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monk comes out of a ufo, Pournoy-la-Chétive, france 1954 (humanoid encounters)

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posted on Jul, 23 2017 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
a reply to: Gianfar

bingo! but jacques also said they are interdimensional wich i agree with him

I've studied Vallee's work and notes in depth. His work is well thought out based on specific data. But the fundemental flaw in his corelations lies in the limitations of his data, which is based primarily on a narrow band of 'high-strangeness' events, without the essential mix of other factors (purposely precluded) which are plainly dominant in the braod scope, and tend not to support, in fact contradict his basic premise or interpretations regarding the dynamic behavour of craft and beings. In the braoder scope however, there are other plausible explanations involving the utilization of quantum and subquantum technologies to produce the same behavioral dynamics Vallee and others say are indicative of dimensional attributes.

edit on 23-7-2017 by Gianfar because: sript

posted on Jul, 23 2017 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: Agnost
The article quoted in the OP was published in the regional newspaper Le Républicain Lorrain, Metz, France, page 6, October 10, 1954.

It seems 3 days later the same newspaper published another article: (Le Républicain Lorrain, Metz, France, October 13, 1954)

The "saucer" of Pournoy was only a vision

In a previous article, we had reported the statements of children who had seen, in Pournoy-la-Chétive, a "flying saucer" and a small man dressed in black. Since this day, the population had lived in fear of new appearances and locked up twice at nightfall. A discrete investigation, having been carried out, made it possible to identify the so-called "Martian" who is no other than an inhabitant of the locality.

Indeed, the latter being retained that day by his work, had not been able to go for grass for its rabbits before nightfall. Whereas he was at the exit of the village, close to the cemetery, and on the return way, he had to make use of his flashlight several times. Children playing in the vicinity were sized by fear and fled all trembling to the residence of their parents, in spite of the vain words of the "Martian", who tried to make himself be recognized. As for the flying saucer, no doubt that it was also pure imagination.


Nice work. I have no doubt that there are many such like it in our world of mythology.

posted on Jul, 23 2017 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: Gianfar

they arent extraterrestrial they are probally interdimensional

posted on Jul, 23 2017 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: Gianfar

the question however is why earth?
earth is just a boring planet, why the alien interest?

posted on Jul, 23 2017 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: Gianfar

i dont quite get what you are saying

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
a reply to: Gianfar

the question however is why earth?
earth is just a boring planet, why the alien interest?

I find human cultures extremely fascinating, ethnically diverse, steeped in ancient tradition, rife with profound knowing. Have had the good fortune to travel abroad and sort of lose myself in the various cultural identities. Societies are very imaginative in how they express their humanity in the symbologies of art and belief systems. The duality of psychosocial developments is relevant as both an organization of the procreative universe and thus consequential (influential) within its sphere of consciousness. All life is connected through the matter of consciousness, and thus at some level sharing information. Being as such, a more evolved species may feel morally obligated to monitor and perhaps intervene in a primitive society that is using science and technology it is not mature enough to control.

Certainly, there are multiple phenomenas involving ET visitors, interdimensional beings, even the entities of our collective psyches. We don't have to confine our considerations to one or the other just because a scientist writes a book. Scientists, after all, are much like statisticians who incessantly catalog data. Spread sheets aren't designed to reveal the reality. We are free thinking beings restrained only by the ability to imagine.

edit on 24-7-2017 by Gianfar because: script

posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 01:02 AM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
a reply to: Gianfar

the question however is why earth?
earth is just a boring planet, why the alien interest?

I asked this same question and if they exist the answer is very scary. They claim an alien ra e is staying hidden of course running experiments on us. If they were friendly they would just land and say hi. Since they aren't doing that that means they are plotting against us.

They obviously have little regard for us if they are willing to grab people up and run experiments like we do with mice. So they see us as a lower lifeform. By remaining hidden there showing us they mean to take over at some point and are probing for weaknesses.

I really truly hope aliens have not visited us if they have we are doomed. Because what they want is us and I don't want to know what they plan to do with us but it wouldn't be good.
edit on 7/25/17 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord

appologies - i CBA reading " robot translated " sources - its just not worth it

too much context and nuance is lost

posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: ignorant_ape


posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Gianfar

so they come here for the cultural difference?

posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

then why dont they just kill us already?

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
a reply to: Gianfar

so they come here for the cultural difference?

That may certainly be a significant part of the visitation mystery. Look, imagine us in the far distant future. We've come a long way from the days of petroleum powered machines and nuclear war heads. Many generations ago the planet came close to self-annihilation resulting in the great awakening. We came to terms with corruption, greed, unequal power. The world is no longer divided by war or languages, ethnicity, opposing ideological inferences, but has become scientifically homogeneous. Mastering genetic science to eradicate disease, to perfect health, longevity and our human body. We operate mining colonies in our system, creating a new powerful economy that wiped out poverty. We manufacture ships that can do interstellar travel in a short time. We use teleportation to transport materials with ease for the industrial complex. Using powerful radio telescopes we've discovered inhabitable planets and have recorded many new species and intelligent, yet primitive natives who are both amazed and terrified of our power. Having melded in purpose, realizing the mistakes, we've abandoned our own history for the opulence of science, peace, and prosperity. Now we take great notice of the ancient and colorful traditions steeped in spiritual rituals happening on developing worlds in our vicinity. We send thousands of our people in large ships to tour these exotic places.

We want so much to meet them, mingle with them and enlighten them, but they fear us and see us as angry gods wielding a powerful magic which could destroy them. They cannot comprehend what is quite understandable to us. We see as we study them how they suffer horribly in their ignorance and limited perceptions. We have reached our potential as mortals, but they are wallowing in the primordial muck, vexed in the jungle of spiritual darkness. Thus we feel a strong moral obligation to use our great blessing of life to help them, raise them up.

We know that full contact is both futile and detrimental to their social structure and if we truly care for them, we must reveal ourselves gradually as they develop intellectually. We've created a scientific protocol to test them for such developments. And we've decided to use our advanced sciences to help them grow, to help them advance their evolutionary disposition so that we can all be as one in the enjoyment of life. A team of our best scientists and psychologists have formed a special interstellar committee to enhance them through genetic manipulation and other means, including the sharing of information, knowledge. We can't just hand them technology. They wouldn't know how to use it, they wouldn't grow from it. We know that the benefits of science and technology come as societies learn to love one another and work together to build a better world. In their delicate state, they would just destroy themselves. And we would be responsible. Knowing who we are now, we feel likewise obligated to do what is wihtin our power, share, so that others, our brothers, our terrestrial children - can reap the greatest benefit possible from precious life, even as we do.

edit on 26-7-2017 by Gianfar because: script

posted on Jul, 26 2017 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: humanoidlord
a reply to: Gianfar

the question however is why earth?
earth is just a boring planet, why the alien interest?

I asked this same question and if they exist the answer is very scary. They claim an alien ra e is staying hidden of course running experiments on us. If they were friendly they would just land and say hi. Since they aren't doing that that means they are plotting against us.

They obviously have little regard for us if they are willing to grab people up and run experiments like we do with mice. So they see us as a lower lifeform. By remaining hidden there showing us they mean to take over at some point and are probing for weaknesses.

I really truly hope aliens have not visited us if they have we are doomed. Because what they want is us and I don't want to know what they plan to do with us but it wouldn't be good.

Perhaps you ask the wrong question. It's not about 'if they exist', but 'how did they get to where they are?' Any civilization that has survived the flash point of its evolutionary status Vs the innate propensity to self-annihilate would have had to mature enough to heal the corresponding social dilemma. It would've learned to overcome war, greed, economic servitude, etc. Then the planet would be able to unite in all efforts for the common good in the economy of science and technology. They would become a nation-planet within the broadest social beneficence. From that premise, anything would be possible. Any civilization that has obtained the magnificent ability to visit us from such a distant place, would have to be a people in high standards. The key to understanding this point is based on the duality of our existence. There are only two basic emotions that intelligent beings can operate from. Love and fear. Could an evil race obtain such magnificent knowledge and power to enslave us all? No, because there is more benefit in doing good (love) and societies that yield to selfishness and destruction perish. There are many historical examples in human history. And it is the universal law. Fear and love, the duality of our existence and the nature of life itself. In essence, life and progress cannot exist without benevolence. So, you've nothing to fear and everything to gain.

edit on 26-7-2017 by Gianfar because: script

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Gianfar

but still should we ignore the interdimensional theory yet?
it explains way better te higher strangeness encounters than the extraterrestrial theory does
for the time being im still sticking with the interdimensional theory
i remenber once hearing an encounter where a man said he entered an ufo, while his friend saw he enter an bus that misteriously dissapeared
we could claim this is just an "screen memory" but that is just an handwave, an way to we to ignore the unfortunate implications
and what do we make of the people that saw bigfoot exiting an ufo? similar species?! what do we make of mothman sightings that were proceded by ufo sightings? an coincidence?! what do we make of the skinwalker ranch? an hoax?! what do we make of the sightings of ufos making stuff that is just impossible? advanced tech?! what do we make of the joe simongton sighting were aliens litteraly cooked pancakes for him? an dumb hoax?!
and now for the smoking gun:
you can say whatever you want but: UFOS LOOK NOTHING LIKE REAL SPACESHIPS! dont believe me? well take a look at this amazingly well researched article:
do ufos have heat radiators? no! do they have engines,hell even bizzare exotic ones like the orion drive? no! if we are to believe abductee and contactee reports they instead have an bizzare glowing thingy in the center of the ufo that somehow keeps it afloat!
do they have an habitation module? no, the entire ufo is pressurized! do they have an airlock? no,they have an completely unprotected door to outside!
do they have an spacesuit? well sometimes but that is mostly in older (50's to 70's) reports nowdays they like to walk stark naked just fine
i could go on and on but my point has been made

posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
a reply to: Gianfar

but still should we ignore the interdimensional theory yet?
it explains way better te higher strangeness encounters than the extraterrestrial theory does
for the time being im still sticking with the interdimensional theory
i remenber once hearing an encounter where a man said he entered an ufo, while his friend saw he enter an bus that misteriously dissapeared
we could claim this is just an "screen memory" but that is just an handwave, an way to we to ignore the unfortunate implications
and what do we make of the people that saw bigfoot exiting an ufo? similar species?! what do we make of mothman sightings that were proceded by ufo sightings? an coincidence?! what do we make of the skinwalker ranch? an hoax?! what do we make of the sightings of ufos making stuff that is just impossible? advanced tech?! what do we make of the joe simongton sighting were aliens litteraly cooked pancakes for him? an dumb hoax?!
and now for the smoking gun:
you can say whatever you want but: UFOS LOOK NOTHING LIKE REAL SPACESHIPS! dont believe me? well take a look at this amazingly well researched article:
do ufos have heat radiators? no! do they have engines,hell even bizzare exotic ones like the orion drive? no! if we are to believe abductee and contactee reports they instead have an bizzare glowing thingy in the center of the ufo that somehow keeps it afloat!
do they have an habitation module? no, the entire ufo is pressurized! do they have an airlock? no,they have an completely unprotected door to outside!
do they have an spacesuit? well sometimes but that is mostly in older (50's to 70's) reports nowdays they like to walk stark naked just fine
i could go on and on but my point has been made

Scientifically speaking, there are only three dimensions in which we all exist. So, where do these interdimensional beings come from? If you are a disciple of Vallee, his theories are personal, nonscientific interpretations and beliefs. Lets not forget that Vallee got his ideas from Dr J Allan Hynek, a physicist hired by the US government in Project Blue Book, to debunk all UFO reports. Before you 'believe' what others claim to be true, you should really consider his background and personal integrity. It also helps to get an elementary education in science and cosmology. If you don't understand the makings of the universe, you could be led astray by anyone with a good book.

posted on Jul, 9 2018 @ 08:25 PM
The Vatican, France and the UK have been notoriously using man-made machines resembling flying saucers for political scaremongering, especially against the USA during the 50s and 60s

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