a reply to:
This can go either way for them.
At my last job I first suspected and then noticed that the fleet had illegal microphones that we werent told about. (Commercial truck fleet.)
I know what information people can have from me. I remember what I tell people. I find out what is said to them by others. I notice what they are
interested in, why they do things regarding that subject, what their modus operandi is for different contingencies, ect.
I ask very subtly without asking. What they say to each other, what people say about them. I have near inhuman hearing when I focus. I can hear
whispers across a room if there isnt too much noise pollution.
So I had each of the managers VERY well mapped out. I counted the cards so to speak.
So my bosses started to have information I knew I didnt give to them or that other teams wouldnt have.
One boss used to work as a forensic investigator, he was tricky but I caught him too.
I didnt say anything to anyone and waited. I actually never told anyone except ATS right now. Never will.
I would speak to the microphones when I knew they were listening. Have conversations with other managers and team mates I needed them to hear... Have
guided conversations with people I wanted to lead into subjects I wanted to touch on.
There was a law suit at one point and they were fishing every which way possible for that employee's possible defence.
Some context, they were insane. One manager would hide behind cars and in coffee shops with a camera to catch us slipping at different job sites.
The pictures would then show up as part of the presentation under things to work on at quarterly meetings.
They would bribe you for info on others. Work you less and so on. They wanted rats and total control.
I never cared since I actually love working. So I was a wild card in the deck. I would go above and beyond, inspect all trucks at my lot, fix issues,
report safety conditions, rat out thieves because screw them, and so on. They felt I was easy to control and was trying to drown in company kool aid.
I was. I love it.
So they end up getting a false take on me, one they feel they can exploit, and I keep working them into a near frenzy of wasted energy on dead
The law suit goes through, I come clean to my GM about all the illegalities, stolen wages, stolen tips by one manager, everything.
I had been seeding this conversation with everyone at the office through the trucks hidden mics.
My GM then basically admits to it all and dismisses it out of a sense of security with me. He thought I was smart but REALLY naive. I am the
manageable idiot remember?
I was recording everything.
I give them one more chance to make it right, they dont. They retaliate against the guy suing (will sue but not yet at this exact moment, only talked
about it) BASICALLY they fired him for asking for a damned lunch break, and we take everything to lawyer.
I was going to leave it alone, but at this point I have had enough of my coworkers being used, taken advantage of, canned for asking for things
dignity should keep people from having to ask for and so on. It got bad and sick.
I mean REALLY BAD for us before they knew we weren't illiterate assholes they could just fire OR pay what they felt. Before the lawsuit.
They had already retaliated against me when I asked for my stolen tips months before... 1 WEEK SUSPENSION. I was the top earner and the model
employee. No joke. Best client relations, leads, best track record.
I was kicking ass in every category and then some. I even designed and implemented a new position I invented for myself. I needed a supervisory role
to manage special projects and VIP clients among multiple teams for large sites. A job foreman position really.
They exploited my example and standard set to make this new money and time saving role. They were welcome to it. I enjoyed that aspect actually.
For all this trouble and effort I was thanked by punishment. I was making the manger who stole my tips THOUSANDS of dollars a week that they werent
getting before I joined up...... and they suspended me for trying to get 300 bucks in tips that a snake manager pocketed...
I was adult about it and tried to do the right thing... go through the right channels. Do the man thing and just talk face to face with the person I
needed to....and they were scum bags, so both this now fired guy who talked about suing beforehand and me get together....we both sued.
We actually started a class action against them with others who were fired for asking for raises or resisting free over time, things like that.
This is why I waited and gamed their system.
Had it not been for the microphones I couldnt have gotten past every obstacle they had set. I got in their minds by having direct access to their
minds under a very trusted medium....my "secret thoughts" they overheard by spying on me. That resource they thought they controlled.
They became my microphones. I used them when I wanted to make management do something, look into something, find something I wanted them too.
Whatever. I used them even for amusement. They were a great tool for me.
People need to stop acting like everyone's business is free to be bothered with. Sometimes things dont work out when people feel you went too far.
edit on 7 24 2017 by tadaman because: (no reason given)