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New DOC DUMP on JFK -- 3,369 docs released un-redacted; 441 never seen before

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posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 12:39 PM
I meant no ill will my friend
but my reply is this, the world is a bad place today yes ? What generation caused us to get here, yep you guessed it, you and your papas generation. Now take some blood pressure meds and come an join me in a game of call of duty, I've got snacks a reply to: VenatiusFortunatus

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: CuriousPaddy
I meant no ill will my friend
but my reply is this, the world is a bad place today yes ? What generation caused us to get here, yep you guessed it, you and your papas generation. Now take some blood pressure meds and come an join me in a game of call of duty, I've got snacks a reply to: VenatiusFortunatus

If you think this is bad., try to imagine how it would have sucked with a crook like Tricky Dick building a legacy of an even bigger CIA , or LBJ making a forever war for tthe profit to US corporations and big contractors. We altered the nations course, but like any big ship (of state) , it takes s long time to regain a true heading. Now your genetation needs to take the helm.
Could we have done better ? Sure.
But we didn't get our perfect world either. And now your age group whines because your not living the Life of Riley. ( look that one up.)

Do your part to change the world for the better. I wish you success. But crying doesn't help. I'll be rooting for all of you then.


PS I did my Call of Duty, both in uniform and as a civilian. You need to try the real world where the game isn't paused at will and a bad score can't be erased with a reset button.

No hard feelings. But our ( ancient ) generation didn't accomplish what we did by rolling over when harsh words ( or teargas and bullets) came along. Sorry if I sounded harsh.

edit on 24-7-2017 by VenatiusFortunatus because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-7-2017 by VenatiusFortunatus because: spelling

edit on 24-7-2017 by VenatiusFortunatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 08:53 PM
You don't sound harsh friend you just sound sour a little bit, it is still your generation that's in control. We are all capable until the day we die so instead of giving me directions in life about "my generation" put some of our own wisdom to good use
you done your call of duty in uniform can I ask what wars it was you fought in ? If its any within the past 40 years let it be known that you were duped by false intentions and maybe if you had the innernet like "my generation" you could have educated yourself and hung up that uniform as you didn't fight for my freedom you fought for the pockets of the generation before you. And maybe you didn't even fight just for freedom and only joined because it was the only job you Could get at that moment, they hand those out like candy
Anyways this has gotten off topic im here to see if ozzi was alone in killing the president of your generation. a reply to: VenatiusFortunatus

edit on 24-7-2017 by CuriousPaddy because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-7-2017 by CuriousPaddy because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-7-2017 by CuriousPaddy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 11:34 AM
Ive scoured through 4 of the files and havent found a lick of anything interesting. This may take a lifer on JFK research to figure out if any of these names/places etc matter.

posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: bknapple32
Ive scoured through 4 of the files and havent found a lick of anything interesting. This may take a lifer on JFK research to figure out if any of these names/places etc matter.

Agreed. Am about halfway through it and my increasing impression is that this is just chaff.

It's tempting to speculate that this load of garbage has been dumped on the public to lessen the anticipation of October's big release. On the other hand, if they can release this with a straight face, then it might mean that the promise to declassify everything is being strictly adhered to.

posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: audubon

If we follow the " they do it all in front of our eyes" One could assume there ARE in fact answers in there. But I see it being a case of a needle in a haystack that *they* have given us. IE... some interview with some person talking about someone of importance in relation to whereabouts etc

posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: bknapple32

Personal perspective: I use the US and UK Freedom of Information Acts quite a lot. One of the biggest lessons I've learned is that there are very, very few 'smoking guns' to be had. As in, it is almost never that someone will put something really incriminating down on paper, unless it's a real fluke accident (i.e., they didn't realise how bad it would look later).

Nearly everything that ever gets released is just some more tiles in a mosaic of information, that has to be carefully put together, and connected with other material to make sense. This stuff might be important, but it's hard to judge it in isolation, and very often you won't realise it's important till much much later.

If there's anything important in this new release of material, my money would be on the above - i.e., a fairly boring-looking document that suddenly slots into perfect place among something we had all thought was done and dusted years ago.

And (the kiss-off to this little ramble) the archivists themselves are in a worse position than the average JFK buff, because they not only have no idea of how any of it fits together, they don't even have a command of the subject in order to start making sense of it. This release has the look of 'take out the trash' day, and was probably the first lot of material they had finished with - precisely due to it having little or no obvious significance.

posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: bknapple32

So can we prosecute the directors of the federal reserve for killing him yet?

posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: audubon

Couldnt agree more.

Take out the trash day indeed. And I feel like the JFK buffs from you and me to historians, are in the best position to make heads or tails of any leads. I'd bet dollars to donuts a few CIA 20 somethings were tasked with this chore. Leaving interesting, yet seemingly inane, dots for us life-longers to be able to connect.

posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: tadaman

We're close, but not there yet. Close my friend... close......

posted on Jul, 27 2017 @ 12:20 PM
before bony old woman does not lie: it agent of cia , not USSR

posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 05:28 PM
Told you so:

originally posted by: audubon
If there's anything important in this new release of material, my money would be on the above - i.e., a fairly boring-looking document that suddenly slots into perfect place among something we had all thought was done and dusted years ago.

Turns out that some of these docs fit together in a new way that shows the CIA not only failing to disclose the "Get Castro" plots, but actively steering the Warren Commission away from them and silencing internal critics.

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