I needed a “boss” for an upcoming session while the party is in a new town dealing with a guild of adventurers funded by an unknown
person(beholder) that seem to always be where the party is, minutes before they arrive. The bounties are being taken up and cashed in left and right,
leaving our brave crew to lose money and resources.
The Beholder.
One of the most infamous monsters in Dungeons and Dragons, an egomaniacal floating eyeball with numerous slithering and alert eye stalks each
possessing a unique power it uses to control the environment and all trespassers.
Apologies for the formatting!!
He started off as a ball of aluminum foil and a fractured marble that looked like an iris, and a stick up its rear. With a fresh pack of Sculpy
oven bake polymer clay I built his round (m)ass , wound up some wire for eye stalks and before I knew it he was surprised as I was at the progress!
Time to bake it to give a solid point to contunue layering.
Put a lid on it; eye lid in place its not so silly now, but its an absurd monster to begin with!
Adding some flesh to the stalks was difficult, sculpy is pretty soft and tacky requiring me to keep dry clean hands and tools. Water helps but if you
get it on a surface you want more sculpy on, its not going to stick like regular clay would. I found lightly smearing the finger prints down and
using a tool helped, albeit slowly. Bake it again!
Here he is fitted with his new dentures, lookin’ good buddy!
The mouth is toothpick ends with a strip of clay across for gums and textured in.
The eye stalks are still in progress… it was tedious doing 12 of them. I rolled a dozen balls and baked them, then worked them onto the stalks and
textured them in. I went back to the manual and found they only have 10 stalks but we can fudge those rules while the game is on! This isn’t
Warhammer where WYSIWYG is a rule.
Base colors! Once all the sculpting is done and baked I hit the whole thing with a dark red- “Tuscan Red” apple barrel brand. He will be
pretty dark once finished, this is Ok.
I made a black and brown mix wash to cover the whole deal, darkening the red in successive coats and pooling up in the recesses. Essentially it’s
a watered down black and brown with dawn dish soap added in to break surface tension and push all pigments into corners and deep areas. Kind of dark
here but once its dry and the highlights begin, the pools of wash will even out.
Here you see the dried wash after maybe 5 coats. Working a few extra layers on the ends of the stalks to darken them to black, contrasting the
eyeballs. I applied it sloppily in the last few to mottle up the overall undercoat for a bit of realism… relatively real I mean.
Heavy drybrushing of the original red, the eye is a glass marble so I was able to rub off the paint easily.
Details! Teeth and eyeballs both began with a beige, shaded with Citadel brand chestnut colored wash. Chestnut wash in successive layers to darken
it quite a bit, leaving a nice color for a monster’s lidless eyeball! I began the shapes of the irises with black and white base for the bright
colors to come.
Here he is completed! I wanted each eyeball to be unique to represent different powers they have. I didnt assign the eyes to powers literally, just
need to be different from the rest in some way. It hit them all a few times with gloss varnish, it helps sell the eye shine effects I painted in.
The back. Hard to get a pic of all the eyes but you get the idea!
Next is the base, something he is hovering above. I’ll get to it this weekend, I have time for this as he will be the bad guy for a quest thread
a few sessions away. I’ll probably p[ost in-game pics like last time, whenever we get to play it.
I hope you all enjoyed my second sculpture, it was fun but I don’t think I’ll have the energy to do more eye stalks!
Next? Purple Wyrm, but I need a lot of clay for that beast!
Thank you and have a nice day