posted on Jul, 23 2017 @ 07:34 PM
For series, with the exception of Pratchett I tend to burn out after a book or two, but these are some of my favorites:
Phil Pullman's His Dark Materials series (probably #1 after Pratchett for me)
Scott Lynch Lies of Locke Lamora
RS Belcher - Sixgun Tarot, Shotgun Arcana
Patrick Rothfuss Name of the Wind
Gene Wolf Book of the New Sun
Joe Abercrombie Blade Trilogy
Michael Moorcook
GRRM's Game of Thrones
Stephen King's Dark Tower
Been meaning to read Hyperion for a while now... time to get to it after seeing some recommendations here
I'm also chuffed nobody's put Harry Potter yet
a reply to:
I read loads of both Fantasy and Sci Fi, and almost never about non-humans (Pratchett probably has the most out of what I read). I tend to read mostly
about wizards, or low tech second world fantasies.