posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 02:45 AM
dec22: First ten degrees of Scorpio. Disappointment in love or pleasure. Expected pleasure thwarted. Bestows death.
dec23: Second ten degrees of Scorpio. Harmony. Ease. Fertility. Not the gratification of artificial desires, but the fulfilment of the true will. One
of the best cards of the deck. Bestows patience.
dec24: Third ten degrees of Scorpio. Debauch. Addiction. False pleasure. External splendour, internal corruption. Guilt. Bestows deception.
dec25: First ten degrees of Sagittarius. Sudden flash of activity; too much too soon. Speech. Electricity. A telephone call, letter or message.
Bestows recklessness.
dec26: Second ten degrees of Sagittarius. Recovered balance and health. Success follows struggle. Change is stability. Bestows unrelenting force.
dec27: Third ten degrees of Sagittarius. Blind force. Violent energy. Obstinate cruelty. Self-devouring lust of result. Bestows kinship.
dec28: First ten degrees of Capricorn. Change. First manifestation of earth. Perpetual change maintains stability. Bestows regeneration.
dec29: Second ten degrees of Capricorn. Constructive energy. Crystallization of forces. Job. Concentrated effort rewarded now or in the future.
Bestows tactical thinking.
dec30: Third ten degrees of Capricorn. Unaggressive mastery over purely material circumstances. Security within protective walls. Law and order.
Bestows assets and property.
dec31: First ten degrees of Aquarius. Failure. Inadequate energy to maintain peace. Reason is undone by sentiment. Bestows defeat.
dec32: Second ten degrees of Aquarius. Intellectual endeavours rewarded. Equilibrium of moral and mental faculties. Bestows success.
dec33: Third ten degrees of Aquarius. Futility. Indecisiveness. Appeasement. Swimming against the tide. Insufficient energy and will to accomplish a
task. Bestows endurance.