply to: DanDanDat

Ahhh, so I didn't sully do my research, there are even more movies out there.

Thank you for adding the info - it all helps.


There are tuns of movies on the subject.

It would seem man's preoccupation with the taste of human flesh has been a round just as long as movies have.

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