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The Heavy Perception of Homoerotic Double Speak - All I Wanted Was A Drink

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posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 06:29 PM
I'm a social person. I get out and I have friends. I roll in several different circles from square family types (no offense meant) to strung out musician types. Rich, poor, intelligent, and dumb as a rock. I keep things diverse. But lately, over the past few months... I have noticed some very distinct patterns in how people are communicating and what topics appear to be on a lot of minds. It seems to me, that homosexuality, in some form or another, is an undercurrent that shows itself in MANY different topics of conversation, some subtle, some not so subtle.

It could be something as simple as a crude reference when hot dogs are being cooked, or when someone shows off their freshly grown zucchini. But the spookier times are when it also manifests itself in the passive, "between the lines" conversation. Almost like doublespeak

In these situations, I'm usually just sitting back, listening and observing, sipping on my drink... I'm not really part of the conversation. Referencing phallic objects, making off color/playful/goading comments in regards to same sex activity, that weird homoerotic "bro" speech... these are not really part of my vocabulary/vernacular. I just don't ever seem to go there...

It's not that I'm uncomfortable talking about it.... it's just that the intentions of the language come across as weird, repressed, insecure, double speak. It's like their psychology is playing "mirror mirror on the wall". Married, single, men, women, straight, gay, black, white, square, hippy, teacher, musician, accountant, etc, etc... doesn't seem to matter. All walks of life and different circles that don't overlap.

I feel like it's really something a lot of people are either thinking about, referencing, wishing for, joking about, etc etc.

Am I alone? Has anyone noticed this? It's like that old adage of... "Why is THAT on your mind?" ... but it's likely that if I had the audacity to bring it up, they would all turn on me, deny everything, and act like I was f#$@#% crazy.

I don't doubt that we as a culture are disgustingly oversexed by the media in general ... it just seems like it's got a new spin that's really picked up some steam and it always leans towards homosexuality rather than hetero.

Further reading that might help explain or shed light...

Debate.Org - Has the media glorified homosexuality? 84% Yes - 16% No

Data shows homosexuality overrepresented on the big screen

China Bans Gay Content From Internet - 2017

I think it's clear that the media is really forcing a lot of this on us... it seems to affect EVERYONE.

Do you think it's just the media? Is it an agenda? Or is the media just perceiving the public, and then feeding them what they inherently crave?

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: MarkOfTheV

I think it's clear that the media is really forcing a lot of this on us... it seems to affect EVERYONE.

Do you think it's just the media? Is it an agenda? Or is the media just perceiving the public, and then feeding them what they inherently crave?

Yes. There's an agenda. The media is "told what to say". So, it's not really the media as you know it. It's about who is controlling the media behind the scenes.

The faces of the people you see in the media, are just "the presenters."

Hollywood is "required" to put gay and lesbian scenes into every production coming out of the movie and tv industry today.

If they don't, they don't get funding for the production.

It's a long term agenda, I discusses this on ATS elsewhere.

Basically, we are rapidly moving towards "re-engineering" biological life, and need to "destroy" all the "preconceptions" people have about themselves, what it means to be human, what is life, remove the "bias" and "prejudice" that has built up through millennia of thinking like heterosexual mates on this planet. It is the real reason that gays are told they can't accept "civil unions" as good enough for partnerships, but it must be called "marriage", using the same term heterosexuals "destroy" the meaning of the word "marriage"..and attack the religious foundations of "life" on this planet...because we will be creating our own life soon!

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: AMPTAH

...what it means to be human, what is life, etc...

Those aren't the kind of thoughts and statements that people are going around displaying. It's got a distinctly dark, repressed, and perverse vibe.

It does not feel like enlightenment. It feels more like psychologically oversexed sheep who are subconsciously oozing some kind of new wave ideology.

(post by Liquesence removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
(post by MarkOfTheV removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 07:49 PM
If a dude pulls up at a gas station and asks you if you like baseball, say "Hell to the naw."
The next line may be "pitch or catch."
I kicked a dent in a car door over that nonsense.
Worst come on line ever.

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: MarkOfTheV
a reply to: Liquesence


Kinda feeling left out, or maybe ugly. No men ever hit on men. Hell, I was an alter boy in the Catholic chrch, and never even a second look.

edit on Sun Jul 23 2017 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: MarkOfTheV

originally posted by: AMPTAH

...what it means to be human, what is life, etc...

Those aren't the kind of thoughts and statements that people are going around displaying. It's got a distinctly dark, repressed, and perverse vibe.

It does not feel like enlightenment. It feels more like psychologically oversexed sheep who are subconsciously oozing some kind of new wave ideology.

Well it would be. You have a culture that is saturated in it and made to believe it's everywhere, even to the point of doubting themselves and those around them. There have been polls in the past that show people think 1 in 4 (25% of us) are gay even if they aren't themselves, so everyone is looking around at their four or five buddies and wondering who is.

And it dark and repressed or furtive or perverse because it's not natural, but everyone's afraid it is or might be for one of their friends, so they have to pretend they're all cool with it. Otherwise, they're homophobic and a hater now, and no one wants to be a hater.

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

...people think 1 in 4 (25% of us) are gay even if they aren't themselves, so everyone is looking around at their four or five buddies and wondering who is.

Exactly!! I feel like I can feel them looking around and wondering. It's like they are passively speaking in tongues and riddles to see who cracks or says the wrong thing so then maybe they can't point the finger. It's getting more and more apparent.

Suspicious minds man...

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 08:27 PM
Is there is an agenda of exposure? Yes.

Is society over sexualised in general? Definitely.

I see no harm in introducing gay characters into TV. We're here in society in real life anyways.

However, that does not mean that every gay character should be overly sexual either.

I think as a society in general we need to rethink modesty and dignity.
edit on 22-7-2017 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 08:27 PM


posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 08:31 PM


posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: AMPTAH

Tavistock. Theyre the ones who control the message and research social engineering outcomes

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: MarkOfTheV

originally posted by: ketsuko

...people think 1 in 4 (25% of us) are gay even if they aren't themselves, so everyone is looking around at their four or five buddies and wondering who is.

Exactly!! I feel like I can feel them looking around and wondering. It's like they are passively speaking in tongues and riddles to see who cracks or says the wrong thing so then maybe they can't point the finger. It's getting more and more apparent.

Suspicious minds man...

Elvis was sexy as hell.

Saying that doesn't make me sound gay, does it?

edit on 2017-07-22T21:27:54-05:002201722America/Chicago7 by c2oden because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

It could be something as simple as a crude reference when hot dogs are being cooked, or when someone shows off their freshly grown zucchini.

Yeah. Dick jokes are funny.

Almost like doublespeak

Read this again, dick jokes aren't doublespeak.

I feel like it's really something a lot of people are either thinking about, referencing, wishing for, joking about

joking about

Yeah... People have been joking about gay stuff and penises since we found out there was gay stuff and penises. This isn't new, I'm wondering if something inside of you has woken up and suddenly makes you notice.

act like I was f#$@#% crazy

... So not crazy. Slow, blind, prone to making something out of nothing...

What does this remind you of OP?

Calm down, genitals and gays are a part of life.

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

It's got a distinctly dark, repressed

Yeah, call other people repressed.

oversexed sheep

Are you in NZ?

oozing some kind of new wave ideology


posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Domo1

Dude you totally cherry picked all of that. There were many words between those few you chose that completely negate everything you said. That's a fail of epic proportions.

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

Oh be nice, I took the time to read that train wreck.

You're scared the media has suddenly influenced all your friends into making dick/gay jokes. I'd be more worried about your friends NOT making those jokes before. I think you just figured them out and perhaps are a little uncomfortable with the feelings they brought to the surface. Whatever those may be.

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

Star and Flag for "Coffee Talk".

I've definitely noticed an uptick in Double Entendre, though not so much in my day to day real world interactions, but definitely on the internet, and subsequently in my own mental conversations internally.

In the first instance (visually) it ranges from friendly banter insults and brotherly camaraderie to more blatantly competitive innuendo emphasizing or highlighting male fertility prowess - both instances decidedly male pastimes - but now more "out in the open" in mixed levels of polite company.

As a woman, it's someone unusual to look at or reference something innocuous and immediately have the "little voice" inside my mind make it a blunt sexual context. I find it slightly annoying, and immediately push the though out of my head because sadly, like most of the more recent resurgence of sexual or crass humor, it's not even remarkably funny in any context when too frequent, overdone or incessantly repetitious. It's a stupid repetition of junior high school humor, and these days I'm just too old for that.

There are also are so many fnords in advertising and design that hearken to the male genitalia anyway.

Don't get me started on Fire Hydrants or Domed Capitol Buildings.


I accidentally just made a double entendre right there!


Oh wait....I must just have a really filthy split-mind.

Sorry about that....I was once naive and more fun at parties.

But hey, if you think our culture is really making a big deal about human sexuality, I hear there are some Frescos and Bas Relief carvings in Ancient Temples out that would put the majority of our internet meanderings to shame.

Oh Humanity, don't ever change.

posted on Jul, 22 2017 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: Domo1

The irony being that all you got from the post was "dick jokes"

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