The same prosecutor who just petitioned the
court -- and it was granted -- to ban any and all discussion of the 1st and 2nd amendments of the Bill of Rights in the Bundy Standoff trial.
Apparently our Attorney General doesn't think our enumerated rights have a place in a criminal trial either. I'm not surprised, since he's had
plenty of time to address the first kangaroo court and has not, but I really hoped-against-hope for better. Sadly, it looks like the second trial
will be a repeat of the first. I'm always disappointed to have my worst suspicions confirmed.
Of course -- LOL! -- he also stated that he will not take sides or comment on the case. Um, yeah, too late -- he just did.
I know this isn't ground shattering information, but I thought others still interested and paying attention to the Bundy trials might be interested
to know as well... and anyone still interested in our Bill of Rights.